Chapter 33

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I stare at magic's small body in the hospital bed in front of me, my chin resting on the palm of my hands. "You, know, if it wasn't for you, she'd be dead." Helen says softly, walking into the room and sitting on the chair next to me. I nod my head a little, looking down. "I should've come earlier... She called me like a week ago and was crying... I should've come then." I say quietly. Helen shakes her head. "We probably wouldn't have let you in." She says honestly. "Why?" I ask, confused. "Magic didn't tell you?" She asks. I shake my head. "Before we found the drugs in magic's room, we had someone do a background check on you." She tells me, making me inwardly groan. A few minutes go by of us not saying anything, just looking at magic. Helen sighs. "That's all in the past though... I've thought it through, and you seem to be the best thing for magic." She says, looking at me. "Really?" I ask, hopeful. She nods, giving me a small smile. "Steve is gonna need a lot of convincing, but yeah." She says, making me hug her. "Thank you." I tell her honestly. She laughs, patting my back. "You're welcome." She says as I pull away. She gets up and leaves me alone with magic, who the doctors said was sleeping off the medication they had to give her. I hear her groan a little, her eyebrows scrunching together. Her eyes slowly flutter open, a frown etched in her face. I smile at her, making her look at me. She sighs, her head falling back and hitting the pillow. "It didn't work." She huffs, blowing a puff of air out and making me frown. "Magic, you should be happy that you're still alive, baby." I say softly, holding her hand in mine. Her eyes well up with tears and she looks me dead in the eyes. "I just wanted to die." She says, her voice cracking. My heart sinks, and I bite my lip, trying to swallow the lump in my throat. "Don't say that." I whisper, because I can tell that she means every word. "I'm sorry." She breathes, looking away. "It's ok to feel like that, because I'm gonna protect you." I say, getting up and sitting on the edge of the bed. Magic looks at me sadly. "You always say you're going to, and then you're not there when I need you." She mumbles, her eyes holding hurt. "You have to call me when you feel this way, I can't tell when you're sad when I'm not there." I tell her, running my fingers through her hair. She nods a little, her eyes filling with tears. "I'm sorry I did that. I-I don't want to die if you're here." She whispers. I connect our lips, closing my eyes tightly. I try to convey everything that I want to say; that I'll protect her, love her, cherish her, and be with her forever. But the most important thing that the kiss was saying, was to me. It was telling me that she's really still here and it didn't work and that I need to make her see how much I love her. "I love you." Magic whispers, out of breath. I lick my lips, breathing a little heavier. "I love you too." I mumble, brushing our noses together, my eyes still close. Magic pulls me closer to her by wrapping her arms around my neck. She hugs me tight, and I feel tears seep into my shirt. I carefully move so I'm laying next to her and I wrap my arms around her, making her lay almost on me. "I d-don't wanna live like this anymore. I j-just wanna f-feel h-happy and al-live." She sobs as I rub her back. I burry my face in her hair, which smells like blue berries from her hair dye and mint from her shampoo. I start to tear up, and close my eyes. "I know baby, and I'm gonna do my hardest to make you feel happy." I say softly. She nods against my chest and we lay there until she falls asleep. When I notice she's asleep, I carefully slide out from under her and go in the hall. I pull out my phone and bring it to my ear after dialing a number. "Hey." Renee's voice says sensually. I sigh, smiling slightly. "Hey." I say, leaning against the wall. "Was magic ok?" She asks. "Why would you care? You're not supposed to." I chuckle. Renee giggles. "Just because we're lovers doesn't mean I can't have a heart." She jokes. "Aye, I guess you're right... Listen... We need to talk." I say, blinking slowly. Renee sighs. "About what?" She asks, already mentally preparing herself. "I-I can't do this to magic anymore. I love her too much." I say honestly. "Fine." Renee blurts out. "I still wanna be friends... I guess that's all I really warned to begin with." I explain. Renee scoffs. "You didn't wanna 'just be friends' when you were screaming my name... But whatever. Don't hurt magic, she's too innocent." Renee says, before hanging up. I sigh, running a hand through my hair. That could've gone better. I look at my phone and dial roman's number. "Hey man, Vince was wondering where you were, because you missed the SMACKDOWN taping-" "magic tried to kill herself." I blurt out, feeling the familiar lump in my throat. "Shit, man. Is she ok?" Roman asks. "I don't think she is... Mentally." I say, sighing. Roman takes a deep breath. "Can I come see her?" He mumbles. I instantly start to think back to when magic cheated on me with him, but push it away. "Yeah, of course. Do you wanna bring Seth too?" I ask. "I'll ask him. Tell her we love her though." He tells me. I nod. "Yeah, I should probably go. I'll talk to you later, text me when you'll be here." "Ok. Bye." We hang up and I walk down the hall to the waiting room to get a bag of chips or something. "I don't like you." Steve says next to me. I look at him, pressing the button for Cheetos. "I know, the feeling's mutual." I say honestly. He squints his eyes at me. "You really were cheating, huh?" He says slowly. I look away, grabbing the food. "You seem to be forgetting the time magic cheated on me with my best friend in your house." I say, opening the bag. "That's the reason then, you're insecure about your relationship." He says, smiling evilly. I roll my eyes. "Stay out of my relationship." I grumble, pushing by him.

2 days later


"Hey romes, hey Seth." I say brightly, as I open the door for them. They smile at me and Seth embraces me briefly. Roman looks me over after Seth walks in to talk to dean. "You're in a bathing suit." Roman points out the fact that I'm in a bikini, the bottom black with white skulls and the top half black with white skulls, and the other half white with black skulls. I look down at myself. "Yeah, I am." Roman hugs me quickly before walking inside. I close the door and follow him out onto the back porch where dean is sitting in a chair, Seth sitting next to him talking. My mom is in the kitchen, washing dishes, my dad cooking burgers and hotdogs on the grill, even though I've been a vegetarian for a few months now. "Magic! Can you come here for a minute?" My mom asks. I walk back into the kitchen to see my mom smiling at me. "I'm glad to see that you're feeling better now." She says happily. I smile back at her. "Yeah, me too." I side hug her before walking back out to the backyard and sitting on dean's chair with him. "So, I was just telling dean about how Vince said there's a spot opening up in the training center." Seth says, smirking mischievously at me. My eyes widen and I shake my head. "No, no, no. No way." I tell him. "Please magic? You'd be so good as a wrestler! And we could train you!" Seth pleas. I look at dean who shrugs his shoulders. "I kinda agree with this one, M. I think something like this would help you to blow off some steam and help keep your mind off of things." Dean says honestly. I look back at Seth who has his hands together, whispering 'please' over and over again. "I'm only 17." I point out, looking between both of them. Seth smiles, knowing he's cracking me. "They don't need to know that." Dean says slyly. I shake my head, laughing at them. "Fine. But you're going to have to talk to my parents about this." I tell them, leaning back a little. "Tell your parents about what?" Roman asks, sitting next to Seth. "They want me to become a wrestler." I sigh, rolling my eyes playfully. Roman's eyes light up. "I'll help train!"

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