Chapter 16

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"What happened roman? What's wrong with dean?" I ask frantically. "Roman? Dean? Weren't those the names of those wrestlers she likes?" I faintly hear Steve say. "D-did you see the news?" Roman asks and I can hear that he has been crying. Tears streaming down my face, I answer him, "yes. Wh-where's dean? What happened to dean?" I ask, my voice rising a little. Rachel gets Helen and Steve out of the room. "He, he was there. We all were. Magic, I need you to come down here. It's not just dean, it's Seth. They're both in ICU. I-I was across the street, getting dean some of his tape for his hands when it happened... Magic. They were rehearsing our match with punk, John, and Daniel. They were in that ring when it happened!" He slightly yells, sobbing into the phone. By now, I've fallen over onto my side and haven't moved as the tears poured from my face. "Roman. I need you to be able to fly me out there on the soonest flight they have. Do you understand?" I say calmly. "Yeah. J-just hurry up. I-I'll have randy pick you up at the airport." He says and I see Rachel walk in, crouching down in front of me. "Ok. If you can, tell dean I love him. And Seth too." I say. "Ok. Bye magic. I'll text you the information I guess." Roman says, sniffling. "Ok. Bye." I say, roman hanging up. I listen to the noiselessness of my phone and Rachel pries it from my grip, sitting me up and leaning me into her. "Was dean..." She trails off. I nod, crying so hard that I'm shaking. "Helen and Steve want to know what happened... I told then that you'd tell them soon." Rachel explains. I nod, closing my eyes and clutching onto her sleeve.


I wake up on the couch, my head throbbing, and my eyes puffy. I sit up and see a worried Helen sitting next to me. "Can you explain?" She asks, her voice jagged. I nod, throwing my legs in front of me and placing the blanket in my lap. "It all started when I was with my so called 'parents'. Dean and I started talking and he was kind of my life line...


After I finished explaining everything to Helen, though conveniently leaving out the drugs, her face is in awe and shock. She sits there motionlessly, a furrow in her eyebrows. "You can go see him." She whispers. "What?" I ask in shock. "He seems like a really good guy, magic. Asides from him being older and sneaking around with you, anyways. I think you should go see him if you want to." She says, smiling sweetly. My face brightens. "Really?" I ask hopefully. She chuckles, nodding yes. I squeal, attacking her with a hug. "Thank you!" I shriek, burying my face in her neck. We lean back and I sit back down. "I really love him, Helen. What am I gonna do if he dies?" I ask, the tears finding their way back to my eyes. "He's not gonna. Do you really think that the doctors are gonna let him die? He's a person first of all. And that's what doctors specialize in, fixing people. And he's a wwe superstar, it'd be so much bad publicity if they let him die if they could save him. He's going to be alright, magic. Trust me." She explains, smiling. I nod, wiping away my tears. "Ok. I'm gonna go to bed." I say, getting up, side hugging her. And going to my room. I fall asleep wishing and hoping that dean is ok.


"Hey." I say, poking roman on the shoulder. He turns and instantly hugs me, as we cry. "Any news?" I ask after a few minutes. He shakes his head no and we both sigh. I sit down in a chair, while roman paces back and forth. A doctor comes out with a clipboard. "Someone by the name of roman?" She asks. Roman and I look up at her, standing up and rushing over to her. "Yes, that's me." He says, worry in both of our faces. "I'm sorry. But dean and Seth... They've passed away." She says, sorrow filling her features.


I shoot up in bed, sweat dripping down my face, neck and chest. Breathing heavy, I fling the covers off, hugging my knees to my chest. I start to silently cry, shaking. Someone knocks on my door and I look up. The door opens slowly and Rachel stands there, my phone in her hand. "Hey magic. Roman's on the phone." She says, handing me my phone. "Hello." I ask, hoarsely. "Hey. Um... Your flight leaves at 8. All you have to do is pick up your ticket at the desk. It's under your name. Randy will be waiting for you when you get to the other airport." Roman says, his voice sounding tired and scratchy. "Ok. I'll be there. H-have you heard anything about them?" I ask, getting up and walking over to my dresser. "No. They haven't said anything. They've been in surgery since last night." He replies. "Ok. I'm gonna go get ready. Please call me if you hear any news." I say, grabbing a pierce the veil T-shirt and some purple skinny jeans. "Yeah, of course. I'll see you soon." He says, then we hang up. I jump into the shower and then get dressed after.


I walk into the airport after getting off of the plane, my bag on my shoulder. "Magic! I'm over here!" Randy yells, jumping up and down. I laugh a little, walking up to him. "Hey there Randal." I say, falling into him. "Hey there kid, let's get out of here before people notice it's me." He says, taking my bag. We walk outside and get in a cab.


Sorry for the short update lovelys. Wanted to get a chapter up before royal rumble.

^.^ (that face was for you daja)

Needed to get this published for a very needy friend ;) jk, jk. Love you

If you haven't, check out bdoll98 and her story. She's an AMAZING writer.

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