Chapter 41

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1 1/2 years later

I smile to myself as I put the last box into dean's car. "You done already?" Dean asks, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. I turn my head and kiss his cheek. "Yep. All I have to do is say bye." I say. Dean nods and we walk back inside. Today is the first official day of summer after my senior year in high school, which I got to take online. Dean offered for me to move in with him, which I happily agreed. "You can't leave us." My mom says, wrapping me tightly in her arms. I laugh, hugging her back. "Mom, I'm only going to be about 30 minutes away." I groan, playfully rolling my eyes. She steps back, wiping the tears from her eyes. "I know... But I've gotten so used to you being around and now you're leaving." She says, smirking at me. I nod in agreement, hugging her quickly again. "You guys will be fine." I tell her. "You better take good care of her." Helen says, wrapping dean in her arms, making me laugh a little at his shocked expression. Dean apprehensively embraces her. "Oh I will." He says. "You better." Steve says, looking dean up and down. He then turns to me, crushing me in a hug. "I'm gonna miss my little girl." Steve says in my hair. "Dad, you've only known me for like 3 years." I mumble, my voice muffled in his shirt. "I know." He says, letting go. He looks at dean and gives him a weird man-hug. "You know something ambrose, you're not that bad." He says, making me grin stupidly. Dean gives him a shocked expression. "Thanks, sir. I'll see you around." He says, smiling at him. We say bye once more and get in the car. Dean starts it and we drive away, me still grinning like an idiot. "Are you ok?" Dean asks, chuckling. I nod, looking at him. "I think he finally likes you." I say, leaning my head on dean's shoulder. "I think so too." He agrees, holding my hand.

"What are you doing?" Dean asks, walking into his bedroom with a glass of water. I look at him while jumping up and down on the bed still. "Jumping." I reply casually, brushing hair out of my face. Dean chuckles, setting down the cup and laying down on the bed on his side. "Going to sleep already?" I ask, twisting while jumping. Dean laughs, shaking his head. "I was going to, but it's more entertaining watching you jump from this angle." Dean smirks, tilting his head a little. I laugh, plopping down next to him so I'm laying next to him on my stomach while he's on his back. He wraps his arm around my shoulders, playing with the sleeve of his button up shirt I'm wearing. "Where'd you find this anyway?" He asks, bringing me closer to him by placing a hand on my hip. "In your closet when I was putting my clothes away." I tell him, tracing little patterns on his bare chest, my head on his shoulder. "It looks good on you." He says, pecking me on the lips. "Thanks. But you look better on me." I whisper seductively, leaning over him and pecking him on the lips. He grabs me by my hips and kisses me again a few times. "Why don't I give you a little 'welcoming gift' for living here now?" Dean asks suggestively, rolling over so I was pressed between him and the bed. "Hmm, that'd be nice." I breathe, pulling him closer to me by pulling his head to mine. "Mm... Yay." He mutters, undoing the first few buttons on my shirt.

My phone ringing brings me out of my sleep, and I groan, pushing my face deeper in the pillow. Dean groans too, cuddling me closer to his chest. It rings again and I stumble out of bed and over to my phone. "Hello?" I ask groggily. "Hey there girl." Seth says in a girly voice. I chuckle a little, closing my eyes. "What do you want, Seth?" I ask, making Seth laugh. "Aw, did I wake the little sleeping babies?" He teases. "Go to hell Seth! We're tired, we had a long night!" Dean yells, making me blush. "Ewwwwww!" Seth yells, and I hear the sound of him dropping the phone. I laugh a little and crawl back into bed with dean, melting into his side. "Anyways, I called to see if you were coming with dean to RAW tomorrow? It's in Portland Oregon." Seth says, returning to his gleeful state. I look up at dean, who has his eyes closed. "I don't know. He hasn't asked." I tell him. "Ok. Well can you please? Me and roman miss you." He begs like a little child. "I will if he wants me to. But tell roman I said hi and that I miss him too." I say, pulling the blankets back over me. "Do you not miss me?!" He shouts, making me open my eyes more, pulling back the phone. "Down boy, down. Of course I miss you too. But roman's not on the phone for me to tell him." I explain, giggling a little. "Tell him you're coming with me so he'll leave us alone." Dean mumbles, burying his face in my hair. "Dean said I'm going with him." I say, yawning. "Yay! Alright, I'll let you go so you guys can sleep and stuff." He says excitedly. "Ok. I love you Seth." I say, closing my eyes. "Love you! Tell dean I love him too!" He says before hanging up. I toss my phone on the bed. "Seth says he loves you." I whisper, squeezing my face in between his chest and the bed. "Hmm, that's nice." Dean mutters, pulling me closer to him. "We could get up, ya know. It's like 1." I tell him, sighing. "Our plane is supposed to take off at 6am tomorrow." He yawns, sitting up. I sit back up, my jaw dropped. "Are you serious?" I ask. He nods, running his eyes. "Yep. Good morning." He pecks me on the lips and rolls out of bed. I groan, falling back onto the bed. "I hate you for this!" I call out jokingly. "Love you too!" He yells back and I hear the showing starting. I grab my phone and notice I have a text from roman. After me and dean went on that little vacation over a year ago, roman and I talked, and now we're really good friends again.

24 hours later, we are now at the arena for RAW. "Come on dean, can I please go and see the ring while it's empty?" I draw out my words, swinging our hands as we walk through the hall. "No. I'm hungry and then I have a meeting thing with Vince and Seth." Dean says, kissing the top of my head. I roll my eyes lightly. "Why can't you take me after?" I suggest. "Because by then there will be fans inside." He informs me, making me groan. "Fiiiiine." I groan. Dean laughs, wrapping the arm around me that's holding my hand. "You'll be ok. I'll take you to the ring tomorrow." He assures me. "Ok. Let's go see Seth and roman! We haven't seen them yet." I say, tugging on his arm. "I'm sure they'll be at catering. So let's go there." Dean says, making me groan. "You're no fun." I pout. "Oh I'm plenty fun." Dean smirks, pecking me on the lips. "Indeed you are." I agree. "Yay! Catering!" Dean says, pulling me into catering. I roll my eyes at his child-like behavior and we get food and sit down with Seth and roman. "Well, how does it feel to finally be free?" Seth asks, a huge grin plastered on his face. "Weird. Like, it doesn't feel different really." I say, shrugging. "It should. You're finally out of school forever." Roman says, making me smile with them. "Yeah I guess... But I don't know if I wanna go to college or not." I shrug, stealing some of dean's food. "Hey!" He pouts. "College is great and everything, but you would have to try really hard on it." Roman tells me. I nod. "I know." "And you'd have to stay there everyday." Seth adds, making me nod again. "... I know." "And you wouldn't be able to spend as much time with us." Dean says. I nod. "So... College is out. But I'm gonna need a job." I say, sighing. They all exchange glances before smiling devilishly. "I think we could take care of that." Seth says evilly. I groan, laying my head on the table. "I'm not wrestling, we all know how terrible that turned out." I mumble. "You won't have to wrestle." Dean says, and I can hear from his voice that he's up to no good. "But you will be able to travel with me." He adds, and I can hear the smirk in his voice. This oughta be good.

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