Chapter 29

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"What happened roman? What's wrong with dean?" I ask frantically. "Roman? Dean? Weren't those the names of those wrestlers she likes?" I faintly hear Steve say. "D-did you see the news?" Roman asks and I can hear that he has been crying. Tears streaming down my face, I answer him, "yes. Wh-where's dean? What happened to dean?" I ask, my voice rising a little. Rachel gets Helen and Steve out of the room. "He, he was there. We all were. Magic, I need you to come down here. It's not just dean, it's Seth. They're both in ICU. I-I was across the street, getting dean some of his tape for his hands when it happened... Magic. They were rehearsing our match with punk, John, and Daniel. They were in that ring when it happened!" He slightly yells, sobbing into the phone. By now, I've fallen over onto my side and haven't moved as the tears poured from my face. "Roman. I need you to be able to fly me out there on the soonest flight they have. Do you understand?" I say calmly. "Yeah. J-just hurry up. I-I'll have randy pick you up at the airport." He says and I see Rachel walk in, crouching down in front of me. "Ok. If you can, tell dean I love him. And Seth too." I say. "Ok. Bye magic. I'll text you the information I guess." Roman says, sniffling. "Ok. Bye." I say, roman hanging up. I listen to the noiselessness of my phone and Rachel pries it from my grip, sitting me up and leaning me into her. "Was dean..." She trails off. I nod, crying so hard that I'm shaking. "Helen and Steve want to know what happened... I told then that you'd tell them soon." Rachel explains. I nod, closing my eyes and clutching onto her sleeve.


Screaming, I wake up, breathing heavy, sweat making my clothes stick to my skin. Punk runs in, only in his boxers, with a baseball bat. "What?! What happened?!" He asks, looking around. He looks at me and puts down the bat. "What's wrong?" He asks softly, walking over to me and sitting on the edge of my bed. I don't reply, just start crying. Did I have to have a flashback with dean, roman, Seth, and Rachel? Punk wraps his arms around me. "Sh, sh, sh. It's ok, I'm right here." He says quietly, running his fingers through my hair. "N-n-no, it's not. I-I had a f-flashback. They w-were all th-there." I sob, hiccuping. Punk lightly rocks me back and forth. "It's ok, it was just a flashback, magic. You're ok. Whatever it was; it wasn't real. Ok?" He asks, looking me in the eyes. I nod, sniffling. He smiles, wiping the tears from my eyes with his thumbs. "It's only 1 in the morning, go back to sleep, ok?" He says, kissing my forehead. I nod as he gets up. "W-wait, Phil. C-can you stay with me?" I ask sheepishly. He nods, smiling. "Of course, scoot over." He says, making me almost laugh. He lays down next to me and I instinctively cuddle into his side. I lay my head on his chest, not daring to close my eyes. A few minutes go by and I'm still wide awake. "I miss dean." I whisper, barely audible. "Dean misses you." Punk whispers back, and I can tell that he's fighting to stay awake. I start absentmindedly tracing the tattoos on his chest. Dean should get some tattoos, they're cool. Maybe I'll get some tattoos. I look up at punk and see he's asleep. Sighing, I close my eyes and try to fall asleep. Tick, tock. Tick, tock. Tick, tock. I open my eyes, still not tired. I glare at my clock. Shut up. I look at it and realize it's now 6:30 am. I cautiously climb out of bed. My feet make a pitter patter on the hardwood floor as I walk over to my phone. I sniffle, smiling at my phone. I quietly walk out of the room and into Rachel's old room. Her stuff is all here still. Her little knick knacks lining her shelf, the small tv in the corner, her radio, her dresser with a mirror, the sides of it littered with pictures. I walk over to it. One of me and her, then a few more, a few of her and Seth, some of butter bean, some of her and butter bean, some of Steve and Helen, some of her parents, some of the three of them, and lastly, on a frame on the dresser, one of all of us; me, roman, dean, Seth, Rachel, Steve, Helen, butter bean, Carla, and Lois. I put down my phone and pick it up, absentmindedly traces their faces. A teardrop falls onto Rachel's face, and that's when I know I'm crying. I let out a strangled sob, and wipe it away. "Magic, magic deer," I hear Rachel calling. I look up, with wide eyes. "Over here, come sit down with me." She says. I turn and see her patting the spot next to her on the bed. My face goes pale. This isn't Rachel. She's all blue, with a stomach that sticks out a little, there's rocks stuck in her arms and legs, and she has some seaweed stuck in her hair. She opens her mouth to smile, and water comes out, along with gross algae. "It's really me magic. It is." She says, furrowing her eyebrows. How does she know I was thinking that? "Because silly, I'm a ghost." She laughs, reading my mind. I start to cry again, and put my face in my hands. I'm going crazy. I feel cold arms circle around me and jump back. "I'm just trying to hug you." She says, tilting her head to the side. I nod, leaning into her. Only, instead, I find myself landing face-first onto the bed. I look up, panicked. No, she can't be gone again. "Magic, are you alright?" Punk's soft voice asks from the doorway. I look around frantically, seeing no traces of Rachel. "No, no! No! S-she can't be gone! No! Rachel, no! Come back!" I say, getting louder. "No!" I scream, tugging on my hair. "Woah, woah, woah. Calm down, it's ok." Punk says, rushing over to me. He embraces me and I cry into his chest. "S-she was here Phil, talking to me." I whisper, eyes closed. He nods, running his fingers through my hair. "Ok, I believe you." He says softly. No he doesn't, nobody will. Wait, maybe Seth will. Surely, Rachel's had to have talked to him too.


I curl up in my blanket more, staring intently at the match in front of me. RAW was on tonight, and I haven't watched wrestling in a while. Although I was trying to concentrate, Rachel wouldn't leave me alone. She was constantly making comments on the matches, and the wrestlers in them. I, however, couldn't say anything, as punk was sitting beside me. "You know magic, when your dead cousin comes and visits you. You'd think that you'd be happier that I'm here." Go away. "Ah, now you're talking. See, that's all you needed to say." She says, happily kicking her feet. Please Rachel, you're not helping me mourn. "Fine, goodbye magic." She says, and in a flash, she's gone, along with the power. "Shit, I'll be right back." Punk says, and leaves to go fix it. I run into my room, almost hitting the walks on the turns. I grab my phone, dialing Seth's number. "Hello?" "Seth, it's me. Has... Has Rachel been seeing you?" I ask wearily. "Y-yeah. You too?" He sighs. "Yes. I can't take it. She's been here all day. I-I told her to leave and she did... But she turned off the power." "There's something wrong with her, but I don't know what it is." He says, sighing. "I know... I gotta go. Tell dean I love him, and roman, and you of course." "Ok, love you too magic." I hang up and run back into the living room, jumping onto the couch, and onto Rachel. I scream, falling off of the couch. I groan, standing back up. "I'm sorry, rach. You know how much I love you." I sigh, sitting next to her. "It's ok, I just needed you alone. I need to tell you something. I'm sorry that I did what I did. I'm sorry that I'm not here for you physically anymore. But I'm always gonna be watching over you, ok?" She says, hugging me. I hug her back. "Ok. I love you." I say, tears coming to my eyes. She smiles, kissing my cheek. "I love you too." She replies and then she's gone. The power comes back on. Punk walks back in, his eyebrows set in a furrow. "That's weird, there wasn't anything wrong." He says. I shrug, a smile on my face. "Are you ok, magic?" He asks wearily. I nod. "Yeah, never been better." I tell him, the smile still etched on my face. He smiles back, sitting back down, next to me. "Good. I'm glad." He says, turning back in RAW. I feel so much better. I feel happy. Things might actually be ok now. Everything can go back to normal.

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