Stories of mine to check out

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My secret lover

""I love you so much." Dean says as we're cuddled into each other on the couch, a blanket thrown over us. "I love you too." I tell him, kissing his chin. "Can I tell you something?" Dean asks absentmindedly, trailing his fingers lazily up and down my arm. "Yeah. Of course." I reply, snuggling into him more. "I'm gonna marry you some day." He says, grabbing my hand and entwining our fingers. I smile bright, the brightest I think I've ever smiled. "Really?" I ask like an idiot. Dean chuckles. "Of course. Just wait for it my love." He says, kissing me softly and sweetly." Magic is just a normal teenage girl... Well, aside from her terrible, unhealthy habits of; cutting herself, or trying to commit suicide. What happens when dean ambrose sees her twitter and takes an interest in her? What happens when she moves to Ohio? What about the fact that she's only 16? And most importantly, what about Seth and roman? What will they think of her?

What separates me from you

""You swore." Mini Seth states, swinging his feet. I look at him and give him a half smile, chuckling. "Yeah, I did. I'm sorry." I say. He shrugs. "Mommy never swears. If she does she owes 25 cents." He tells me, holding out his hand. I look at Seth and he shrugs, looking at me. I sigh, taking out my wallet and handing him a quarter. He smiles triumphantly and puts it in his pocket. "Tank you!" He says cheerfully."

In the sequel of my secret lover, the hectic lives of magic and dean get harder. After the accident, they're left to care for the other driver's son. And things get weirder when they see her after.

I'm addicted to cm punk, but I think I like it

Molly meets cm punk one night at a club. But there's one problem, does she have feelings for him? Does he feel the same way?

Cupcakes and punks

"I open my suitcase on the bed and feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I laugh a little at Phil and hold his hands that are together and around the front of me. He starts leaving little kisses on my shoulder and neck. "Having fun?" I ask in a whisper and put my hand on his cheek. "Mm. Yes." He says and starts to suck and nibble. "Hey mister, no marks." I say in an unathoritive tone. He continues like I said nothing. I moan and lean into him. "You like this huh?" He whispers in my ear. He kisses my ear lobe and bites it, gently pulling. I moan again. "I take that as a yes." He says and holds my waist. I turn in his arms so I'm facing him. "Maybe just a little. Why? Want all this?" I ask motioning to my body. "Oh so badly. Let's do it. Please?" He asks in a little bit of a pleading tone. "No. We have smackdown tonight. And we aren't together." I say and cross my arms. "I find you to be a giant tease. And that to be incredibly sexy." He says and pulls me into him and he kisses my shoulders and neck and collar bone again. I put my arms around his neck. I lean my head into him." Emi finds punk sitting on her doorstep one day. Literally. Her mom has invited him over for dinner. What happens when she falls for him? What happens when they quarrel and leave each other, only to meet again awhile later?

My sexy little wrestler

"Have you seen ANY wrestling in the past year?" She asks. "No, I've only been able to watch your matches on YouTube." I say, as we turn down the next hallway. "Oh my god, you have no idea what's going on, huh?" she says quizzically. I shake my head. "Well, lucky for you, I have all the scripts from the past year." She says proudly as we walk into my office. "Lexi! you are not supposed to have those!" I say, a smile still creeping on my face as she pulls out a whole bunch of packets of paper. She lays them out on the desk and we start reading them.

Where do dreams go

Taylor is just your average 23 year old, who's brother happens to be Justin coppolino. When she meets cyr one day and the beach, what happens? And where do her dreams go?

A.N. So I don't really know where cyr lives... I know I know, you can bash me for that. Anyways, Taylor lives in Hollywood, so that's where cyr now lives. Also, another note is that Justin works at ink candy and is 23. And Taylor is taking the place of his twin brother because I don't know anything about him (sorry brother) and everyone else from the band still standing, I haven't done my research on them. But don't worry, if you're here because Justin coppolino is her brother, than I'll explain (Vincent) cyr. And if you're her for cyr, than don't worry, cause I'll be explaining the guys and gals from tattoos after dark. Oh, also, the reason I'm writing this is because I love Justin, his band, tattoos after dark, and of course cyr. I also noticed that in wasn't finding any cyr fanfics that I enjoyed really.

I also have a oneshot book :)

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