Chapter 23

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I open the door to magic's house. Seth called and told me he was staying at Rachel's and that Steve doesn't want us to stay there anymore because of dean, and probably myself as well. I go to walk into the hall that the guest bedrooms are in, and I hear someone scream. I instantly know it's magic and rush to her room. I hear a whimper then silence. I almost open the door, but I'm scared of what I'll see. I then hear her start crying more and I push my thoughts aside, opening the door. I see a razor in my hand, her wrist dripping with blood. My eyes start to sting with tears, and I walk over to her. She starts to look up, and I wrap her in my arms, careful of her arm, and her leg that I can see is now bloody also. "I'm s-s-sorry." She cries. "Sh, it's ok." I say, carefully taking the razor from her hand and setting it on the table. I kiss the top of her head and go to get up. She clutches onto my shirt with one hand. "Don't leave me like everyone else does." She whispers, making my heart ache a little. "I won't, I'm just getting a towel, I promise." I say. She nods and I go into her bathroom. I grab a towel. I walk back in and see that she's still shaking, crying a little, and looking at her wrist and leg, that are oozing blood. I walk over to her and gently grab her wrist. I blot it with the towel a few times and then hold it there for a few seconds, making magic cringe. "Sorry." I mumble, taking away the towel and putting it to her leg. I blot it and then stop when I notice that there are words. 'T.P. Don't care' "what does that mean?" I ask, without thinking it over first. "Someone once told me that toilet paper was like family, you don't know you need it until it's gone." She answers, wiping her eyes with the palm over her hand. I stare at her leg and I can feel her watching at me. "I care." I whisper, standing her up. She cringes slightly and I pick her up, carrying her into the bathroom bridal style. I sit her on the edge of the sink. "This might hurt a little." I say, grabbing a facecloth. I turn on the warm water and run it over the facecloth. I then press it to her leg and she whimpers, making me pull away my hand. "It's fine. I'm fine." She says. No you're not, I think to myself. I do it again and then wrap her thigh in gauze. I gently take her arm and do the same thing. After I'm done, I wash the towel and facecloth in the sink then hang them on the shower to dry, magic watching me the whole time. "Why were you here? I thought I was alone." Magic asks, her eyes puffy and red from crying. I walk into her room, grabbing her razor and the bag in a drawer. "I came to get my stuff." I say. I walk back into the bathroom where she's looking at me. "You look mad." She says, tears welling up in her eyes. I wash off the razor before sticking it in the bag. "I'm mad that your shitty boyfriend wasn't here to stop you and that your parents left you alone with all this shit going on." I reply, putting the bag in my pocket. "What are you doing? Those are mine!" She says, going for my pocket. I grab her hand and she flinches. I drop it and turn away. "I'm keeping them. To stop you from doing this." I say. "I'll just find more!" She says defiantly. I sigh, my shoulders drooping. "I'm hoping you don't. You're so much better than this magic! Don't you see? I care about you, Seth cares, Rachel cares, your adoptive parents care... Dean cares." I say, my voice a whisper when I mention dean's name. Magic walks over to me. "I couldn't help it. I'm sorry." She says and a tear falls down her cheek. I use my thumb and wipe it away. "We should um, talk though." I say awkwardly, looking away from her. "Ok." She says then sits down on her bed. I sit next to her and sigh. "I think I really like you. And I can't and won't hide my feelings towards you." I say, magic looks up at me. "I'm with dean. I can't like you." She says. "You guys really are still together then?" I raise my eyebrow. She nods. "Listen, I'm going to give you some space. I won't call you, or anything. You can relax here, and stay out of trouble, ok?" I say, smiling at magic. "Everyone keeps leaving." She mumbles to herself. I furrow my eyebrows and scoot closer to her. "I don't have to leave if you don't want me to." I tell her, running my hand through her hair. She looks up at me, then to my lip. "Dean got you good." She says quietly, running her fingers lightly over my swollen lip. I scrunch my nose and she drops her hand. "I guess. But it's important you tell me the truth magic; do you want me to stay or go?" I ask, changing the subject back to what it was. "I'm tired of people lying, and leaving. Please stay." She says, wrapping her clean arm around me, holding the gauze-wrapped one away from us. I wrap my arms around her and kiss the top of her head. "But just as friends, I still love dean." She says as we lean back. I smile at her. "Of course. But, we should get you some clothes to cover those." I say and she nods. She puts on a mint green sweatshirt and some grey sweatpants. There's a knock on her door followed by Helen saying, "magic, we're back and we got a pizza if you want some." She walks away from the door and magic looks to me. "I'm hungry, but I don't want to go out there." She says. I smile at her brightly. "I'll get some pizza, be right back." I say and go out into the kitchen. "Oh, you're you still here?" Helen asks. I nod. "Yes ma'am. I don't really have anywhere to go... And magic told me I could stay." I say. Helen nods, smiling at me. She hands me a plate with 2 slices of pizza on it. "Can you bring this to magic? And I can get you a plate, just one second." She says, getting a plate from the cupboard. She hands it to me and places 2 slices of pizza on it. "Thank you." I say and go back to magic's room. I hand her her plate and she smiles at me. I sit down next to her and we both start eating. "So what happened with Ambrose?" I ask after a few minutes of silence. Magic shrugs. "My dad saw us kissing after I apologized and told dean to leave. I asked dean to take me... But he told me it'd be better if I stayed here. I mean, I guess he's right." Magic sighs, eating the last bite of her pizza. We put our empties plates on the side table next to her bed. "I actually agree with dean on that. You need to finish high school and be a normal teenager." I say, leaning back on her bed so I'm on my side, propped up on one elbow. Magic cuddles into my side, looking up at me. "Why? I've never been a normal teenager. I'm friends with the frickin' shield." She says, making us both laugh a little. "True. But it's just better if you're at home. And plus, dean can get a little annoying after awhile of being near each other." I chuckle. Magic shrugs, a smirk on her face. "Everyone gets annoying after awhile." I nod my head, agreeing. I hear footsteps come down the hall and come to a halt at the door. "So, are you two... Dating?" Magic's dad asks. Magic looks unsure for a second. "Yes. We are. I, um, dumped d-dean." Magic says, nodding, more to herself than her dad. He nods and walks into the bathroom down the hall. "Magic we're-" "I know. Can you just play along? They like you a lot more than dean. Please?" She whispers, begging me. I sigh, looking down. "Fine." I say, making her smile wide and hug me tightly. "Thank you. I owe you. I'll sort everything out with dean." She says happily. I nod. "Ok, but please, don't just come out and say it to him. Ask him if he thinks something like that would work or something?" I say. She nods, cuddling closer to me. "I'm cold." She states. I chuckle, wrapping my arm around her. Her phone starts to ring and she rolls over me to get it. "Hello?..... Hey." A smile instantly pops up on her face, and I know it's dean she's talking to. "I miss you too. Listen... I have suggestion. Do you think that possibly, roman could pretend to be my boyfriend or something? I mean my parents like him be-" magic is cut off by screaming on the other side of the phone, so bad that she has to hold the phone away from her ear. "Dean, please." Magic says softly. I roll my eyes at dean still talking loudly. "No. I'm not gonna cheat on you with him. You know how sorry I am and that I love you." Magic sighs, her smile fully gone. "Dean, please!" She says, her voice raising a little. I stick my hand out for the phone and she apprehensively hands it to me. "Dean, magic is right. They like me better than you, mainly because I wasn't kissing their daughter and yelled at her... But come on. Let's be honest here, it's a good idea. And we WONT do anything. I promise." I say. "On all of our careers?" Dean questions. "On all of our careers." I say. "Ok I guess. Put magic back on the phone." He says. I say ok and hand magic over the phone. They talk for a few more minutes and then magic hangs up. "Thank you roman!" She shouts gleefully, wrapping her little arms around my neck. I chuckle, hugging back. "No problem. Anything for you." She nods, smiling, and let's go. "Do you think that we should go out and talk to my mom and dad?" Magic asks, gnawing at her lip. I shrug. "What do you think? What do you want to do?" I ask. "Well, I wanna watch a movie." She says, stretching, making me smile as she closes her eyes. "Let's watch a movie then." I reply. She nods her head and walks over to her door, closes it, then walks over to her movies. "We got chick flicks, drama, comedy, and horror. What do you wanna watch?" She asks. "Defiantly not a chick flick or drama." I chuckle. Magic laugh. "They're not that bad. But ok. How 'bout I am legend? It's got will smith in it. I love will smith. And it's a horror thingy." She says, holding up the movie. I nod my head and she puts it in and snuggles into the covers with me. I can't help but feel weird being this close to her.

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