Chapter 34

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A.N. So I figured out my game plan for this story, me and my friend sat down and brainstormed. So I WILL be doing sequel, and this book will end in about 10 or so chapters, maybe. It all depends on where I can put the ending because it's specific. Anyways, just wanted to let you lovelys know :)


Dinner was filled with laughs and us talking, making me feel so much better. After dinner, it was still a little light out, meaning that we could go swimming again. Although, my parents went out for some alone time. "Come on! You are taking forever." I moan, slumping against the wall next to the bathroom door. Dean laughs, emerging in just swim trunks. "Thank god." I mumble, standing up. I gleefully lead him out into the backyard and over to the pool. "Is it cold?" Seth asks roman, who is in the water. Roman rolls his eyes at Seth playfully, ignoring him. Dean jumps in. "It's fine, now come on." He encourages. Seth cringes. I laugh, pushing him in, before jumping in myself. Seth shrieks, splashing frantically and jumping out. "That's cold!" He yells, wrapping his arms around himself. We all roll our eyes at him. "Come on Seth, just get in." I say, laughing. I feel arms wrap around my waist and dean nuzzles his head in my neck. "It'd be more fun if it was just us." He mumbles, kissing my neck. I turn to face him and smirk, pushing him underwater and swimming away. I get a few feet away before he pulls me back with my foot. He pulls me under with him and swims up. I latch into his leg and pull him back, swimming up to the surface and quickly swimming to roman before he can get me. I wrap my legs and arms around his back and watch dean swim over to us. "Protect me!" I squeal, hiding behind roman. Roman pulls me off, smirking. He swims away, laughing, as dean wraps me in his arms, dunking me under the water quickly. After we get out and dry off, we decide to decide on sleeping arrangements. "You take the guest room." I tell Seth. He nods. "You can have my room." I tell roman, who nods hesitantly. "And... Um... Dean can have the couch." I say, turning to dean. "You're gonna sleep in Rachel's old room?" He asks. I nod. "Yeah, it'll be good for me."

I run my hand along the edge of Rachel's bed, staring down at it. "You sure you wanna do this?" Dean asks, his arms encircling my waist from behind. "Yeah, I'm fine." I breathe, turning to face him. Dean kisses me, sucking on my bottom lip. His tongue slips into my partially open mouth, making me sigh contently. My hands shoot up to his hair, tangling themselves in it. Dean's fingers start to play with the hem of my shirt, lifting it slightly and exposing some of my hips. I lower my hands to his shoulders and slide them down his arms to his hands. "Not here, not now." I mumble, my eyes still closed. Dean nods, his forehead rested against mine and his eyes also closed. "I'm gonna go to bed before your parents get home... I love you." He whispers. "I know. I love you too." I sigh, pecking his nose. Dean chuckles lightly, pulling back. "I'll see you in the morning." He reluctantly pulls away and walks out, closing the door behind him. I stay up for about an hour or so, before there's a quiet knock on my door. "Come in." I whisper loudly. The door opens slowly, revealing roman. I raise an eyebrow at him before he closes the door behind him. "I came to see if you were ok?" He says softly, walking over to the bed and sitting next to me. "Yeah, I am. Thanks for checking." I smile, resting my head on his shoulder. He tenses up for a minute before relaxing against me. "So, do you think that you're gonna really try wrestling?" He asks. I shrug. "I dunno. I kinda want to..." I trail off. "It'd be good for you... And dean." He tells me. I sigh. "It's a lot of work." "You can do it." He encourages. "Maybe." "Yes." He argues. "No." I counter, moving my head to look at him better. "Yes." "No." I get a little closer. "Yes." "Look, all I'm saying is that I won't be any good." I explain, my eyes squinted. "All I'm saying is, let me kiss you." He whispers, his eyes trailing down to my lips before up to my eyes again. I look at his lips, realizing how close we are. My breathing catches in my throat, and my eyes flutter shut. Roman cups my cheek in his hand, his lips brushing against mine. He leans in and I lean backwards a little, stopping him. "I-I can't." I mumble, opening my eyes. Roman looks at me, sighing. "I'm sorry, I know you're with dean, and last time w-" "it's not that. I just... I can't do this in here." I say, looking around. Roman bites his lip, nodding. "I'll see you in the morning." He clears his throat awkwardly before getting up and leaving. I sigh, groaning, and fall onto my back on the bed.

I awake in the morning to the smell of pancakes from the kitchen. I climb out of bed and slowly make my way to the smell, yawning. I enter the kitchen to see roman, dean, Seth, and my dad chatting at the table while my mom is cooking pancakes. They all look over at me and I smile. "Morning." I mumble, sitting next to dean and leaning into his side. His hand instantly rests on my thigh, squeezing it lightly. They all say good morning and engage in their conversation again. I glance over at roman and see him staring at me awkwardly. I look away and dean nudges me. "How'd you sleep?" He mumbles in my hair quietly. "Good. How 'bout you?" I reply in a whisper, tilting my head slightly to look at him. "Ok, your couch isn't the most comfortable thing." He chuckles softly. I nod my head as Helen sets the food on the table. "Everyone eat up, cause after breakfast, I have to go grocery shopping and one of you is coming." She says happily, sitting next to Steve. "And I need someone to help me fix a car at my garage because my employee called in sick." My dad says, making me nudge dean, silently telling him to go. "I'll go with you." Dean tells my dad. He looks taken aback by this. "Really? Ok." My dad agrees, as we all start to eat. "I'll go shopping with you." Seth offers, making me internally groan, knowing I'm gonna have to stay with roman. "Aw, thank you Seth." My mom smiles.

Dean and my dad left about 20 minutes ago and Seth and my mom just left. "Hey." Roman says, leaning on my doorframe. I look up from my spot on my bed, legs crossed and my laptop on my lap. "Hey." I repeat softly. "Dean just asked me to run to his house and get some things for him. Do you wanna go?" He asks. "Sure." I answer, placing my laptop next to me. I get up and slip on some shoes. We walk out of my house, roman leading the way. We get in his car and drive to deans. "I'm gonna go get the stuff he needed from his spare room. Can you get some clothes from his room?" Roman asks me. I nod and jog up the stairs. I open his bedroom door and the scent of perfume washes over me. I furrow my eyebrows and step into the room more. My eyes scan the room and I see a pile of clothes on the floor in a corner. Girl clothes. I walk into the bathroom and see a straight iron and hair dryer. I walk out, my breathing heavy. I jog back down the stairs and into the kitchen. I look in the trash and see an empty box of tampons. Tears instantly well in my eyes. "Roman!" I call out shakily. Roman runs in, looking at me worriedly. "What's wrong?" He asks. I sniff, the tears falling slowly. "Deans been cheating on me." I whisper. Roman looks at me in shock. "But... Wha-" he stops, shaking his head. The realization hits me and I start to sob. I put my head in my hands and cry into them. "No, no. Don't cry please. I hate it when you cry." Roman says softly, his arms encircling me. "He cheated!" I sob, gripping Roman's shirt in my hands. Roman nods, his head on top of mine. "I know, I'm sorry." He whispers. "I'm gonna fucking kill him." I mumble, glaring into roman's shirt. Roman chuckles softly, his body shaking from it. I look up at him and he smiles down at me. "Come on, let's go to the car and go back to your house." He offers, and we walk back out to his car.

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