Chapter 35

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"Hand me that wrench." Steve says, pointing to a wrench. I hand it to him and he takes it, muttering 'thanks'. "I love your daughter, ya know." I blurt out. Smooth dean, smooth. "Ah, I don't care how much 'you love her'. You're bad news, ambrose. I can see it in your eyes. You've hurt her before and you'll do it again." He says, still working on the car. I sit down, sighing. "I don't mean to... It's just-" "that you're a prick?" He asks, looking at me with a glare. I frown. "No... It's just that I'm not used to having someone who actually cares about our relationship." I explain. Steve rolls his eyes at me. "Yeah, ok." He says sarcastically. "What can I do for you to like me?" I ask, frustrated. "You could start with, oh, I don't know, maybe not being 28." He replies instantly. "I'm sorry I'm not. But I can't change that." I say, fighting back. "Maybe you should start treating her like a princess, treating her how she deserves to be treated." He says, turning his attention to the car. "I do my best." I argue, even though I feel like I'm lying because of what I've done to her. "She's too good for you." He whispers, almost to quiet for me to hear. I look down, knowing he's right.


"Hand me that package of chicken." Helen asks, pointing to a package of chicken. I hand it to her and she thanks me. We start to walk again and I shove my hands in my pockets. "How are you doing?" She questions. I look at her, to see her already looking at me. "I'm fine, why?" I reply. "I know it's been rough on you since... Rachel. I just wanted to make sure." She says caringly. "I still miss her." I mumble, looking down. Helen pats my shoulder. "We all do." She sighs. "Magic goes in her room sometimes and sits there, talking to her about her problems or what not. I don't think she's told anyone." She reveals, making me feel better. "I do too, if I'm not feeling like doing anything, I'll talk to her." I say, a small smile on my lips. Helen smiles back. "Good. That's good." She says, as we turn down the next isle.


"Hey dude, I need you to go to my house real quick and pick some stuff up. Some clothes and my wrestling gear." Dean says. I switch the phone to my other ear. "Yeah. Ok, definitely." I agree. "Thanks... Just, go alone." He mumbles. I furrow my eyebrows. "Ok. Bye." We hang up and I stare at my phone for a few seconds. I slide it into my pocket and go to magic's room, leaning on the door frame. "Hey." She looks up at me. "Hey." She replies quietly. I ask her to come with me even though dean told me not to. I can't just leave her alone after what she tried to do a few days ago.

45 minutes later

We arrive back at magic's house and I look over at her. "It's gonna be ok." I tell her, trying to get her to look at me with my eyes. She sniffles, looking at me sadly. "Things always do." She says sarcastically, getting out of the car. I sigh as she slams the door shut and walks calmly inside, even though it's raining now. I get out and jog inside. I see magic in the kitchen, a knife in hand. "What are you doing?" I ask quickly. "I'm gonna kill him when he gets back." She says seriously, her face blank and dry from the tears. I blink at her a few times. She wouldn't really kill him, right? "Magic, give me the knife, hunny." I say slowly, my hand outstretched. Magic grips it tighter, pulling it towards herself. "Please?" I ask softly. She shakes her head. "Do you really think that it'd be a good idea for you to kill him?" I try to coax her. She looks at me hesitant, then the tears start to trickle down her cheeks. "He cheated, he fucking cheated on me." She whispers. I get why she's upset, but she's overreacting a little. "You cheated on him before too, ya know." I remind her, my voice soft and patient. "That was before. He cheated on me now." She says behind clenched teeth, her hands tightening their grip. I swallow nervously. I hope to god I get this knife away from her before dean gets here. Whether he cheated or not, he's still my friend and I don't want him dead... Physically. "It's still the same-" "no! It's not! Roman, we are freaking engaged and he was cheating on me!" She screeches. The color drains from my face. Engaged... They were engaged. "Give me the stupid knife, you're not gonna need it," I say demandingly. She furrows her eyebrows at me. "When I'm done with him, there isn't gonna be a need for that." I say, placing my hand out for the knife. Magic gives me a small, half smile. She reluctantly hands me the knife. I take it, sighing in relief. I wrap my arms around her and place it in it's drawer. "I'm sorry... I-I wouldn't have really done it." She whispers, starting to shake. I place my hand on the back of her head, squeezing her comfortingly. "I know," I mumble. "I know you wouldn't have." I walk us slowly into her room and sit on her bed with her in my lap. "I'm so tired of being hurt." She says quietly. I look down at her as she looks at me. "Then don't be. Don't let things bother you, be mad instead if you have to." I say, brushing hair out of her face. Magic looks at me oddly before smashing her lips to mine, taking me by surprise. "What the hell magic?" I ask, looking at her in disbelief. "I'm not letting dean bother me, I'm gonna be mad instead." She says like it's obvious. I look at her hesitantly. "Do you not remember what happened last time you cheated on dean?" I ask her sarcastically. "Roman, we are engaged and he was cheating on me. I do not care what happens if I cheat on him." She says slowly. I sigh, rubbing my hands up and down her arms. "Are you sure about this?" I question softly. She bites her lip, tangling her fingers in my long hair. "I'm absolutely positive." She whispers seductively, kissing me around my mouth. I groan as she starts to move her body against mine, still planting little kisses on my mouth. She runs her hands up and down my chest, removing them from my hair. I take her head in my hands, kissing her softly. She moves so that while she's grinding against me, she rubs against my crotch everytime. The kiss becomes heated as my tongue mangles with hers. We're interrupted by someone opening the door, and then the sound of grocery bags being carried in. Magic pulls back from me quickly, hopping up and sprinting out the door. "I'm gonna go help my mom." She says before disappearing around the corner. I groan in annoyance, looking down at my now semi-hard. I adjust my pants to try to hide it. It almost works. I walk out into the kitchen and see magic and her mom unpacking the groceries and Seth walking in with more bags. "Hey." I say, taking some bags from Seth. "Thanks." He says and we help unpack them.


I smile, laughing at what Seth just say. My smile drops as I see dean and my dad walk in. Dean smiles at me, making me cringe slightly. Should I really be mad at him? I point to my room and he nods. I excuse myself from Seth and follow dean into my room. I turn to look at dean. "I missed you." Dean whispers, wrapping his arms around my waist. "You cheated on me." I breathe, closing my eyes. Dean's arms instantly tense up. "How... How'd you find out?" He replies calmly. I open my eyes to see dean's squinted shut. I sniffle, feeling the tears prickle at my eyes. "I went with roman to your house, it was obvious." I say quietly. Dean opens his eyes and looks at me. He takes my face in his hands, resting his forehead against mine. "I'm so sorry, and I hope you forgive me. I know I don't deserve it, but I love you. I love you so fucking much and I can't believe that I could be so stupid as to cheat. I promise, it'll never happen again. I broke it off with her a little while ago and I guess she didn't get her stuff." Dean tells me, our noses brushing each others. "I forgive you. I love you too, and we've both made mistakes. I want to move on from that though." I say, because I truly know it's dean who I want to spend forever with. Dean kisses me tenderly and hugs me after. I look over his shoulder and see roman standing there, an unimpressed look on his face, that makes me cringe internally.

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