Chapter 30

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"No. I'm fine dean, really." I say as dean and I are on the phone. Dean sighs. "You sure?" He questions. I laugh a little. "Yes. I told you, I talked to Rachel and everything's fine now." I tell him. "Okay... I gotta go." He says and I hear a commotion in the background. "Hey magic! We love and miss you!" I hear roman and Seth yell. I chuckle at them. "Alright. I love you and miss you. Tell them the same." I say. "Okay. Bye baby, love and miss you." We hang up and I smile at punk on the other side of the couch. "What?" He asks skeptically, looking up from his phone. "I wanna go visit dean. I feel fine, and it's been like a month and a half since I've seen him." I tell punk, sitting cross-leg-ed, facing him. He copies my actions. "And how are you gonna do this?" He ponders. I shrug. "I'm gonna text Daniel later and ask him where they'll be and I'll try to get a plane ticket to go there." I say simply. Punk nods. "Sounds like a plan." He smirks. So that's what we did; we got ourselves onto the next flight to where they were gonna be tomorrow.



I sit on dean, Seth, and roman's couch, reading an AP magazine. Punk went to see Aj, and I told the receptionist my plan and she let me come up here. With a little persuasion from punk however. I hear voices outside of the door, meaning the guys were here. I smile to myself and hop over the couch, jumping onto one of the beds and laying down. I continue reading the magazine and the guys walk in. "Seriously Seth, why the fuck was that receptionist looking at us like-" roman stops when he sees me. I look up, smiling innocently at them. Seth was holding butter bean, a smile etched in his face, roman was staring with his mouth agape, and dean was frozen in place. "Hey guys." I say cheerfully. I put down the magazine and get up, hands on my hips. Dean drops his bags, rushing over to me and picking me up, spinning me around. His lips connect with mine and it feels like the first time we kissed all over again. He sets me down, our lips still together. I wrap my arms around his neck and he pulls me up by my thighs onto him. I wrap my legs around his waist as his tongue enters my mouth. Dean holds me up by my butt with one hand, the other caressing my cheek. "I missed you so much." He whispers, looking into my eyes. I smile hugely, hugging his neck tightly. "I missed you more." I mumble, pecking him on his lips. I look behind him and Seth and roman, who have come all the way in, set down all of the bags, and closed the door. I run my hands through dean's hair, smiling at him. He falls onto the bed, bringing me down on top of him. However, I'm straddling his waist. "God you're so beautiful." He mutters, trailing his hands up and down my arms. I blush, hiding my face in his chest as I lay down on him. "You're sexier though." I say in a hushed tone. He chuckles lowly, making my body all warm inside. Dean holds me to his chest by my waist, humming softly. "You guys are acting like a newly married couple. Stop it and come say hi, magic!" Seth says, making me laugh. I look up at dean, who seems really offended by the comment. I push that thought from my mind and get up, going to Seth and roman. "Hey guys!" I say, hugging both of them at the same time. I glance over at dean, who seems really quiet, a frown on his face. Seth pulls me to the couch with him and roman and starts chatting up a storm. We all talk, except for dean, who excused himself or the bathroom, claiming he needed to take a shower. "Did punk come with you?" Seth asks, lazily petting butter bean. I nod. "Yeah, he went to visit Aj. But you guys can go see him if you want." I smile. They look at each other and nod. "Yeah. We'll be back later." Roman says, kissing the top of my head. I say bye and him, Seth, and butter bean leave. I look to the bathroom as dean comes out, fully dressed, his hair wet. "Why'd you get all distant when Seth made that marriage comment?" I ask, standing up, arms crossed over my chest. Dean doesn't say anything. Instead, he walks over to me, taking my face in his hands. He kisses me deeply and passionately, before walking into the kitchen area. I stand there confused. I frown, following him. "Dean, answer me." I say defiantly. Dean grabs a water and takes a sip. He opens his mouth as if he was gonna say something, but shakes his head, closing his mouth. He walks over to me, tossing the water onto the couch. "Dean, answer my question. Why are you acting distant?" I question slowly. Dean takes a deep breath, slowly blinking, preparing himself for something. "Marry me." He says quickly, taking both of my hands in his. My eyes pop out of my head. "W-what?" I ask, getting butterflies in my stomach. Dean smiles hopefully. "Marry me. I love you and I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He tries again. I stand there, speechless. "Please say something." He says after a few minutes of silence. "Dean, I-I'm 17." I say, making dean's smile falter, his face dropping. "So? We love each other. That's all that should matter." He says quietly. "Yes." I say finally, smiling brightly. Dean's eyes light up. "Y-you'll marry me?" He asks. I nod, tears coming to my eyes. Dean crashes his lips to mine, spinning me around. He pushes me onto the bed, falling on top of me. His hands roam my body and I moan instantly. Dean chuckles lowly, rubbing me through the front of my shorts. I arch my back, pressing our stomachs together. Dean's lips leave mine, and slowly leave little kisses down my jaw and onto my neck. I tangle my hands in his hair, pulling his face up to mine. I connect our lips again, in a hungry kiss. "I love you- so much." He says between kissing me. "I know." I say as he takes off his shirt, then mine quickly after. He groans, his eyes hungrily scanning my chest. He stops however, when he gets to my ribs. His fingers lightly trace over the marks left there. He looks up at me, hurt in his eyes. "I'm sorry." I mumble, rolling from beneath him. I get up, and walk over to the couch, sitting down on it. Dean follows quickly behind. "Babe, it's ok. I wasn't there to stop you." He tells me reassuringly. I look up at him. "But I cut myself again. It's not ok." I say shakily. Dean shakes his head, sitting next to me. He rubs my back comfortingly. "I'm gonna make sure that that doesn't happen again, babe." He says softly. I smile at him, hugging him. "Thank you for being here." I whisper. He chuckles hugging me back. "It's my job. Now, can we please finish what we started?" He asks, making me look down at the giant bulge in his pants. I bite my lip, nodding and giggling. "Yeah. We can."

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