Chapter 20

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I just wanted to say happy birthday! To JerseyGirlLuv for being an awesome reader! And this chapter is for you... Only I can't dedicate it so let's just pretend I did :D


Where's roman? I tap my fingers along the side of the couch and look to the hall every few seconds. He walks out of magic's room, shutting the door behind him. I instantly glare at him a little and then look back to the tv. Nobody's even watching it. Seth and Rachel or whatever, are making out, and Helen and Steve are arguing in their room. "What were you doing with my girlfriend, in her room?" I question roman as soon as he sits down. "Chill out, dude. I heard her crying so I tried to cheer her up." Roman says, making me get more tense. "How'd you 'cheer her up'?" I ask, raising an eyebrow. Roman rolls his eyes at me. "I told her that you would eventually warm up to Steve, that's all." He replies, looking to the tv. A few minutes later, magic walks down the hall. I can't help but stare at her: her hair is in a messy bun, she has the shortest shorts I've ever seen on, a dark black, giant sweater, and pink knee-high socks on. She walks by everyone and goes into the kitchen. She grabs a banana, and walks outside the patio doors. I quickly follow her and step outside after she does. "Hey. You ok?" I ask, trying to wrap my arms around her. "What's your problem?" I ask. "You just got all defensive over nothing. Maybe we should start with that. Or maybe how you thought I had guys over when we are together." Magic says, her whole face frowning. I sigh, my features softening. "I'm sorry magic. I just get over protective of you, that's all." I say, wrapping my arms around her waist. I peck her lips and it turns into one of those sloppy kisses that our tongues are showing half the time and licking each other. My hands slide down to her butt as we're doing this and I squeeze it, making magic half moan, half gasp. Someone clears their throat and I jump back from magic. Steve stands there, arms crossed, an eyebrow raised. "That how you wanna make an impression, dean?" He asks sarcastically. I scratch the back of my neck awkwardly. "Ah, um, sorry sir." I say, avoiding his eyes. "Huh, sir. Didn't think you were respectful. Well, a little respectful." He says, eyeing me up and down. "Dad." Magic says quietly, making us both look at her. "It's not all his fault. I could've not kissed him right now." She says, looking down at the ground. "I would say something, but you actually called me dad. So I'm gonna let this go." He says, fighting a smile. He walks back inside, opening all of the blinds and curtains near us. "Sorry." Magic mumbles, looking up at me. "You called him dad?" I ask, curious. "Yeah, I feel like I can now, since I've been here so long." She shrugs. I nod and we walk back inside. Helen is talking to roman, and Seth and Rachel are watching tv now. "Dean, magic! Come join us! I never knew that roman could answer so many of my questions about dean!" Helen says excitedly. I raise my eyebrow at roman while magic takes a seat next to him. He shrugs, fighting back laughing. I sit next to magic and half zone out of the conversation. What has he told her? What did magic and roman really talk about in her room?



"Dean and the other two seem like really nice young gentlemen." Helen whispers to me after dinner while roman is talking to my dad, Seth and dean arguing over something, though it doesn't seem serious. "Yeah, they are." I smile, looking back to my mom. "Im sure Steve just was being overprotective." She says, shaking her head. I giggle a little. "You can call him dad now. And he kept glaring at dean during supper." I say as we both sit at the table. "Ignore him. Just be happy with dean. You guys are so cute together. Oh, and I saw you guys kissing early." She gives me a suggestive look and my mouth drops, cheeks pinking. "Mom! When?" I ask. "While Seth and Rachel were talking to your father. I was in the middle of getting the Shepard's pie out of the oven and I glanced over at you two playing sucky face on the couch." She says, smirking. I hide my hands in my face. "Please don't tell dad." I beg. She laughs. "I won't. But I have a serious question, and it's ok to answer honestly. I won't get mad. - do you two have sex?" She asks. I look over at dean, who is still talking to Seth, and now Rachel. "Yes. But you can't tell dad! He'll freak." I say, begging her with my eyes. "I thought so. The way he looks at you, is like you're his best friend and lover. It's the way Steve looks at me." She says, smiling. I smile back. "R-really?" I ask. She nods. "And I won't tell your father. But do you use protection?" She asks. I think and I don't really remember. "I don't know... I mean we have to, right?" I ask. Helen stands up. "I'd ask him, Hun." She pats my shoulder, kisses my head, and walks away. "Oh, and I'd allow dean to sleep with you, but your father apparently 'arranged' a sleeping situation." She says before leaving. I nod and get up. I walk over to dean and lightly pull on his hand. "Um, excuse us for a minute." I say, leading him to my bedroom. "What's wrong?" Dean asks, holding both of my hands in his. "Do you wear condoms?" I ask. "What?" "When we have sex, do you use a condom?" I ask again. "I... Not always I guess." He replies. "Why? What happened?" He asks, searching my eyes for details. "Relax, nothing happened. Just- I told my mom we do it and she asked. Now I'm worried that I have a disease or-" "or you're pregnant. Do you not want to have baby with me, magic?" Dean asks, sorrow in his eyes. I shake my head. "It's not that, I'm just not ready to have a baby, is all. I think you keep forgetting that I'm only 16." I say. "You'll be 17 soon." Dean says. I sigh. "Yeah, we should go back out there, my dad is probably thinking something about this." I say, leading dean back out. Dean stops me before we reach my doorway, bringing me back to him. He leans in and our lips are almost touching when Steve says, "not tonight Ambrose, you're sleeping on the couch." Steve then leans against the doorframe and dean and I step apart. "Can I at least kiss her goodnight?" Dean asks, and by us still holding hands, I can tell he's a little nervous. "Depends on the kiss." Steve shrugs. I bite my lip, looking at dean who is thinking wether or not it's a good idea to take that as a yes or a challenge. I grab his face in my hands and peck him on the lips. I stand back and my dad throws dean a blanket and pillow then walks away. "I wanted to kiss you..." Dean trails off. I laugh a little at him before walking out of my room with him behind me. Seth and Rachel are gone, and roman is getting something from his bag. "You get the guest room?" Dean asks, squinting at roman. Roman nods and grabs his bag. "Where's the guest room?" Roman asks me. I laugh. "It's right next to my room. And the one on the other side of you is Rachel's room. So good luck... I think Seth's with her." I say. He smiles and nods before walking down the hall. I look in the kitchen and my dad is wiping off the table... Again. "Dad, you can go to bed. I'm not gonna do anything with him. I won't even kiss him. I swear." I tell him. "On your phone's life?" He asks. I roll my eyes. "On my phone's life." I say. He nods, walks over to us, kissing my head and hugs me then glares at dean and leaves. I wait until I hear him shut the bathroom door upstairs before I hug dean. "No kiss?" dean asks, his arms tightly wrapped around me. "I ain't killing my phone for you." I say, smirking at dean. He rolls his eyes playfully. "Then let me kiss you. You don't have to kiss back?" Dean suggests. "Do it and you sleep outside!" I hear my dad yell from upstairs. "Good night dad!" I yell back. "Night magic!" I look back at dean and step away. "It's kinda chilly out there. I love you, good night." I say. Dean pouts a little. "Good night baby. I love you too." He says and I walk into my room. My dad's probably gonna check up on me multiple times tonight. I get into my bed and snuggle into the blankets and pillows. I slowly start to drift off to sleep but hear my door creak open. "Magic? Are you up?" Roman asks in a whisper. "Yeah." I groan. He tiptoes in, closing the door behind him. "Can I sleep on your floor? All I can hear is Rachel and Seth." Roman explains. I look at him and see he has his pillow. "You can sleep in my bed." I mumble, closing my eyes again. "Just sleep the other way." I say, turning so I'm facing the wall. "Thank you magic." Roman whispers, climbing into my bed. I grunt in reply and quickly fall back asleep.

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