Chapter 17

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Sorry for the wait my lovelys. But here's another chapter!

I also wanted to say thank you for 2.3k reads!!!! Y'all are amazing!


Chapter 17

"I'm gonna warn you now. Dean and Seth got out of surgery right after you got on the plane. And they... Look... Different." Randy says, glancing over at me. "Wh-what do you mean?" I ask cautiously. "Well, what actually happened, was that they were practicing Rey's entrance and somehow the smoke got mixed with some flammable dust. And um, when the fireworks went off... It blew the place up. And then some debris crushed the trucks outside." Randy explains. "So... How does dean look?" I ask, worry eating me alive. "He's got a broken arm, 5 broken ribs, cuts, and bruises all over his body, and he's... He's in a coma." Randy says, avoiding eye contact. "No. He-he can't be." I whisper, looking out the window. Randy scoots closer to me, wrapping me securely in his arm. "He's gonna be ok, Magic. He has to be." He sighs, staring out the window along with me. "What about Seth? How's he doing?" I ask, a little bit more worried after the new about dean. "Pretty much the same... Only, he doesn't have a broken arm." Randy says, loosening his grip. "Who else... Is ok? You said it blew up the building." I question. "Roman... Aj... Vince... Brad... Zack... Punk, obviously... Kofi... Cena... And myself. Everyone was there for RAW that night." Randy sniffles, and I look up at him to see. Tear cascade down his cheek. "Is everyone in comas?" I ponder, swallowing the lump in my own throat. "No... Some just hurt really bad, or not as bad as others." Randy says as we pull up to the hospital. We crawl out into the cold, New Jersey, air. He pays the driver and we make our way inside. We walk quietly through the halls, Randy's sneakers squeaking, my boots scuffing. "Is roman still here?" I ask, looking up at randy. He nods, glancing down at me. "Yeah. He's sleeping in a chair I'm their room. The nurses told him to leave, but he won't." Randy tells me as we jog up the stairs. We walk down the next hall silently, no words needing to be said. I see roman in a little waiting area, pacing back and forth, biting his nails. I run up to him, hugging his waist. "Hey magic, they-they made me leave the room." Roman says, shaking as he wraps his giant arms around me. "Wh-why?" I question, worriedly. "Seth... H-he wasn't breathing for a minute... I don't know what happened after." He says, tears falling from his eyes to the top of my head. I look up at him, suddenly 100x more worried. "Wh-what?" I question, stepping back a little. "Is he gonna be ok?" My eyes sadden. Roman shrugs in defeat and a doctor comes down the hall, his gaze landing on roman. "Mr. Reigns, we have some news for you. Um, could we talk to you privately?" He says, glancing down at me. Roman starts shaking again. "Ah, um, c-can she come with me too?" Roman asks, pointing to me. The doctor looks me up and down for a moment. "Who is she?" He asks roman, looking back to him. "Dean's girlfriend." Roman says, then the doctor nods. He turns on his heal and roman and I follow him. He walks into a room and sits in a chair. Roman takes a seat I'm the chair across from him and I sit next to roman. "After what happened to Seth, he woke up. He's still very weak, and a little unstable. He doesn't remember much. But he does remember most things that happened after last year." The doctor informs us. Roman's face brightens slowly. "So, anything that's happened in the last year, he's remembered?" Roman asks. They doctor shakes his head. "Partially. He's still a little confused. But her remembers the 'accident'." "C-can we see him?" Roman asks, again. "Yes. We put him in a separate room from dean, to make sure he doesn't get upset." The doctor says, standing. "Thank you." I say. He glances at me, nodding. We get up and roman stops me once we get to the door. "I'm gonna go check on Seth. Do you want to see dean first? Or come with me?" He asks, his hand on my arm. "I don't know... Im nervous about seeing him." I admit shyly, looking down. Roman chuckles for the first time today. "Ok. So you coming with me then?" He says. I look up, nodding. We walk into another room and Seth sits there, an annoyed look on his face, as a nurse explains things to him. "Can't I just go see dean? You haven't told me anything, and I know what happened, so there's no point in keeping it from me!" Seth says, exasperated. He scoffs as the nurse shakes her head no, turning slightly and looking at us. "Magic! Dean! I haven't seem you guys in months! How are you?" He asks, smiling widely at us. "Seth, you saw me a few d-" roman stops when the nurse subtly shakes her head. "We're doing ok, Seth. How are you?" I ask, looking up at roman after. "Terrible! I've got broken ribs, cuts, scrapes, and bruises all over me, and these damn people won't let me talk to dean." Seth says, rolling his eyes. I bite my lip, tears coming to my eyes. The nurse leaves, quietly whispering to us as she passes, "don't tell him anything about dean or the accident." "They probably have a good reason, Seth." I say, sitting on a chair next to his bed. Roman sits next to me. "I guess... My ribs hurt." Seth says, rubbing his ribs. "You should get some sleep, dude." Roman says to Seth. "Ugh. Fine mother." He says, smiling. Roman chuckles and Seth scoots down in his bed. "We'll see you later Seth." I say, kissing him on the forehead and gently side-hugging him. Roman and him do their little handshake thing and then we leave. "I feel like we were talking to a little kid, not telling him anything." I say, sniffling. Roman nods, sighing. "Yeah. But, hey, let's go check on dean. You probably want to see him." Roman suggests, pulling me into his side by my shoulders. I nod and we walk next door. Roman goes to walk in and I put my hand on his shoulder. "Roman, I-I can't go in there." I say, feeling sick. "Why?" Roman asks, furrowing his eyebrows. "I don't want to see him hurt." I whisper, tears flooding my eyes. Roman pulls me into his arms, my head on his strong chest. "What if I never get to see him again?" I mumble into his shirt. "Don't say that, of course you are. He's gonna be fine, just like Seth. You saw how fast he woke up. Dean'll be back by the end of the week." Roman says. I step back, nodding, and wiping my tears away. "Ok. I'm ready." I say and we walk in. My heart brakes as I see dean laying in bed. His eye is puffy, bruises and cuts all over him, his ribs wrapped up, and his left arm in a sling and cast. I start to cry again, my hand covering my mouth. I slowly walk over to him, hitting the chair with my bottom, hard. "I'm gonna leave you alone with him, I'll be in the waiting room." Roman says, walking out of the room. I start wailing my heart out, pulling my knees up to my chest. "No, no, no, no, no. Dean. Why?" I cry, looking at him through my stained-glass-eyes. I see his charts on the table next to him and grab the clipboard.

Patient: dean ambrose

Accident: firework/smoke mix up in an arena that ended up in an explosion and fire

Condition: severe. Patient is in a coma and doesn't seem to be responding to anything

I drop the clipboard onto the table and look back at dean. I hold his hand in mine, taking a deep breath. "Dean, I don't know if you can hear me. But, please, I need you to wake up. Please. I don't kn-know what I'd do if you died. I l-love you and I can't take it when you're not around. I miss you all the time and I need you to be ok. I love you so much. Please wake up." I say, holding his hand to my face. I get up and crawl into the bed next to dean, cuddling into a ball into his side, careful of his ribs. I close my eyes tight, hoping that when I wake up, it'll all of been a dream.

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