Part 9

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**3 HOURS LATER** I sat on the beach with a sigh as the eye blinding sun shone down. My black clothing attracted the scorching heat, but it didn't bother me. I watched students of all ages eat their lunch in twos, and groups. Some alone, but not unhappy. Bullying doesn't exist here. I crossed my leg over the other as I lit up the cigarette that I wedged between my lips. I use lunch hour to have a smoke and observe the pupils in case of any attacks. Unlikely, yes. But I'm a cautious man. Vampires don't tend to come out often in the sunlight, since they would only last a few hours before slowly burning to ash. They only emerge in nice weather if they're desperate. "Well, hello there, Mr. Biersack!" That voice was less pleasing than nails on a chalkboard. I let out a sigh, releasing a cloud of smoke through my parted lips as I exhaled. I glanced up to see Miss. Compton close by, playing with her hair. She started at me, smiling wide. I rose an eyebrow before mumbling "hello, Miss. Compton." My voice dull and my words half hearted. It didn't faze her. She simply giggled. "Call me scout." She cooed, making me almost choke on my current inhale due to the sickening sweetness in her tone. I plastered a smile, my teeth bared to the point where I looked like I was about to bite. " I think Miss. Compton is more appropriate." I croaked out, my throat still burning from the assault of my tobacco. She giggled again and waggled her fingers. "Okay! Bye bye, teach!" "Mr. Biersack." I growled under my breath as she ran off. The hearing of that nickname escaping the wrong lips made my blood boil. "Looks like Teach has got a little admirer." I heard a voice call from behind my back. The corners of my lips were tugged into a non hide able grin. This time, the name was spoken by the right voice....

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