Part 19

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(andy's P.O.V) "Wait, what did you just say?" I hissed as I slammed my hands down on the desk. I may of declared war on the vampires, and promised that I would return Y/N, but ideas were rather low. Out of potions , I had to report back to Sir Motionless, and ask for his help. WHat he just told me through, wasn't the advice I was expecting. Motionless' pale face was pained, and apologetic. "I'm sorry, Andrew, but if you really have your mine set on saving Y/N, you'll have to become one of them." I retrieved my palms from the wood and staggered back slightly, my eyes drifting across the floor. "W-wh- You mean, I-" "Yes, you will have to become one of the things you hunt down." My head was pounding, and my chest tightened as did my throat. I stumbled back and collapsed in a leather armchair, my fingers brushing my forehead as my elbow supported itself on the arm of the chair. I-I couldn't. The idea of beconing one of those monsters made me sick to my stomach, and for one girl? thats insane, why cant i let her go? THe female species isn't exactly endangered, it wouldn't be hard to find another. I was trying to convince myself that I should continue with my life, and leave Y/N behind. MY thoughts were interrupted by Sir Motionless. "Listen Andrew. It won't be as bad as you think. I have a close friend who quite frankly, owes me a favour. He can tell you the basics, and he really isn't a bad guy. It could make up your mind." I sighed, trying to process what was happening. On my mind's own account, I nodded and murmured "Fine." Motionless nodded in return. "A'right. I'll take you to him." I sighed again and buried my face in my hands. how did it come to this?....

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