Part 26

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(Andy's P.O.V) My arm was on fire, and beyond quick repair. I clenched my teeth when trying move the limb from it's twisted position, hearing the bone complain with a withering cracks. Giving up, I let go of my injured body part and stood tall, glaring sharply at Dracula who grinned triumphantly. The gaz coaxed him, since he charged forward, fangs snapping and eyes glimmering. I fought off his punches with my strong arm, using kicks to his legs to push him back. this wasn't looing good for me. Count suddenly lunged for my neck, teeth bared. My hand clenched his jaw, using all my stringth to keep his fangs from sinking into the soft flesh of my throat. An idea struck my mind, and in the slowing of the moment, it sounded good. I slowly slid my fingers up his cheeks, struggling slightly as he go closer to my shoulder. That was enough for me to pull back the tips of my fingers, and plunge two of my sharp nails into his right eye. He shrieked, his black blood pouring down his face and my hand. He writhed in agony, giving up on his attack. Now at my disposal, I inched my dagger nails further into his skull. Count's screams were almost like music to my ears, which made my lips turn into a bloody thirsty smirk, and my scarlet eyes glow with amusement. Finally wrenching out of my grip, my fingers left his head as he stumbled back, holding his wound. I could see his eye was now bleeding mush, soup like and gushing. It was enertainment at his finest as Count tried controlling his finest as Count tried controlling his heavy breathing while his popped eye bled extraordinarily. I was so gloriously amused by my work, that I barely noticed Count recoil with a growl, and sprint in my direction with bared teeth....

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