° Chapter 18 °

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"I hate my life." I whined, sitting on the stairs,whilst mum and dad were very busy setting up the table for the Stanley's. And neither me or Taylor are familiar with that surname at our school.

They knocked on the door and I rolled my eyes. My parents were very excited. I barely got up and stood behind them with Taylor and Maya.

"Let's just do this so it's finally over." Taylor said whilst dad was opening the door.

"What's the worst that can happen?" Taylor said and I quickly looked at the door.

"You're right, It can't be that
bad-" I said but soon shorten my breath.

Oh my God.

"Is that?" Taylor asked me in shock.

"Yes." I said still a bit surprised.

Their daughter is that cheerlader, the one Simon kissed that I assume is his new girlfriend.

For a few moments I stood completely silent realising what the hell is happening.

"What the fuck is my life anymore?" I said under my breath until we greeted them.

Great. My life has officially turned into a shitty teenage movie.

"-And this is our daughter Carrie." Her mum said and gave us a little nod.

We went to the dining room and Carrie was looking at me strangely. I hope Simon didn't tell her anything and I hope she doesn't know me.

"Feel like your life is directed for a movie." Taylor laughed

"You have no idea." I said as I sat down.

We all sat down and started eating.

Taylor sat next to me and Carrie sat across me. Maya sat next to Carrie and dad.

The table looked very organised. The food was placed on reachable places and the parents were at the one side of the table, whilst we were on the other, each having different conversations, well they did. We just sat in silence.

We finished our meals and they talked for another half an hour whilst us four was in silence. I mean Maya was finding food very interesting, so there was three of us, sitting in silence

In one moment they got slightly silent, so I assume they heard our following conversation.

"Aren't you-" Carrie asked me

"No." I cut her off. She recognised me.

Taylor was looking down, giggling a bit.

"I'm pretty sure you and Sim-" She started talking,but I cut her off before she could say his name.

"No we didn't." I instantly said acting like I have no idea. I continue to drink my soda, whilst my heart was beating really fast.

"Stop acting like you don't know." She said

"What do you mean?" I asked pretending. Taylor starts to sync in every word we are saying.

"Look, we need to talk." She said

She doesn't seem angry, so that's great.

"About what?" I asked rolling my eyes

She looked at Taylor and I said:

"Don't worry about her." I conviced her that Taylor can be trusted

"It's about Simon." She said.

I wasn't fast enough to stop her before she said his name this time.

I looked down and try to act like I'm over it.

"Follow me." I whispered to her and got up.

I told mum I'll take the plates away, so Carrie helped me. We went to the kitchen and I closed the door behind me. We put the plates and forks down and started talking.

"Okay, what do you want? I don't want to know about you, Simon or whatever is similar to that." I said brushing it off

"Oh, so you do know who I am." She said

"Yes." I said rolling my eyes

"Listen, we have a plan." She said

"What are you talking about? What plan?" I asked frraking out

"No, please trust me." She said

"I don't want to know about anything including him or you. I just can't. And I'm trying to get over something that I can't explain,especially when the whole school has their own theories about me and him." I said

"It's not like that." She tried to say something, but I kept cutting her sentences off.

"Leave me alone. You can see that I'm only a trouble to everyone." I said

We heard her parents calling for her from the hallway.

"You should just go." I said

She turned around and I followed her to the door. Both mine and hers parents we there saying goodbye to each other.

Taylor and I were standing on the stairs.

"He was right, you know? You are truly stubborn as hell." She said sounding completely normal and walked away with her parents.

Taylor looked at me a bit concirned.

Mum and dad hugged us and we went to our rooms.

"What happened?" Taylor said , blocking the door so I can't shut them.

"Nothing, I didn't wanted to listen to her. I just want to forget about it for these few weeks." I said

"Forget about it by locking yourself in your room and never leaving it?" She said

"Yes.Please just let me get over with." I say

"I wish it wasn't like that." She said and moved away.

"Goodnight Taylor." I said and closed the door.

I get changed and lie down on my bed.
I turn the lights off and start to think about everything for many minutes.

"Stubborn,huh?" I whispered whilst staring at the wall.

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