14. Jin

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"___, you've got to check out what's there!", although the two of you were set to depart from south korea in an hour's time, your best friends, Haeri's however, decided to roam about incheon airport at the time being.

And during her self exploration process, she happened to observe something intriguing and now, she was frantically pulling the sleeve of your shirt, dragging you along to Lotteria, which was a fast food restaurant situated nearby the waiting area.

"What's up?", you were still looking all confused at first, but after judging how Haeri was jabbing her fingers at one of the guys at the table, your eyes widened too at the amazing sight.

"Eummoh eummoh eumm eumm~", seated at the table, Jin could be seen munching off to a hamburger like a hamster as usual and as he pulled the cheese longer and longer, he was so proud of himself that he was totally oblivious to how you were gawking at him.

Jungkook, who was seated opposite Jin was also happily filming when Jin then decided to stop the video as he covered his hand over the lens.

"Now that's enough Kookie. we better head back to join the rest now,"

Then, with a swift turn, Jin spun his body around, fixing his shirt, pants and hair, until he met the eyes of yours.

Lowering down his shades, Jin stared at you in awe when he saw your expression but shortly after, he broke into a warm smile and asked you politely,


You however, did not respond to him.

Thus, scratching the back of his head, Jin didn't know what you want too, but deciding to be kind, he got a serviette from the table and whipped out his permanent marker. Signing swiftly on it, he then handed you with it, but you only shook her head at him.

Instead, you pointed at the table and specifically at the tray, causing Jin to arch his eyebrows at you.

"You want me to sign on the wrapper of the burger instead? Or do you want to take a picture of me eating the burger?"

"No", you replied curtly.

"What's the name of that awesome thing?"
"Mozzarella in the burger,"

"Ohhhh", you finally smiled with your teeth showing. With that, you looked back up at Jin, but that was when you noticed that he still had some cheese stuck to the corner of his lips. And so, reaching for the serviette that was still in his hand, you took it over swiftly and wiped it clean for him. Then, after mouthing a quick 'thank you' to him, you immediately turned back to sling your arm around Haeri's shoulders, pulling her to the counter.

"Two Mozzarella in the burger juseyo,"

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