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When I was a girl... I had a fear of spiders.

But that was when she was a little girl. Now, it is as if Widowmaker acted like one. Nearly always silent, staying still, letting the silence suffocate her. Her wide eyes stared at the wall in the watchpoint in Gibraltar through her thermal headgear. She had been scouting in that same spot for hours now, tracking down her target's every reckless step, while Widowmaker watched delicately.

Did I just witness my childhood friend have sex? She thought unbelievably.

Deep down, Widowmaker felt disgusted down to the pit of her stomach, however, business was business.

After Lena left that child's room, she went back to her own, skipping with ease and energy. By the time Lena went in, there was no need for Widowmaker to use her headgear, for the window was wide open for her to see Lena with.

Taking a deep breath, Widowmaker slowly pulled the trigger. The aim was right on point, but because of Lena's excitement she accidentally blinked away. The shot made a silent noise, the sound of the bullet hitting the wall instead of its target.

"Merde!" She hissed. Grappling to a new location, Widowmaker left a poison trap on her last location while her mind races with possibilities of what Lena may be doing now.

Perhaps she's inspecting the hole. No, she's grabbing her weapons.

Those were possible true guesses.

Blinking to the poison trap?

And she was right. A few seconds later she heard coughing as Widowmaker turned around. The sight of purple gas being emitted from her trap made her smile evilly.

Let the hunt begin.

Widowmaker ran as quickly as her feet can carry her. She must confirm if she made the kill or not. As the purple smoke cleared, Widowmaker's eyes had been smitten with confusion at the sight behold her.

Lena wasn't there.

Hearing footsteps from behind, she turned and shot the first moving object she saw. The silencer still attached to the muzzle of her Widow's Kiss muffles the sound once more. Giggling can be heard as that damn annoying pest blinked just in time, resulting in coming face to face with the cold-blooded assassin.

"Bonjour." The French woman spoke first. Her voice husky from being kept quiet all day.

"Amèlie..." Lena started but was then interrupted by Widowmaker attempting to shoot Lena. More accurately, aiming for the device attached at Lena's chest. She wants that English pest to be kept quiet.

For good.

"Woah! Love, I just want to speak to you!" Lena bursted as she blinked back and forth and side to side, desperate to calm down the raging assassin.

"Well, I don't!" Widowmaker retorted over her gun's silent shooting,"I do not wish to talk to you at all!"

This went on for two more minutes. Two minutes of bullets being shared back and forth. It was amazing how the guards posted on their watchtowers haven't noticed them yet.

"Amèlie–" Lena attempted to speak once more but to no avail, the professional killer was too caught up in her rage that Lena had no choice but to kick Widowmaker's gun out of her hands, and soon the skilled predator was held down by her prey, "I want to take you somewhere. Please. Just...Just do it." She requested.

Hesitantly, but curiously, Widowmaker accepted. Jumping off the roofs and buildings, Lena led her companion to a hill. A hill Widowmaker herself was more than familiar with.

"I don't need this." She growled, turning around to walk away. Just as she was about to take a step away, Lena blinked almost immedietely behind her long lost friend and hugged her from behind.

"Please don't leave me. Not again. I promise I won't be mad about Luciò. Just please, don't leave me again..." Lena whispered, tears threatening to show themselves.

"...I don't want you to go."

My Heart~WidowTracer fanficWhere stories live. Discover now