Chapter 25

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      The cracking of leaves and sticks underneath her foot provided comfort and company. If everything was silent, Lena was sure she'd go mad. In the beginning of her walk, she thought of her team, of how they may have reacted to her "death."

Now she resorted to bubbling like a baboon, her hands flailing around as she let her anger finally take a hold of her for now.

"I didn't even ask for this! This is ridiculous! They have no proof I'm dead! I'm still a–"


"–live." She paused. Lena narrowed her eyes. She crouched down and readied her weapons. Slowly sauntering forward, Lena was sure someone was there.

"You've been caught. I heard you, so do both you and I a favor and show yourself." She tried to persuade.


"Come on, I'm exhausted."


"Jesus, fuck, am I even talking to someone?" Lena shook her head.

Rolling her eyes and sighing heavily, she continued her walk once more. "Well, if you are someone, feel free to join me."

A few minutes has passed, and Lena finally decided to finally head back. But when she turned around, Lena was sure her eyes were decieving her.

It was Amélie.

"Why'd you stop?" The assassin asked.


"Walking. Why'd you stop?"

Lena looked at her feet and shrugged. She was trying to avoid looking at those eyes.

But it was too hard not to.

The ex-pilot lifted her chin, not about to show any weaknesses anymore. "Well, why didn't you shoot us back there at your HQ?"

"I didn't feel like it."

"Then you got my answer, love." Lena added, "But since I'm not bored anymore..." She turned back around to walk ahead, back to her original route when she continued walking. But this time, Amélie followed beside her, her weapon leaning on her shoulder as the two walked in silence, unsure of who should speak first or what to say.

Soon enough, the walk ended. They faced a cliff edge. Lena walked forward to sit at the edge. If she fell, she could just rewind. If Amélie fell, she could grapple to safety, so everything was all good. At the bottom of the cliff were the violent clashing of water against land, but ahead was a calming ocean, the moon shining brightly as it lay down light like a mother tucking in her child with a blanket.


Amélie sat next to her.

A truce.

"Hey." Lena started.


"How come you never told me?"

"Well, it does seem like faking your own death is a new trend."

"Answer me."

"It would've given you all the more reason for you to want to run." Amélie revealed.

"Uh huh, sure. Okay, your turn, ask away," Lena offered.

"I have none."

"Lies. Dig deeper."

"This isn't 20 questions, cheri."

"What a party pooper!" Lena shook her head disapprovingly, yet a smile was plastered on her lips. God, this feels nice. Just to talk normally like this with her really is Utopia itself.

Finally, a normal conversation was initiated. One that didn't press on serious matters, but one of where they playfully insulted each other, talked of the good times and chases they gave each other on the battlefield. However, like all conversations, they had to run out of topics to talk about at some point. And finally, Lena allowed herself to look into the glowing yellow sapphire eyes of the other girl without fear. The two held each other's gaze until Lena could bear it no more and leaned forward, her hand securing itself onto Amélie's jaw.

"May I?" Lena whispered. Their lips were only inches apart now. Their gaze never broke.

"You may."

Their leap of faith.

She closed her eyes and leaned in.

Lena's lips pressed against Amé's lips softly. Despite being given permission, Lena still expected a punch to her jaw, but to her surprise, Amélie kissed her back.

It went slowly, but none of the two complained. They enjoyed this moment. They know that something like this may most likely never happen again.

Her lips are so soft... Lena thought, her eyes concealed shut. She bit Amélie's lip, pulling the other girl more towards her, and Amélie's fingers ran themselves in Lena's brown hair. The kiss started to turn towards desperation.


Red flags were being raised in her mind, telling her that this was too much. Lena didn't want to stop,but she had to.

"Amé..." Lena breathed. Through the kiss, she felt the other girl tense up at the sound of her name, yet she didn't stop the kiss.

This is risky. Her brain tried to warn her.

This is okay. She assured herself. This is enough.

Lena pulled away first and Amélie did the same. They tried to catch their breath while they leaned on each other's foreheads, gazing once more into one another's eyes. She gave Amélie a small smile. The other girl bit her lip. Not in a sexual way, but the way when you've got something in your mind.

Probably shouldn't ask.

"Thank you." Lena said instead. Not bad. Not really the best one, but not bad.

Amélie nodded her head before getting up to grab her things, and walked away. Back into the realm of trees and darkness.

"Wait." Lena spoke. "Why don't you join us?"

It seemed as though the assassin considered the offer, but she shook her head and continued down her own path.

A/N: THERES YOUR KISS OKAY THERE IT IS LUCKY NUMBER 25 FOR ME SO IM LIKE HEY WHY NOT AMIRIGHT also i love you guys ok i have school now so i wont be able to make more chapters at a faster rate so expect angst if there are chapters bc im gonna be stressed tf out :))))

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