Chapter 22

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She blinked. How was she supposed to react? Should she be angry? Sad? A combination of both? Or maybe...don't?

Yeah. Maybe just that.

"Oh." Was the only thing that came out of her mouth. Hana was carefully analyzing each and every one of Lena's movements.

"Lena?" She asked.

No response. Most likely that it's better if she didn't give one at all. She might just blow up. But...


"How many months exactly?" Lena asked lightly with a smile that didn't quite meet her eyes.

"Lena, I'm so–"

"How long, Hana?"

Keep it in, gotta calm down. Just smile.

"Four. Four months, two weeks and... three days, now." The gamer sighed.


And that basically was it for the conversation. Minutes that felt like hours that felt like years passed by, and Lena allowed the pressuring silence to crush and cripple her body.

God, it feels like I'm disappearing all over again.

A knock on the door ruined the tension, much to Lena's disappointment and relief.

She stood up and glanced at Hana, who was deliberately avoiding to meet her eyes, and proceeded to open the door.

"Sombra?" Lena greeted with confusion and surprise. She was carrying Lena's already washed clothes.

"Aye, I see the girl made it here! Nice reunion, but you guys need to leave." The hacker rushed the two to get ready to leave. And to all of their surprise, the Overwatch agents didn't even argue.

Sombra led the way. Putting a finger to her lips, she gestured for the two to stay quiet and alert. They walked towards the stairs to the roof. It wasn't very far considering that they were already on the third floor. The surveillance cameras shut down as Sombra passed through the hallway.




Lena's eyebrows furrowed at the sound. Widowmaker's footsteps were as loud as fireworks. Sombra walked faster, but still silently. Lena and Hana followed, crouching down to avoid unnecessary noises and movements. But nothing escapes the assassin. Nothing and no one.

But not today.

Sombra slowly turned the knob and slid outside to the roof, but instructed Lena and the girl to wait. A few moments came and went and Sombra poked her head to give them the greenlight. Nodding their heads, they went onto the roof. Two guards lay sprawled on the floor. They lay unbreathing and lifeless. Hana gave a shudder and Lena clenched her jaw as she continued to follow Sombra.

Not too far, now.

The three were at the edge of the roof. Time was limited.

"Hana, hop on." Lena instructed her. They were gonna jump.

For a second, Hana noticed how Lena's voice sounded.



Then that second wasted was made up for by Hana hopping onto Lena's back, her legs securing around her waist.

Sombra went first. She jumped ahead and threw a device in mid-air onto the other roof, accompanied by Lena who blinked onwards. Sombra teleported behind them after the two went ahead for a few feet. The hacker took the rear.

Lena was sure that Widowmaker figured out what was going on by now.

The ex-pilot alternated between running and blinking, not wanting to use up her chronal accelerator too much. The three crept on the rooftops, momentarily stopping when a guard passes by, but was soon silenced by Sombra. As helpful as it was, Lena doesn't like killing when it's unnecessary.

They were almost off Talon's property when Sombra stopped.

"What is it?" Hana asked.

"It's been quiet for too long. Where's Widowmaker? She should be either shooting us or sounding off the alarms by now." Sombra pointed out.

"Who cares! Let's just go! The exit is right there!" Lena hissed as she walked forward to jump over the gate.

"Lena, you're not thinking straight! This could be a trap!" Hana reasoned.

"You guys are thinking too much, just come on!" Lena dismissed.

"Then put me down." Hana ordered.

"What? No!"

Sombra stepped in. "I was just fucking with you guys. Hurry up and jump!"

And so they did.

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