Chapter 19

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      "What the hell?" Widowmaker whispered. Sombra turned her head gleefully at the visitor...or owner of the room?

"Ay, mi amiga!" Sombra greeted cheerfully,"How nice of you to join us!"

Widowmaker didn't reply, but only gave the two a questioning glare. Lena was clearly trying to pretend that she doesn't notice the dagger-like eyes of the assassin and focused on painting the hacker's nails.

"So, what color do you want? I think black would suit you better. Oh, wait! Maybe purple, since it's your main thing, y'know? What do you think, Oxton?" Sombra asked the poor soul.

"I, um, purple?" The human teleporter slightly stuttered, surprised her opinion was being asked.

"We got an answer, then! Widow, come here! Don't be shy!" Sombra said with a smirk. She knows that she's pissing her off.

"Sombra..." Widowmaker started.

"Yes, ma petite bon-bon?" Sombra giggled and turned to Lena, "I got that one from Barney back when I was younger."

"Out." Widowmaker hissed.

"What? Oh, come on! You never let me do anything fun with the hostages–"

"Out!" Widowmaker said again, but more forcefully.

"Ugh, fine, whatever." Sombra pouted and got off the bed and headed towards the door. Widowmaker let her pass, but just as she was gonna turn the corner Sombra put two fingers to her lips in a "V," and stuck her tongue out. Scoffing with disgust, Widowmaker aimed her rifle at her co-worker, not hesitating to shoot. She missed a few, but was satisfied when she noticed that she left a bullet hole in the woman's coat.

What a shameless girl.

Heading inside the room, Widowmaker closed the door behind her and had a staring competition with Lena. The British woman was gonna open her mouth to speak, but was interrupted.

"You need a shower. You're stinking up my room." Widowmaker said bluntly.

"So adamant..." Lena whispered, but she stood up to head towards the bathroom. "Wait, where can I wash these?" She leaned her head just outside the door, holding out her clothes. It was disgusting.

With a deep, deep breath, Widowmaker replied, "I'll send a maid."

"Nice. Thanks, love, 'ppreciate it!" Lena said and went back inside the bathroom. But instead of the awaited sound of the shower, Lena poked her head out the door once more. "Um,"

"What is it now?" Widowmaker growled.

"How...How do you use the shower? It seems really complicated..."

Widowmaker narrowed her eyes. I'm going to kill her, I swear to God.

She sighed and headed to the bathroom. Lena wrapped herself with the hotel's towel, but
Widowmaker paid no attention to that.

At least, she tried not to.

"Just press here, and here. This button adjusts the temperature, and this one switches from faucet to shower." Widowmaker explained the purpose of the holographic buttons. She layed her finger on the button to start the water, but none came out. Widowmaker sighed, trying not to lose her temper. She layed her other hand on her ear piece and contacted the person who could've done this. A few moments and a crackle came to life.

"Sombra, I'll make sure not to miss next time."

And instantly, the faucet turned on.

"Alrighty, thanks for the help! I got it now," Lena gratefully said.

"Just make sure to hurry up."

"Yeesh, fine!"

"This does not make us friends, or anywhere near that. Understood?"

Lena didn't like the idea, but agreed anyways. "Yes, ma'am."

And with that, Widowmaker left the bathroom and sat on the bed. Contemplating on what just happened, she allowed the palm of her hands to press against her eyes and moved them over to allow her fingers rub her temples.

"I can't believe this is actually happening to me." She said to herself in frustration.

The telephone was next to the bed. Widowmaker picked it up and started to order.

"Talon's Hotel! How may I help you tonight?"

"Send me a maid. Laundry. Have the maid bring clothing and undergarments. Medium in Women's."

"Got that. Anything else?"

"Bring two bottles of your finest wine and..."

Don't do it.

"...bring Starbuck's 'White Chocolate Mocha' and make it a grande."

Oh, my God.

"Is that all?"

"Yes, that's all."

"What room number would you like us to send it to?"

"Room no. 304."

A pause. She's not gonna lie, she absolutely loved the fear she puts in others just because of her reputation and her skills, but now it's just getting boring.

"Yes, of course! We'll have your order there in no time. Have a nice night, Miss Widowmak–"

She hung up.

Not five minutes passed by and there was already a knock on the door. The maid's voice was muffled through.

"The clothes you ordered and your White Chocolate Mocha, ma'am?"

Widowmaker got up and opened the door to see a frail looking girl standing, visibly trembling. Something about her was familiar, though. Brushing that aside, Widowmaker took the clothing and the drink from the maid, and replaced it with Lena's clothes. She swore she saw the girl's fingers twitch. Widowmaker almost closed the door, when–

"Hana!?" Lena yelped surprisedly.

"Lena!" The girl replied with the same surprised tone.

"Hana?" Widowmaker said confusedly. As soon as she put the pieces together, she whipped her head at the barely clothed woman. "Lena!"

"Ame?" Lena asked with utter fear.

"Ame!?" Hana repeated, her eyes widened with realization.

"Oh for fuck's–" Widowmaker's sentence was left unfinished as she swiped her palm with sheer force behind the youngest girl's head, instantly knocking her out.

"You knocked her out!?" Lena whisper-shouted with disbelief.

"What did you want me to do!? I can't have you two twerps yelling like cows mooing! The other people in the hotel could hear!"

"Oh, my God, I cannot believe this shit is going on right now."

"Yeah? Well, imagine what's gonna happen to you two when Reaper finds out."

"Wh–you're gonna snitch!?"

"He's the boss, Lena! And can you just please get some clothes on!" Widowmaker tossed Lena the clean clothes. Picking up the hotel's phone, Widowmaker can see Lena about to blink towards her, but ceased when she held a finger up.

"Talon's Hotel, may we help you with anything this evening?"

"Yes, you may, send me another laundry maid. I need clothes washed...again."

"Er, yes, Miss Widowmaker, understood."

Great, now they're gonna take it the wrong way.

Slamming down the phone, Widowmaker turned back again at Lena, and then at the unconscious girl on the bed, then back at her. Narrowing her eyes threateningly, she pointed her finger directly at Lena.

"You're gonna fix this." Widowmaker concluded.

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