Chapter 33

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"You're joking....right?" Sombra asks sarcastically, her perched eyebrow to match the tone. There was no wind, no rustling of leaves. The forest was as dead as death can be. "I don't know about you, but I don't know what Gabe thinks he can accomplish just by killing some girls."

"Sombra, how can you be so...ugh!" Hana rolls her eyes in disbelief in the way this tech nerd seems to be taking this topic so lightly. "This is my life and Lena's, shouldn't you be more... I don't know...concerned?" The Korean gamer sighs exasperatingly as she runs her fingers through her hair. "I know you're supposed to be, like, 'big bad' but... you're just being a plain bitch."

Sombra's jaw was left hanging. When she finally recovered, she realized the damage that's been done as she tries to backpedal. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, Hana that's not what I meant-"

"Oh, yes, of course. You meant 'Oh, sorry, chika, I'm too indestructible to care for anyone else but myself'!"

Sombra growled as she fights to pull her hair from her scalp.

Meanwhile, Lena and Amélie stood side by side watching them with amused stares. It was a kind of silence that they never wanted to break. Amélie, of course, would never want to admit that. So there they stood together. Lena looks at her love without turning her head, unsure of how the long haired beauty would react.

Welp, it's all or nothing.

Lena inched her fingers closer and closer, hoping Amélie wouldn't react too badly. Little did she know that this stoic assassin was hypersensitive to her surroundings so of course, she noticed the slight awkwardness of this silly woman next to her. It was fun and games at first...until she felt warmth being connected to her fingers. Oh, God.

Amélie couldn't figure herself out. She wanted this, that, she knew. Yet... It's so difficult. So damn difficult.

Maybe if she just...

Lena bit her lip, trying to contain her excitement and relief. They weren't holding hands, but they were locking their index fingers together. Awkward, but this was enough. No, more than enough. More than she ever wanted. She couldn't keep it in anymore as she turned to face the tall, slender woman. "Amélie...please, come back home."

And with these words Amélie felt cold again. Can she come back? After what she did? After Gérard? Her chest tightened. She's not felt this way in a while. Her breathing gone faster with every breath she takes and Heavens...are these tears?

Too much.

This was too much.

"Luv? Love, what's happening?"

That word. That goddamn word.

"Love, please let me-"

"No!" Amélie shoves Lena away and instantly Hana and Sombra spring into action, catching Lena before she falls. Sombra began to approach Amélie with a determined face before Lena ran up to Sombra.

"It's okay, I think... I think I can talk to her just fine." Hesitantly, Sombra backed off and instinctively wrapped an arm protectively around Hana.

Lena gives a nod of thanks as she watches at the pitiful sight of Amélie grasping her head, nails deep inside her scalp as she struggles to remove her headgear.

"Amélie." Lena says as she took a step closer. Out of reflex, Amélie jumped to her gun and aimed at Lena, who made no movement to surrender. "I won't hurt you, baby, and you won't hurt me too." The spikey-haired girl maintained eye-contact, determined to make sure her love could feel how she could feel. It's impossible, or so they say, for an assassin like Amélie, the Widowmaker, to feel. But Lena doesn't believe that. Slowly, Lena pushes the gun lower, and the lower it went, the more Amélie could feel herself breaking down.

Was this some sort of side effect? Is this because of the conditioning? She didn't know. But staring into those deep chocolate eyes made her feel so warm straight to her core. Something pulled her into it, and it kept her from breaking free.

"Love?" Lena speaks softly, as if talking to a toddler. She gently cups her cheek, not giving a care at how cold her cheek was to the touch. "I love you, I always have."

And like a dam, the cracks that started so little, has caused the dam to come undone and release an overflow of emotions. Regret? Pain? Relief? All of these, yet so much more. So much...

There, Amélie dropped to her knees as Lena hugged her tight. She took note of the fact that yes, this woman she held in her arms is as cold as ice. But these tears burned holes in her heart. And in these holes, did she finally understand. Amélie was a caring, loving person. Her heart indeed beats, it's real and this assassin, who deserved so much more, never wanted to become who she is right now. Lena chokes out a sob of her own. How could she not know? How could she have never understood her pain? Of course, Amélie felt. She did this whole time. Each kill sliced Amélie's heart. Tiny cuts, little by little. Those Talon bastards...

"I'm so sorry that I left you to be by yourself," Lena hugs Amélie tighter. "I'm never letting you go again."

For the rest of the night, Lena never left Amélie's side. And Sombra never left Hana's. They all lied down around the fire, quiet and enjoying the moment they're having. Yet they all know at the back of their mind they only have one thing in their heads: Get back to Overwatch. Destroy Talon. Destroy Gabriel.

Once and for all.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2019 ⏰

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