Chapter 14

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"I've given you enough time, spider." Reaper reminded. The dark figure had his arms crossed impatiently.

"There wasn't much of a deadline to begin with, monsieur." Widowmaker replied sarcastically. A growl erupted from the shotgun-wielder's throat.

A giggle in the shadows has introduced itself, followed by a lilac glow. Emerging from the darkness, Sombra appeared from a dark corner in Widowmaker's hotel room.

"Now, now!" The professional hacker interrupted, "We're all friends here!" She said cheerfully as she wrapped her arms around Reaper and Widowmaker's neck, bringing the two closer resulting in groans of  protest. "Yeesh, what's with that attitude?" Her words were heavily coated with her brilliant Mexican accent...and regret for asking.

Reaper scoffed, "Well first off, we barely scratched Volskaya industries, and this," He emphasized as his sharp claw-like finger is aimed directly at Widowmaker, "is too busy 'observing' that British twat!"

Widowmaker narrowed her eyes threateningly at the man in the mask. She was about to lose her composure if Sombra hadn't said anything.

"Ay Dios miyo! I was just kidding! Ever heard of a rhetorical question?" Sombra tried to shrug off the intense atmosphere. It wasn't really working.

Widowmaker snorted. "I've had enough of this nonsense." She walked away and out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Reaper asked with pure disgust evident in his tone.

Grabbing her Widow's Kiss, she allowed it to lay on her shoulder as she walked.


A/N: Y'alls, I'm sorry that I'm always posting almost never at all but I had the plot all planned out but now I kind a lost the paper and I'm like boi so gimme a moment ily guys ok? so pls enjoy this one small chapter.

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