Chapter 31

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This is bad, Lena thinks to herself, very bad.

The group has been walking for hours now without breaks and Lena is sure that Hana is about to pass out from exhaustion. The forest's trees were so thick that if you don't watch where you're going then there's a good chance you'll get smacked in the face by a branch. Lena was about to propose a break but she doubts that Amèlie would accept it, seeing that she has Lena's ex at gunpoint. However, the sun was beginning to set and they still had to find a suitable place to sleep. Without even looking, Lena speaks to Amèlie.

"Oi," Lena calls, "we're exhausted."

"Not my problem," The assassin shoots back, earning a pout from the British woman.

"Well, it will be later on. We're pretty hungry too so if we could just please slow down maybe we can–"

"No." Amèlie hisses.

Lena turns around to look at her right in the eye but falters when she sees. She falters when she sees the woman she loved so much change from the last time they saw each other. And it has only been a night. For a moment, the beautiful, shining yellow sapphire eyes were now dull with despair. Lena's piercing stare turned into concern. She can actually see how hard Amèlie's trying to keep it together and cover up the pure evidence in her eyes that something awful has just happened. And then that moment ended.

Lena opens her mouth to ask, "What's–"

"Keep. Moving," Amèlie orders as her eyes returned from being in pain to its normal cold and heartless glare. She pokes Lena harder with the point of Widow's Kiss. With a last glance, she turned back around and went ahead.

"So, what was that about?" Sombra asked.

"I just don't know what goes on in her mind, I mean, look. Why am I so needed as a hostage? Talon has you so you can easily just do whatever you want—although I won't hesitate to injure you if you did—but this shit is just ridiculous!" She basically whisper-shouted.

Beside her, Sombra mumbles, "Esta puta es tan estúpida que quiero que Widowmaker vuelva a la normalidad y la mate ya."

Lena doesn't have to understand whatever it is that Sombra said to know that it's probably better not to have it translated.

Hana snorts and turns to Lena. "Maybe if you kiss her it'll distract her enough for us to escape."

The petty remark flusters the human teleporter with guilt and embarrassment.

God, how come I've never noticed the camera? Lena growls. "Fuckin' Sombra."

Sombra hears and laughs it off, wrapping an arm around Lena's shoulder. "Hey, it was all you, not me, chica," but then Sombra turned quiet as she dropped her arm. "Did you even think about Hana at all?"

Lena paused. Staring down at the messy and earthy ground, she was too ashamed to admit to say that she didn't.

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