Chapter 15

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      Back to business. Lena puts on her jacket. Never leave home without it, She thought as her slender yet experienced hands grabbed for her Pulse Pistols. She glanced out her window once more, for luck. Lena knows she's still watching her. The girl she misses so much. The girl that abandoned her. The girl that Lena lo-

"Lena! Let's go! We're gonna be late, and the airship's gonna take off!" Hana's voice was muffled by the door and was barely heard due to her fist relentlessly banging on the metal door.

"Jesus, already!?" Lena rushed to sheathe her weapons into their small containers that she carries on her arms and blinked to the door, opening it with haste. Hana was leaning against the wall, waiting for her teammate. As Lena failed to realize that Hana clung onto her, she started blinking rapidly, not leaving a moment to waste. Everything was a blur. Literally.

Once they reached the ship, Lena was relieved that the door was still open and she went inside. Sitting down on the bench, she was surprised to find Hana sitting next to her, face flushed and panting like a dog. Eyeing Hana up and down, Lena raised an eyebrow.

"How the hell did you get here so fast?" The ex-pilot asked.

"I clung onto you, idiot. How did you not notice?" The gamer spoke between breaths, "oh, and I'm okay, thanks for asking." She ended sarcastically.

"Who put too much Sodium in her eggs, huh?" Winston emerged from the pilot's deck. He must've put the plane on autopilot.

"I did apparently..." Lena muttered with shame. "I'm sorry, love. How can I ever obtain your forgiveness?" She clutched her heart with mock pain and her eyes glittered with humor. She can sense the professional gamer try her best to hide the smile underneath, but failed anyways. Instead, Hana gave Lena a playful shove, as Fareeha and Angela sat next to each other, holding hands. The two chuckled at the scene before them. Genji shook his head in disapproval, but Lena can see right through that mask. He was smiling underneath. Jack leaned on the door frame of the pilot's deck, counting the heads of his teammates. Lena was laughing like she always does, causing mischief and making others smile. This team of her was like her family. Her only family. Each had their own problems and they always gave each other a helping hand.

And she would protect them with her own life.

A/N: Ay what's up! Finals are coming out and I'm so dead <3 Enjoy this smol happy chapter while you can  

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