13- Goodbyes

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Once the awkwardness has cleared, we go on to talking about music. As most of our conversations do. Which leads on to the topic of Panic! "So what did you think of Brendon?" Josh asks laughing when remembering the night. 'He seems nice in person, a little bit weird but that's always good' I type back quietly so there's no awkward silence. "Oh he was pretty normal last night, you should see him when he's high or drunk. It's actually quite hilarious" Josh smiles. That would definitely be an interesting time.

Before I know it Josh tells me that Tyler was on his way to pick him up. "I hope this wasn't too awkward for you" Josh laughs nervously, thinking back to the offer of earlier.  I smile as to say that it's fine. I hope he understands my language of smiles and awkward eye contact. I know most people don't.

"Well Tyler should be here soon, he's probably wondering where I am" Josh mumbles after looking at the time on his phone. There's still the strange awkward atmosphere between us. This is exactly why I do not enjoy social situations.

I hear the quiet ring of a text notification, which I'm guessing is from Tyler. "Do you wanna see him before we go?" Josh asks while starting to walk in the direction where Tyler should be. I nod and follow. Tyler seems nice. I haven't really gotten to know him that much as I've been with Josh and he's been busy with tour stuff but he seems cool from the time I've seen him with Josh. But obviously, from being a fan of their band, I know that they're very close. I don't want to get in the way of that.

"Hey, Penelope!" Tyler yells as soon as we reach him. I smile, hiding a frown."Well, we've got to get going, we've got a plane to catch" Tyler cheers before walking closer to me. He hugs me quickly and waits for Josh.

"It was nice meeting you, I guess we'll see you at the concert" Tyler mentions and I nod before looking over to Josh who seems to be feeling awkward.

"Josh hurries up" Tyler complains before getting into the car. "Well... Aah, see you then" He stutters before putting an arm around my waist as a side hug. He stays this way for longer than Tyler did. "Bye Pen" He sighs before walking off to Tyler.

My smile fades as slowly as he walks away.

I should be happy, I've just spent the last few days with Josh Dun and Tyler Joseph. They're said this isn't the end but for some reason, it feels like it.

I want to continue to get to know Josh and grow closer to him. I want to actually have a proper conversation with him. I haven't wanted to do that in a while. Josh is definitely changing my view on life, but does he know that?

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