29- Much Needed Hugs

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'It might be a bit too late for that' 

My mind freaks out momentarily. But really should I be worrying that much? What's Josh knowing going to change?

The sound of another text notification snaps me out of my thoughts. This time not from Tyler but Josh. 

'Why didn't you tell me?' He asks. 'I wanted to surprise you when I actually got my voice back' I reply honestly. What's the point in lying now? Who knows, Josh might be able to help me to get out of this mess I have created for myself.

'I probably wouldn't have got annoyed if I understood the full story' He responds. I was slightly surprised at how understanding Josh was being. It makes me feel like everything that has happened wasn't all my fault. 

I go on to filling Josh in with what he's probably missed, ignoring the apology texts from Tyler. I don't know why I didn't tell Josh in the first place. This would probably be solved and forgotten by now if I did. I seem to make everything harder than it needs to be.

Supernatural continues to play from the tv. I haven't been paying attention to it. But yet I still know what I'm up to. I've watched most episodes at least 4 times. Yeah, I need another hobby.

'I'm coming over and we are sorting this out' I see appear on my screen just as I start to pay attention to Netflix again. I'm literally in sweatpants and a sports bra, now is not a good time Josh. I start to walk upstairs to tidy myself up just even the slightest.

But before I can even reach the top step, I hear a knock on the door. How could he of gotten here that fast? 

I sigh and walk back down, not bothering about how I look anyway. After unlocking the door, Josh walks straight in. Only second glancing what I was wearing. I start to head upstairs to my bedroom and he seems to follow closely behind.

Josh sits quietly on my bed while I find a jersey to slip over top what I was already wearing. Once I find a clean one buried in my drawers, I sit crossed legged next to him, phone ready to type. "Are you okay?" He asks genuinely concerned. Most times we've seen each other I've been in colour and unique tidy clothes. This is unusual for me. 

I nod. I have no reason to not be. Clara has reasons to be upset, I do not. "You look like you need a hug" Josh smiles sadly. I nod and shift towards him. Josh pulls me into his chest, instinctively I wrap my arms around him. "This doesn't mean I'm not annoyed with you for not telling me" He laughs dryly. I definitely needed this. My body wants to cry but my brain is trying to find reasons why I would want to. I can't find a reasonable answer.

"Have you seen Clara since the night she found out?" Josh questions. I pull out my phone and type. 'She sent me home from work, telling me there wasn't enough work lately and she'd call me when needed'  I respond. I don't know how she's running the shop on her own, it's occasionally quiet but never for this long. "And she hasn't called?" He looks down at me pouting. I shake my head. 

"Well, we'll go see her tomorrow, try and explain everything," Josh says. I nod, not really in the mood for talking. Right now all I feel like doing is curling up in bed and sleeping with Josh by my side.

The yawn escaping from my mouth lets Josh know of my tiredness. "Do you want me to leave?" He asks softly. I shake my head again. He doesn't seem to want leave at the moment anyway.  

I move out of Josh's grasp and lie down, he falls beside me, pulling up a blanket before doing so.  Without thinking I rest my head on his chest. Josh doesn't seem bothered as he wraps his arm around my waist.

"Soon all this drama can be finished and we can concentrate on us" Josh whispers before closing his eyes. What does he mean by 'us'?

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