Chapter 5-Save me from his blue eyes

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Chapter 5 - Sam's P.O.V

After getting off my plane I couldn't believe I was finally here, were I was born, where I had always wanted to be I was finally in the right place, but it seemed so strange being alone, I mean I was alone before but I knew that my family were there even though I didn't live with them.

And my friends were there as well, I had Layla and Tasha with me close by but now knowing that they are some place far away across the world scared me and it suddenly sank it that I was alone, maybe that's the way it was meant to be, or maybe I will make new friends here until I persuade Alice to come stay with me.

I scanned my eyes around the stores until I saw the sweet store hidden away in the corner, if I go to the shops now the people waiting for their luggage will already have theirs, that way it will be less crowded for me to get mine, see sometimes I can be so smart.

I scanned my fingers along the chocolate bars then down to the chocolates in boxes, mints, more chocolate, various other sweets, they had to be here somewhere.

"Yes" I said to myself but I'm pretty sure I said it out loud.

I took the packets of jelly beans from the rack and looked at the price, £1 each or 3 for £2, well I guess this is my lucky day! I have..... £8 so I can get 6... maybe 9...ill just get 12.

I took more packets from the racks until I had counted 12 packets. I was supposed to be saving my money but oh we'll my jelly beans are more important to me now, I can worry about the rest later.

I was walking towards the counter to pay for my jelly beans.

"Louis!" I heard a British voice call loudly from somewhere else in the store.

I felt a strong impact hit me and all of the packets went flying from my hands and scattered themselves across the shop floor.

I looked up to see a strangely familiar face looking down at me, inches away from my face, his face was chiseled perfectly, he had a small amount of stubble around his jaw line, his blue eyes sparkled and his brown soft looking hair was perfectly placed up in a slight quiff.

"S-sorry" he stuttered in a beautiful accent, it was British definitely but he sounded like more like he was from Doncaster, it was maybe the hottest voice I had ever heard.

"Can you get off now please" I chuckled realising he was still on top of me.

"S-sorry" he said again.

"You already said that" I reminded him as he stood up onto his feet and them put his hand out for me.

"Yeah I did" he realised smiling nervously.

"I'm Sam" I introduced myself to him letting go of his firm grip onto my hand.

"Louis" he said in return.

"Have we met before?" I still recognised him from somewhere, but I would have remembered his accent if we had of met.

"No I don't think so" he said kindly back to me. "but you might have seen me in magazines or in the news" he continued.

"Oh my gosh are you like a criminal or something?" I joked around.

"No! of course not" he blurted out in shock.

"Joking" I assured him.

"I meant you might have seen me because I'm from one direction, the British band" he explained.

"Oh my sister loves you guys so much" I told him remembering the conversation we had recently had over Skype.

"That's cool"

I went down to pick up my packets and soon Louis was bending sworn helping me as well.

"Thanks" I said.

"Your welcome"

"So are you in tour or something?" I asked.

"No actually we just got onto our break so I thought we would come here to London." he informed me.

"That's cool"

"Did you really need all 10 of these packets?" he laughed.

"12 actually" I corrected him.

"Louis what are you even doing over there?" I heard the same voice from before say before a figure came into my view.

"Hi" I said to him. his hair was curly, in loose curls, not like long tight curls, nice brunette perfectly placed curls. his eyes were a mix of grey and light blue, I'd say mostly grey to be honest.

"Hey..." He seemed surprised and unsure of who I was. "I'm Harry, Harry styles" that's the boy who Alice was drawing earlier!

"Sam, Sam freeman" I introduced myself. "Sam, not Samantha!" I warned the both if them.

After I payed for my sweets I walked out of the store plastic bag in my hands.

"So I guess this is goodbye" I said to Louis and Harry turning to face them.

"For now" Harry said.

"Yeah maybe we'll see you again sometime" Louis added.

It was probably awkward standing there on silence for a while but I didn't notice as I was lost in Louis mesmerising eyes.

"Yeah see you around" I said taking my glance away from Louis and turned around go head for my luggage.

Something inside of me was telling me that i should have gotten his number, stayed in contact, but something else was stopping me convincing me he was a famous boy who wouldn't want anything to do with me. and I went with that something else and walked away not expecting to see him again.

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