Chapter 31- save me from...nothing?

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i noticed that louis wasnt exactly himself today, and i know why, i dont know how he didnt notice it earlier, i noticed the cuts on sam earlier this week but whenever i tried to talk to her about it she was always in a bad mood and i didnt feel like making her worse, so i decided to talk to alice about it instead, she noticed as well, we decided that if she didnt talk about it to louis by the end of this week then we would have to tell him about it, it may seem as if we didnt care about her but we do a lot actually. it just didnt seem right to tell louis because we didnt want her to get mad at us, we didnt want to stir up shit to put it in a more clear way of speech. of course if louis hadnt of found out today we would have told him tomorrow because, well it was our last resort and we wanted her to stop.

i guess im a bit dissapointed as well that alice could have come to sound check today but i understand fully that sam needed her more than anything else right now, and as well as the fact they havent seen each other for ages, i shouldnt be selfish over her. i dont recon thye will come to tonights show either i think it would be better if sam had some sleep and came another night. i told alice this and she agreed with me completely. i mean we have 5 shows after tonight.

i watched as niall stood on the stage checking how his guitar sounded with the live band. louis akwardly stood on the side staring at his feet as he tapped them together. i wonder if he will be mad when i tell him i knew, why didnt i think of this before? hell blame me for not telling him, we were thinking more about upsetting sam and we completely missed out how louis would feel in all of this. 

i stood up from the seat in the audience and weaved my way through the rows until i got to the side, i made my way backstage and walked into my dressing room, i pulled out a green spotty mug and put it underneath the coffee machine watching the water and cofffee grains pour into the mug. i wonder what the girls are doing now, im sure alice would have figured out a way to make sam feel better, shes good at making people feel better.thats one thing i know about her, i mean i know quite a lot but theres one thing she wont talk about, her parents.

shes told me that she plays the guitar and that sam likes to write songs but never shares them with anyone not even her, shes told me all about her hobbies, shown me her sketches which are amazing,  but whenever i ask about her adoptive family she changes the subject to something else or says shes going for a shower and makes her escape, i just dont understand she told me she got adopted by a couple but she wont as such tell me any names.

the subject of her parents is completely a taboo subject. 

i noticed that the coffe was done, i added a cap of milk and stirred it in before taking it out to louis who was still standing in the exact same place as before, his eyes stuck on his shoes still. "hey mate, how you hanging up?" i asked handing it to him carfully checking that he was holding onto it properly before i let go. 

"thanks, what do you mean?" he looked at me curiously. 

"look i know about sam" i went ahead and told him bitting my lip scared of his reaction.

"how do you know did alice tell you?" he questioned

"well yeah but i already knew i kinda saw a few days ago, so did alice"  i breathed in nervously 

"so you both knew and didnt think to tell me about it, you just let her carry on" he seemed a bit angry at this point bt his voice stayed calm and he wasnt shouting or anything, ill take that as a good thing. 

"yeah we did but i mean-"

"what if she had of killed herself, what if she took it a step to far, what would you have done then?" he said questioningly.

"look i know you might be mad at us but, we were thinking of sam, we made an arangement to tell you at the end of this week if she didnt tell you herself, we didnt want to stir anything up thats all, if we had of told you, sam would have most likely been more upse, and she seemed upset enough at this time" i explained

"Well i guess your right" he agreed

"maybe it wasnt the best thing to do thinking back on it now but, i mean we were all getting along well and i didnt want to ruin it" i sighed

"look it doesnt matter, i know now that what counts, and i guess you were thinking of sams feelings so thanks" he smiled weakly.

i smiled back at him and made my way on the stage to check out my microphone.


what have i done, what if she doesnt like it? holy shiz why did i agree to do this. i mean i had cut my hair loads before but not someone elses, "are you done?" alice asked


shes going to kill me.

"can i see?" sje asked


"why not?"

"because your not going to like it"

"just let me see" she demanded standing up and walking over to the mirror. "oh my god i love it so much!" she gasped

"your just saying that arent you?" 

"no i really like it i promise, see i told you i would love it and plus now we dont look so alike!" she laughed, i had cut her wavey brown hair short around the back, about to the bottom of her ear i reckon, and then at the front she had a tick fringe swaying to the left and another wavey strand to the other side.

she placed a flowery pink head band over her head and turned to smile at me, "thank you so much sam!" she exclaimed "i needed something new but i just didnt know what"

"look i know this is gonna be tough for you but you need to stop cutting okay?" she said walking over "please for me and the boys? well support you the whole way through this" she embraced me in a hug wrapping her arms around my upper back. 

"ill try my best" i said.

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