Chapter 11- save me from silence

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Sams P.O.V

I don't know what's worse the fact that I can't move I can't feel anything, just numbness taking over all of my body from head to toe, I can hear everything, every sound, but I can't do anything, can't say a word, make a noise, even though I use all my strength I can't move, as if I don't have a body, like all the blood in my body has been cut off, taken away. and I hate it.

I can always here Louis speaking, and Harry, I heard Nialls laugh once or twice but not much, I heard Louis shouting, Harry humming the Rolling Stones, I heard a faint snoring, although I can't quite be sure of who these voices are, from the conversations I've been listening to, I've heard names I've heard voices, am Irish voice, who I put together to be Niall, Harry because I heard him and Louis talking, I recognise zayn a voice from the time Louis was shouting, I've been paying attention to voices to accents to names, putting them all together and somehow making out the people that I've never even met.

I speak sometimes but nothing comes out, but I can hear it I can hear myself talking, but no one else can. have you ever thought something in your head but you never say it out loud, because you know you shouldn't, it's like that just worse, much worse, way worse!

I always feel a warm hand in mine, everyday, I try to squeeze it, but I can't, the muscles in my hand won't move, no matter how much I try.

'She squeezed my hand' I heard Louis saying the other day, and with that I know now that I can never ever give up! no matter what it's not over now!


It's cold, it's blank, I'm blank, all I can see is blank, all whiteness, complete nothingness. the doors open and someone comes in, I want to open my eyes, I feel like sticking cocktail sticks between my eye lids so my eyes will never close, but how would they close if they never open, what if I have to spend the rest of my life technically not living, I read about a man in a coma for around 34 years! is that what this is a coma?

'Her sisters coming' someone said, I started talking to myself, Alice Alice Alice I said, but then something happened.

'Did you hear that harry?' Louis asked.

'She spoke' Harry replied.

They heard me, they really did,they heard me talking, they heard me speak, there's hope, but it's hanging on by a thread.... but I'm going to use that thread to stitch everything back together...

***** Louis P.O.V

I peeled my eyes open, so I could see the bright lights making me close my eyes tightly together to stop them blinding me, once again I opened my eyes and let them adjust to the blazing lights. I pulled on my jacket, planted a soft kiss on the top of Sams forehead and let go of her hand, I looked down at my feet as they took steps towards the door and I was soon walking down the corridors towards the cafe, I need coffee.

The tiredness was catching up on me, I hadn't been sleeping well for obvious reasons, my eyes would hardly stay open, I really needed that coffee. I walk past the check in desk but then I stop I see a girl sat nervously I'm the waiting room, her hair tied back, into a tight little bun on the back of her head that's all I can see. she turns her head over so slightly to reveal a fringe covering the side of her face, hand in mouth she was gnawing away at her nails.

At first I thought...but then I... it couldn't be... they just looked so.. so the same. her head turned to face me completely her eyes still closed she breathed in and out, repeating the process to calm herself down. it was Sam, I ran over to her And stood there in front of her waiting for her eyes to open, a tear fell down my cheek and ten dropped to the floor, she was shorted, her hair was not red, her face had more freckles, way more freckles up close.... I really was tired!

Her eyes fluttered open and then I saw. her eyes were green, a beautiful green but not like Sams, Sams were blue, a dark blue with a light tint to them a bold outline used to surround her pupil and her iris, this wasn't Sam, this was someone else.

"Your Louis Tomlinson?"she asked.


She took a step back, obviously I was a little too close to her.

"I'm sorry I thought you were someone else, although that would be impossible...." I explained.

"Who do I look like?" she questioned, looking at me curiously.

"You like like the most amazing girl, you look like the person that I've only talked to for 4 hours maybe not even that, yet I already know that I want you, you look like the girl, the most beautiful girl that I'm already falling for " I told her.

"Well I hope you get her, and I hope you find your happy ever after." she said politely. looking over at the desk impatiently waiting for her name to be called.

"You look like.... like twins!" I mumbled but she heard me, she looked up at me, her green eyes grew wider and then they started to spill, spill with water, the tears streamed down her face and her whole body shook as she sobbed.

"I'm sorry what did I say?" I panicked.

"My twin-she's in a coma- in this hospital" she stuttered.

"So is my happily ever after." I told her.

I looked down at the ground sadly. so did this girl.

"Her names Sam, Sam freeman" we both said exactly the same time, our heads shot up and we looked at each other. "Alice?"


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