Chapter 25-save me from myself

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so it had been at least 3 weeks now since Alice and zayn had their date, it all went so fast to be honest they left laughing and came back a couple, yup he asked her to be his girlfriend and she instantly replied with a yes. she had told me all the details the next morning. I had woken up in my bed as Louis must have carried me up with her sat beside me smiling wildly and then she just rambled on for at least an hour or two.

I guess seeing her so happy and listening to her stories that they shared together when I wasn't there kept my mind contained and I hadn't realised for a while how bad I was getting. my eating was becoming erratic and my thighs and wrists seem to be getting more cuts on them each time I looked.

My mind was wondering off some other place all the time and Louis would have to nudge me back into reality most of the time. he would go out to photo shoots and I would tell him I had eaten when I hadn't. other times when he didn't go out I would tell him some excuse that I was going to buy something from the shop or go looking for a job which I actually would sometimes, but I would say I ha eaten and then bring the others something back.

As for the times when I did have to eat because the boys had been in the room and I didn't have an excuse, I would make myself sick in the bathroom after. and then I would walk out with another cut on my body un aware that I had done it and some how no one even noticed how much I had changed since the hate on twitter.

I had tried to learn the guitar again but I gave up after the second week, something had happened with my small finger and my ring finger after the Callum incident I couldn't move it in the way I needed to. instead of paying for my own guitar I got Alice one knowing she could play it better.

So now she has her guitar and I just write songs instead but I would never show them to anyone not ever, because no one would want to hear them anyway.

"Sam! Alice!" I heard Liam call from down stairs. I walked out of my room to see Alice looking up to me waiting for me to come down.

"What's this about?" I asked her.

"No idea but all the boys look like they're up to something" she replied taking my arm as we walked towards the sound of laughter.

"Come in we have something to tell you!" Louis jumped up and pulled me onto his lap. I looked over and Alice was already close beside zayn with her legs over his. I checked that all the bracelets in my arms were covering up my cuts and then pulled my sleeve down just incase.

"What kind of news is this" Alice asked intrigued.

"Well we have all been plotting for quite a while and believe it or not this was actually louis idea" Liam started.

"And basically-" he continued but Niall cut him off.

"YOU GUYS CAN COME ON TOUR WITH US NEXT WEEK!" Niall shouted loudly. at first I thought it was a joke but the look on Louis face said different he looked so cheeky like a meerkat.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"Yes" Liam confirmed.

"OMG!" Alice shouted running Over to me and pulling my into a bear hug.

"I can't wait" I smiled pulling away from her.

"How long is this tour then?" Alice asked

"The whole year almost, we do get breaks though don't worry and you get to stay in the tour bus with us" Liam informed us.

"Cool" I grinned.

"So who wants food?" Niall asked "because I sure do"

"I had a sandwich earlier" I lied,

"Really I didn't think we had any bread" Harry mumbled.

Oh god

"No there was two slices left I ate them though" I lied again and luckily this time they all nodded and believed me.

"Oh okay ill go and get some bread from the shops it's only round the corner"

"No ill go" I volunteered taking this as a chance to go for a run.

"Are you sure" Niall checked I nodded and ran to get my shoes and left running out into the breeze. I ran in the same path that I had the first time I ran down the paths and streets through the fields and found myself in front of the trees again I sat down in the grass and plucked the blades of green from the roots chucking it back down again. that's when I remembered I should be getting the bread and back to the boys ill say there was a long wait or something. I ran back the way I came again.


"Louis can I talk to you please?" Alice asked me as I was walking towards the stairs, I stopped and turned around to face her.

"Yeah sure" I smiled.

"You really like Sam don't you, I mean really really like her as more than a friend" she stated.

I did she was right.

"No I mean we are just friends" I lied.

"Really?" she didn't believe me he raised her eye brow up and glared at me.

"Fine I do like her, and I mean a lot" I admitted.

"More than a friend?"

"More than a friend" I confirmed.

"Then why don't you ask her out" she said shrugging as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"Because she doesn't like me like that-"

"She does its obvious" Harry said jogging past up the steps.

"Anyway she doesn't and she hasn't got over the Callum thing" I finished

"Well she told me that she wasn't exactly over him but when she's around you it's as if he never existed and that she really likes you she just doesn't say anything because she thinks that some one like you would never like someone like her" she smiled walking away leaving me with my thoughts

Did she like me?

What did she mean people like me?

Someone like her?

And where the hell was she?

Just then she burst through the door with 3 fresh loafs of bread.

"There was a really long wait and the bread was taking a while and then I forgot my way back trying to find a short cut sorry" she apologised. I helped her take the bread to the kitchen and we cut two slices for everyone except for her.



This Isn't wonderland, it's no neverland so if you take my hand we can get, get out, get away from here.

I wrote down on the paper, I decided to stop writing the song and put the own away I shoved the paper inside the pillow case with all the others, I really needed to get an actual note book.

I climbed Into the shower washing my hair and body. my hair was fading and my roots were coming through now I put that on my mental list if things to do.

Die my hair

Get a note book

Pack for next week

And find my glasses because I can't really see much without my contacts.

My stomach grumbled but I ignored it, pretending I never heard it.

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