Chapter 28-save me from- WAIT OMG this hotel!

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The car drive was the longest I've ever been in, there was traffic and an accident so we had to go a longer way, thankfully the boys didn't have a show tonight.

I was almost falling asleep but I manage to stay awake the whole time listening to the conversations around me.

"Come on nugget" Louis said. I looked up to see we were at the hotel, I sat up properly and climbed out of the car.

We got two separate cars because their was so many of us and it was quicker that way.

As we reached the door I looked behind to see the others trailing along tiredly.

"Come on sleepy heads lets get moving you've got an early morning tomorrow!" Paul said ushering us into the hotel doors.

The floors were beautifully tiled with floral patterns and the walls were a pale blue colour with a white granite desk leant against it. the hall way it's self was massive! there was a pool out side with a diving board a slide and floats everywhere.

"Can't wait to go in there it looks so fun" Louis said to me, I nodded before realising that I couldn't go in, my swim suit wouldn't cover all my scars and I don't want him to see me in tight fitted clothes either! how am I going to get out of this one?

"Right you're all on floor 4 choose what ever rooms they're all yours" the woman said in a slight Spanish accent.

We followed Paul to the stairs and put all our effort in to move out feet up them until we reached floor 4. "right Louis with Sam!" Paul said. I smiled at him an he returned it.

"Liam and Niall" Niall looked at Liam and Liam looked like he needed serious help. "zayn and Alice." He paired. "and Harry you have your own same as me" he finished. "night everyone wake up at 6 tomorrow morning to get to the interview"

Everyone groaned and dragged our feet along the floor and into the hotel room.

"This room is massive it's bigger than my hole house all together" I breathed out loudly, Louis laughed at me and chucked our bags and cases onto the floor.

"Where's the other bed?" I asked only seeing one

"That can't be right there's supposed to be to single beds not one double" he sighed " right ill take the couch and you can take the bed" he offered.

"No ill take the sofa, I don't mind" I said

"No really i don't want you to sleep on the sofa you've been in an accident recently" he said.

"Fine!" I huffed "it wasn't really an accident" I mumbled.

"Sorry I didn't mean it like that" he apologised.

"I know you didn't" I yawned accepting his apology. "night Lou"

"Night nugget" he replied switching off the light, I saw his figure move around and then he got onto the couch, I climbed under the thin part of the sheets as it was quite warm in the room, I pulled off my jeans so I was in my girls boxers and a baggy shirt, I placed my bracelets on the floor and soon fell asleep.

I was on the bathroom floor, laying there with cuts covering my whole body, I was laying in a pool of my own blood whilst Louis sat there looking at me as if he didn't care, he was with a mother girl, a beautiful blonde girl, my body was dull and lifeless. He didn't care that I was dead, no one seemed to care!

I screamed and I ears it but looking down on myself I didn't move, I still lay lifeless.



I settled down on the sofa in my boxers and a vest top, Sam fidgeted for a while but then I heard her heavily breathing and I knew she was asleep.

Suddenly I saw the white sheets move around, she started squirming and flipping, I didn't know if she was awake as I couldn't see her, only the white sheets. she started screaming loudly and crying. I got up and ran over to the bed feeling around for the corners. I climbed in and he was kicking around, she kicked me right in the shin which hurt quite a lot!

I pulled her towards me and she finally stopped squirming and snuggled towards me, I could see her at all but I could feel her hair against my neck. she was screaming so loudly the other boys probably woke up, the whole hotel probably did. She felt so cold in my arms, it was boiling in here an she was cold, she was so slim against me, she had lost weight since she got here, weight she didn't really need to loose, but she had gotten taller as well so it might be growing spurts affecting her weight.

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