Chapter 17-save me from an intruder

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"But Liam, what am I supposed to do? how am I meant to tell her?" I heard Louis voice.

"Look I'm sure she won't make a big deal of it, just tell her not to look at all the bad stuff" Liam replied.

"Fine, but please call Paul later and ask him about all the arrangements" Louis finished, nothing else was said and I heard a door click closed, I felt Louis move around beside me.

I used all my effort to open my tired eyes and look at him.

"Sam, go back to sleep you've only been in bed for a few hours its 6:00 in the morning" he said leaning in and kissing my cheek. he swung his legs over the bed and got up, only now did I realise he was only in his boxers.

"Where are you going?" I asked sleepily.

"We have a photo shoot and an interview, but we won't be long will you be okay here?" he checked.

I nodded and yawned in the process.

He pulled on some slim fitted jeans and a nice grey coloured shirt, with a monkey playing drums on the front, he swung a jacket over his shoulder and walked all the way around the bed.

"Bye Sam, call me if you need me okay" he whispered kissing my cheek before he left.

I heard him and the other boys voiced mumbling downstairs and then the door shut sending vibrations all around the house, I was in silence, alone. I didn't like it.


I woke to a strange noise down stairs, the door creaking open, it sounded like the kitchen door. usually the boys would enter a room talking to each other but it stayed silent.

I heard a few clangs in the kitchen and the water running. I crept out of the room and tip toed down the first set of stairs. there was no noise coming from any of the boys rooms it was definitely in the kitchen. I went down the last set of steps as quietly as I could and then kept close to the wall, I side stepped like a crab towards the kitchen. my back kept against the painted walls.

I heard someone humming and whistling and the clanging noises continued. the boys shoes weren't on the floor, they always dropped their glasses and hats near the door.

I put my fingers along the door frame and pulled myself along closer.

My heart was beating fast, hitting against the walls of my ribs. I stepped to the side and walked into the kitchen. There was a man rummaging through the cupboards he was tall and had a strongly built body, he was wearing dark clothes and I was unable to see his face.

I crept up behind him grabbing a spatular from the side on the way. he swivelled around to face me.

"He-" he started but I swatted him several times. he tried to defend himself but I just kept waking him.

"Stop! it's me Paul!" he shouted. I hit him once more not quite taking in what he had said.

"Paul as in security guard Paul?" I asked putting the spatular behind me.

"Yes!" he huffed rubbing his arm where I had hit him.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry!" I apologised, "I'll make you some coffee or tea? wadda you want?" I asked running over to the kettle.

"No it's fine I just brought round some pot noodles for the boys, I best be going" he said.

"You sure?" I checked.

"Certainly" he confirmed.

"I feel so bad, I thought you were some one else" I exhaled.

"Don't be, it's okay honestly, Louis should have told you that I was coming" he walked towards the door whilst he was talking to me, he pulled his stylish brown leather jacket and grabbed his car keys.

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