Chapter 9- save her from him

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Chapter 9- Louis P.O.V

She was being dragged away right in front of me, I didn't like him! whoever he was, boyfriend or not, I don't know him and I don't like him.

The way she told me that she dropped a glass onto her head, how I'd that even possible, if that's all that happened she would have told me earlier. there was something in her eyes when she told me about her hand and head, about when she didn't want a drink or anything to eat, she wasn't the Sam that I met in the air port.

When the knock came on the door I thought it was Harry, I thought maybe it was the boys coming back.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by another light Tap on the door, I ran towards it in hope Sam would be there in the other side but when I did open it it was only the boys, with hands full of shopping bags.

"Oh" I sighed slumping back on tot he sofa.

"What not glad to see me boo bear?" Harry joked but this time I didn't find it funny.

"No I thought you were Sam"

"Sam?" he asked.

"Sam from the air port, she lives next door she was over earlier" I explained.

"What Sam from the air port" Niall interrupted.

"Yeah who's Sam?" zayn asked.

"Who are we talking about?" Liam joined in the conversation.

"Sam me and Harry bumped into her at the air port, she lives next door she was over here just a minute ago..." I explained.

"Why did she leave so early?" Harry asked.

"Because her boyfriend came and dragged her away and I didn't even think to stop him..."


what was that? all the boys looked at each other.


"It's coming from next door" zayn said.

"But didn't you say Sam lives next door?" Harry pointed out.

I panicked and ran for the door. I kept telling my self that she probably just tripped over or dropped something but deep down I knew it had something to do with The boy from earlier!

I could hear all the boys rushing behind me. as I ran down the stairs and through both of the doors. I was soon running up the stairs to her flat. I stopped looked back at Harry giving him a look, he knew what I meant and we both ran straight into the door as hard as we could sending the wooden door to the ground.

I saw The man from before stood there a smirk on his face until he saw me. His face dropped am then his eyes trailed over to the corner of the room.

I saw Sams fragile limp body in a heap on the floor surrounded my blood and shattered glass she was covered in bruises and cuts and her eyes were closed her mouth slightly parted.

His eyes locked with mine and he started to run for it past me and Harry.

"Stop him!" Harry yelled Down to Liam, Niall and Zayn.

I ran over to Sam and held her in my arms. I put my ear to her mouth to check she was breathing. I could feel a very faint breath from her body her chest was barely rising anymore.

Harry came over and took her wrist in his hand. there were marks of the mans hand all red on them. he felt for a pulse and nodded. a smile was placed slightly on his mouth so I knew he was nodding saying she was still with us.

"We don't have the time to call the ambulance we should drive her over there ourselves." Harry suggested.

"Yeah" I agreed picking her up bridal style and carrying her through the door. or the door frame, were the door was.

I looked down at Liam who was pinning the man down into the floor.

"Call the police Liam, we're taking her to the hospital." Harry told him. He nodded and then looked at Niall.

"Niall call the police, I've got him" he said as we exited the door and quickly moved into the car.

I started the engine and looked back at how Sam was now laid on Harry still limp, lifeless and cold.

"Drive!" Harry demanded and I did just that, I don't care if I went way over the speed limit all the way to hospital.

We checked her in and she was soon as possible placed into a hospital room. the doctors and nurses ran around each other shoving me and Harry out of the way, telling us we couldn't go through.

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