Chapter 38-save me-oh shit!

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"the boys have gone out to some photo shoot" Alice said quietly as she shook me awake, "the show last night was crazy wasn't it?" she laughed, "I'm glad you came even if you were still sick, are you feeling any-" I cut her off jumping out of bed and running to the bathroom to be sick, I emptied myself into the toilet and flushed it away,

"And now your throwing up" Alice sighed from the door way, I stood up and put paste onto my brush, I started to brush my teeth,

"Weren't you sick yesterday morning Sam? and the morning before?" she asked me, I nodded weakly with the brush in my mouth.

"Sam you've been sick for 2 weeks now I think you should see a doctor" she suggested, although that wasn't true, I wasn't sick the first week, I was lying but then I really did feel ill, all of the time, and I had weird food cravings, which was strange because last time I checked I still had an eating disorder.

"I'm fine" I said rinsing out my brush and putting it in the holder, I swirled mouthwash around my mouth making it taste extra minty.

"Sam can I ask you something?" I hadn't even replied but she arrived on anyway, "have you and know done it?" i knew what she meant,

"No" I replied sharply, walking past her.

"Have you has this months period Sam" she checked,

"No" I sighed.

"Sam I think your pregnant." no no no

I wouldn't accept the fact that I was pregnant, I shook my head, "let's go and get a test to make sure" I nodded this time, I had to find out.

She went to the store and and back with three tests, "just to be sure" she smiled. I took them from her and practically sprinted To the bathroom, I done the test and turned them all the wrong way up on the side. I checked the time on my I Pod.

"Sam if you are , you don't have to get rid of it" I couldn't do that anyway, that wasn't an option. "Well help you all of us will" not Louis, we haven't done it hell know its not his.

The time was up and I flipped them all over, I fell to the floor, and after all of this time holding it in j started crying, I was screaming, yelling and kicking around.

Alice ran in and looked at the tests, "Sam you and Louis are having a baby!" she smiled. "stop crying, it will be okay" she hushed me, she didn't understand though.

"I have to leave" I protested I jumped up and started packing my things,

"And go where?" Alice asked.

"To jack and Alex's place, we met them a while back at the show, I got jacks number, ill call him and head to Baltimore tonight, I'm sorry Alice I have to go"

"I won't let you"

"Yes you will" I yelled at her.

"I'm by letting you leave with Louis baby" she stated standing her ground.

"Alice I already told you, me and Louis haven't had fucking sex!" I yelled.

She looked at me baffled, she understood now.

"You cheated on Louis, I can't believe you, you were perfect, its jack isn't it, you cheated with jack, that time you came out of the show later than us, you were with him, you told me." she started putting the puzzle together, just with the wrong pieces I guess.

"Yeah it was" I lied, I knew that if I told her she would get killed, I would rather they all think I cheated, than them get killed.

"It all makes sense now" she muttered.

"I have to leave Alice, and you have to let me, you have to let me leave, and never call me again, never!" I warned her they had to forget about me all of them, I packed all of my stuff and texted Jack. I took all of my money I had left and gave Alice her present.

"Happy birthday, but I won't be here" I told her before running off the bus.

"Sam we can figure this all out!" Alice called after me but I started running, I called a cab and as simple as that I was off to Baltimore, not even knowing weather jack would let me stay...



"Alice! Sam!" I called running onto the bus, I looked around to see Alice in the floor in a ball crying,

"Alice babe what's wrong?" zayn ran in and went to her.

"She's gone, Sam is gone, she left to Baltimore" she cried, we all came towards her and closed the bus door.

"What why!?" I yelled. Sam can't leave, I need her.

"With jack, she's pregnant!" Alice cried, "she said to forget about her and move on, not to call or anything, I told her we could sort it out, that it would be fine but she left!"

"I can't believe she cheated in me! with jack, that lanky prick!" I shouted, "I'm going out" I announced, I slammed the bus door shut, and headed to the nearest pub, time to get drunk!

*i know this is really short, and the next chapter cuts ahead a lot, I mean a lot, and I just didn't know what to write and I know for a fact that I I continued to write from this time then I would bore you!*

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