Chapter 20- save me from these loud idiots!

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After Zayn came back with all of my bags, which i replied to with a 'you didnt have to do that' and just like earlier he replied with a cheecky yet sexy 'but i wanted to' wich made me blush deeply. never would i have ever thought that i would be sitting in a massive house on my new bed, in a new room in a completely new continant  with zayn malik. but hey i guess i owe it to Sam for running into them with those jelly beans at the air port. 

"is that everything?" zayn asked me. 

"yeah, i think so apart from my sketch books..." i replied looking around for a place to put them. "hmmm" i thought out loud. 

"oh i know, one second!" zayn said getting up and skipping away, yes he skipped, zayn malik a 19 year old immature teenager skipped away. 

he came back moments later with a rather colourfull box made from plastic its was very quirky it has ute little buttons glued all around it. "you can keep them in here with all your other drawing stuff" he smiled placing the sketch books of mine in the box and then putting te lid back on. "where do you want it?" he asked lifting it back up. 

"i dont mind" i shrugged, he walked over to beside the wardrobe and placed it beside my bin. (which for now was a hollister bag, and might i add a hollister bag with a very fine looking man on the front)

"here okay?" he smiled, hius smile was so perfect, his whole face was perfect, him as himself was absolutely the most perfected human being i have ever come across in my life. "alice?" he asked again, shizzle i forgot to answer,i got completelty lost in my thoughts about him. i mentaly face palmed myself.

"yeah sorry, its fine there thanks" i blushed red like an apple, obviously a red apple, a very red apple for the matter.

"come on then lets go get the others, we can go out for lunch" he came over to me and put his arm around my shoulder. Zayn malik had his fricken arm wrapped around my shoulder, i thought i was going to pass out and then never wake up, maybe i was asleep now and this was all i dream? i slapped myself around the face. 

"what the heck alice?!" zayn exclaimed, "what'd you do that for?" 

"i thought i was dreaming, just checked, im definitely not dreaming because that really hurt" i laughed.

"your crazy alice freeman" he chuckled.

"how'd you know my surname?" i was so confused. 

"Sam" he simply replied.

"oh yeah" this made him laugh at me even more as we waked into a massive lounge room down on the first floor, there where bean bags and covers, pillows and stuffed animals everywhere.

"this is so cool" i gasped looking over at the massive television. 

"its our movie room" he stated. 


"liam!"  i heard louis voice call from somewhere else in the house. 

"what!" liam called back. 

"hey!" louis laughed back 

"shut up louis!" liam started arguing. 

"no!" louis called, i heard some dramatic footsteps running down the stairs. 

"you people are crazy" i sighed.

"thats why im sure you and Sam will fit in perfectly with us" he chuckled.

"yeah..wait! HEY!" i pouted. 

"crazy in an amazing way" he added quickly making me smile again. 

"i want Nandos!" niall ran into the room and then out again.

"I WANT NANDOS AND I WANT IT NOW!" he shouted running around shirtless might i add. 

"WE WANT NANDOS!"  louis joined in. 

"I WANT NANDOS!" harry called from what sounded like the top floor.

"WE WANT NANDOS, WE WANT NANDOS WE WANT NANDOS!" all three of them where now shouting at liam. 

"fine just shut up and get in the car" liam sighed chucking the keys at them harshly, they hit louis in the back of the head. 

"owch that hurt" he rubbed the back of his head, "but i have the keys" he soon recovered and ran away outside. Harry came stampeeding down and out of the house as well with only one shoe on the other in his hand. 

"yay!" niall cheered running towards the door. 

"Niall you have no shirt on!" i called after him laughing. 

"oh shit!" he responded running back up the stairs. seriously they must have a full work out running up and down those stairs everytime they need something.

"i forgot my nugget!" louis came running through the house again

"whats his nugget?" i checked with zayn.

"i have no idea" he sighed shaking his head. "come on lets go get in the car and wait for these nutters!" he chuckled leading me away from the house down the drive and into the car. 

"so you like nandos?" he started making small talk. harry was now in the front seat, liam in the drivers seat. 

"never been" i admitted shrugging my shoulders up to my ears and back down again. they all just gave me blank looks."what?" i asked. 

"dont let niall hear you say that" liam warned me. 

"let me hear what?" niall interupted climbing into the car beside zayn now wearing a pale pink coloured shirt. 

"alicehasneverhadnandosbefore" harry said quickly missing out the spaces in his dialog. 

"WHAT!" niall exclaimed "you have not lived"  

"ive been living and breathing for 19 years and about 7 months now" i stated proving his point wrong.

he huffed and sat back in his seat and waked his hands over his face, wierdo!

"hmmm i wonder what louis and sam are up to" harry implied winking at us all. 

"talking maybe" zayn stated like it was the most obvious thing ever which it was of course. 

"do you guys really think that Sam would be ready to be in a relationship right now?" i asked them, i meant the whole thing with Callum obviously. 

"good point, louis really likes her though, but he knows shes not ready" liam said sensibly. 

just as he finished his sentence louis came running towards the car with Sam in his arms, she was giggling like crazy. she looked really happy. he slid the door across and jumped in the two seats behind us, she was still laughing when she had her belt on and we were driving away.

"i almost forgot my nugget" he said looking at Sam. 

"oh!" we all said finaly realising what his nugget was.

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