Chapter 35- save me from all of this travelling again!

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over the past two days ive been trying to put all my feelings for louis aside, i know he wont like me back its obvious. i havent told a sole about it either knowing that if i told any of the others louis would eventually find out and things would become far too complicated for me to handle. also theres the fact that im still scared about callum, i mean i know louis wont do anything but the feeling of having another relationship worries me so much. 

im currently sitting on an plane, yes a plane, i got out of the hospital this morning and have been able to go with the boys to italy, alice is excited because shes meeting up with jessie over there, since shes been doing her gymnastics over there for a while now, shes actually considering moving there perminantely aparently. i walked to the car in a strange way. because i hadnt actually got out of bed for five days except to pee of course, i wasnt used to walking properly, strange, and they had to do an operation on my knees as well because they had become too weak, but im feeling absolutely fine now. 

considering i dont know what happened for the past 7 hours i think todays been a pretty good day, no i didnt have some kind of memeory blank, i fell asleep in the car straight away and then was woken up to go through security and then fell straight back to sleep afterwards, i was tired okay? dont judge me! thats if your judging me!

now im wide awake and on the plane, currently half an hour left and then we will be in sunny italy! woop! because of the times between spain and italy, when we get there it should be around late evening time, niall has already planned what places we are stopping on the way, the thought of food still taunts me but i know how much it hurt everyone else, and i cant carry on how i was before knowin what im doing, i wasnt aware of what i was doing before though, it started as a small fase but it developed into more, they said mandy or louis, them being the oldest would have to call in and tell my gp how i was doing, its for safety, since i will be on tour a lot i cant really go all the way back to london to get checked out each time.

"so lets check this plan through niall" liam said looking over at him. i turned around in my seat to look at them. 

"right so we get in our rented van and you drive" niall explained to liam, "then we drive to this burger king" he pointed to the map on his phone, "so we can get chicken nuggets and burgers" he finished, liam nodded his head slowly. "then we go to this mcdonalds its only down the road" to get fries and milkshakes" he finished, "then we go down to kfc to order more chicken and coke" he looked up at liam. 

"Seriously niall, why dont we just stop at one?" he asked. he looked like a really dissapointed father who didnt understand his son.

"its obvious really... chicken and burgers are better at burger king, the fries and milkshakes are better from mc donnalds and kfc are amazing so we need to go there as well" he explained everything as if it was the most obvious thing ever.

"niall we are not driving to all of those places!" louis laughed at him. louis turned his face slightly and looked at me smirking i smiled back for a while but i stared to get lost in his blue eyes finding it hard to look away, for one moment i saw something flicker in his eyes and he began to move forward slightly. i quickly turned away and faced the front pretending nothing ever happened. i could still hear liam and niall making deals behind me.

"niall we will drive to kfc today ad order twice the normal amount of chicken, we can get all the others another time, and i will drive you down to nandos at least 3 times during our time in italy" liam stated.

"okay!" niall sounded happy about that. 

"i would of agreed on 4 times" liam teased 

"i would have accepted 1" niall replied back sassily, making liam scoff and i heard someone wack their head back. probably liam realising whta he had gotten himself into.

"are you okay?" louis asked me. 

"yeah" i replied nodding my head slightly, trying to hide the fact i was beyond confused at this point in time. "the flights almost over and then we can go get on the tour bus okay?" he checked, i nodded my head again turning this time to smile at im making it more believable.

"but remember we are stopping to get my food first!" niall interupted sticking his head between our two chairs.

"are you cold babe?" i could hear zayn say 

"just a bit" alices voice replied

"here have my extra jacket" he offered, i wish one day that could be me and louis. 

"hey louis!" i laughed

"what?" he turned to face me again his eyes glistening. 

"we never playes that game of football you challenged me to!" i said boldly.

"well thats good fro you because im going to win!" he chuckled 

"i see why your laughing, that was a good joke!" i moked him. 

"it wasnt a joke it was a fact" h finished folding his arms over his chest and sticking his chin up in a jokingly way. 


"if i was jay-z youd be my beyonce we could rock the nation like they do!" louis screamed at the top of his lungs whilst we drove along towards the drive though. i wanted so sing the next line but there was no way they could all hear my terrilble voice. 

"come on sam you know this song it was on your i pod all the time!" alice teased me trying to encourage me. 

"nope" i protested 

"ive never heard you sing you know, we are twins and never in my life have i heard you sing" she said not really believing what was comming out of her mouth.

"be quiet guys" liam instructed as we pulled up to the drive through window. 

"hello how can i help you?" a pretty girl asked at the window, she looked around 20 maybe, her hair a light purple colour and she had a small silver stud in her nose, she was beautiful! niall smiled at her cheekily before he started to order his very long list of chickens and fries, then we all ordered our own seperate meals. 

"sure thing your meals are on their way" she smiled although she looked very tired, she started to yawn correcting my previous statement in my mind. "if you drive to the next window your meal will be ready" she instructed so we proceeded to the next small window, the man handed us our food and we loaded it into the car tryign to sort out whos was whos. 

"paul just texted me, the tour bus has stopped and we can go and find it now" harry told liam as he stared to ready out road names and directions that paul had sent him, and off we went to find out tour bus.


i watched her as she sat laughing in the back of the van in front. she was with those twats, the pritsy boy band twats who took her away from me. i have all of their show dates with me, tickets all booked for me, i will get her back and those boys wont stop me!

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