스물 일곱 (updates and new books)

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sorry about this, i'm sure some of u would have been looking forward to me updating :((( but i hope u guys can take the time to read this? it would really mean a lot. also, could you guys pls give me ur opinion after reading this? i'm not decided on anything yet...

ummm so, i'm actually going through a really hard time, and that's why my updates have been so infrequent. anxiety and such. not much to elaborate actually. it's not much of an excuse, but i really haven't had much motivation to write this particular book. i hope u guys can understand. i want to give my 120% for my book content, but i really can't find it in me to right now. i'm so sorry. i'm trying to deal with my problem at the moment, but i promise i'll be back and better than ever once i've sorted everything out. i promise. i just need you guys to... maybe keep supporting me? i know it's a lot to ask, but i'm hoping you could. i've got another chapter just waiting to be finished. i'll try and finish it as fast as possible.

as for the " new books" part of my title, i'd like to start two new books. one for the kpop stuff that i think i would like to write about, and one for u guys. i feel like i haven't been doing enough. i've got so many amazing people reading my books, yet i'm not giving back. the kpop one will be for songs, preferably kinda angsty. any group as long as i kinda know their background. if not, i'll try to do some research??

for the other book, i don't have a solid plan for it, but i want to start it as a grounding place for people who have the same "illness" as me. i want to do it as i know how many people have it, whether it affects them greatly or it's just a pinch in their lives.  this is something that matters to me, and i'd like to help as many people as i can. if u guys don't feel comfortable commenting here... u can always come DM me if u have some problems??? i'm always open for consultations!!!!!

again, pls tell me if u think any of these are good ideas or if u think i shouldn't do them, oRRRR if u would read them... constructive criticism is always welcome :)) if u've read all the way down here, thank you so much for spending your precious time on reading all of this. i love you. thank you 💓💓

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