S01 Chapter 6: Date Night

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Hey, guys!

I wanna dedicate this chapter to @Carly_Panda for her support in this book. :D




This is the first time I'm going on a date with a descent lady and I'm not sure if I'm descent enough to go out with her. I haven't even decided if whether we should have a nice dinner or go dancing or whatever. Jeez. This is hard.

I sit up on my bed and run outside my room to Reed's office for some advice. Yeah. I know it's kind of stupid but he's the most descent guy I know.

As the elevator doors open on his office floor, there are a few beeping sounds coming out. I guess he's working his ass off again for something I don't care about but eventually, I will.

"Hey, Reed!" I call out as enter through the glass doors.

He is working in front of the computers again, typing expiditiously.

"If you're just gonna annoy me as you always do when I'm working," he says, "I really don't have the time right now."

I walk towards him with my hands in my pocket. "Well, I came here for advice." I lean on the edge of the table behind him.

He turns his chair around. Gosh, he looks like crap with those bags under his eyes and those small hairs growing out of his jaws. "Advice for what?"

"Dating advises?"

He snickers. "Seriously, Johnny. Since when did you come to me for dating advices?"

"I'm talking about dating girls descently. And to be frank, you're the most descent guy I know."

He looks puzzled and stands up as he crosses his arms. He narrows his eyes at me. "What happened to my brother-in-law that made him turn into this? Johnny doesn't come to me for dating advises."

"Well, Johnny's in a bit of change. He thinks that he needs to be a descent guy because of a certain someone."

He takes a tight grip on my shoulders and he snickers. "Are you serious with this?"

I nod. "I am damn serious as hell with this." Am I?

"Who's this certain someone though?" Reed takes his hands off.

"It's Maddy," Sue enters the room as she says that merrily. As she gets close, she embraces me. "And I'm so glad that my little brother is finally growing up."

I just roll my eyes. "Anyway, I asked Maddy out yesterday and she said 'yes'. Turns out that she's giving me a second chance for being such an asshole to her two days ago and I'm glad she did."

"Well, what seems to be the problem?" asks Reed.

"I have no idea on what we should do."

"Take her to dinner?" suggests Sue.

"Or you could watch a movie?" adds Reed.

"Just don't take her dancing or drinking," Sue utters. "She doesn't look like she's in for that."

"Okay," I mumble. "I'll think about that later."

"First thing you need to know is that when a girl gets cold," says Reed, "you should always give her your jacket."

"Do something nice and sweet," says Sue. "For example, right her name in the sky with your fire."

"But I think that's a bad idea, though," says Reed.

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