S01 Chapter 14: A Night Out

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"Bye, Addison," I say as I wave goodbye to her after signing on the front desk.

It's been two days since I finally report to SHIELD. Director Fury didn't seem to be pissed off. Yet, he assigned me at the Nanotechnology department.

I wear my jacket and hang my backpack on my shoulder. I head to the elevator and make my way to the garage.

I take the helmet from the seat and wear it. Then, I take out the keys from my pocket and start the engine. As it starts purring to life, I rev the accelerator and start to make my way out to Stark Tower.

Steve lent me his motorcycle since he wants me not to have troubles with transportation. At first, I really don't want to because he doesn't own helmet and I don't really know how to drive one. Plus, if my mom finds out, she'll kill me. Or not, because my job is as dangerous as standing on top of a motorcycle.

He taught me how to drive and I learned pretty quickly. Unfortunately, I think I won't be using it anymore after I tell him my worries about us.

Several minutes later, I arrive in the garage of Stark and remove my helmet. I lay it down on the seat and head to the elevator. The doors open. As I step out, Steve is sitting casually on the couch. He sees me and gives me a smile. Then, he stands up and makes his way to me.

"Hey, beautiful dame," he says as he cups my chin and kisses me.

I giggle. "'Beautiful dame'?" I wrap my arms around his neck. "Well, thank you, soldier."

He wraps his hands on my waist. "You're welcome, ma'am. Anyway, would you like to go on a date."

"Of course." I run my thumb on his cheek. "I love you, Steve."

"I love you too Maddy."

"But there's something I need to confess."

"What is it?"

Here it goes... "That I... will just go get ready for our date." I mentally hit the back of my head.

He chuckles. "You look fine. And besides, I won't mind if we go out with you in your pajamas."

"Where are going anyway?"

"Nothing specific, really. I just want to walk around with my fair maiden under the night sky."

I blush at his cheesy remark. "Well, my handsome spangly soldier, I think that it would be nice to have a walk with you."

He lets go of me and offers his arm. "Shall we go now, Ms. Alvarez?"

I lay my backpack on the couch and take out my phone and wallet. I put them inside my pockets and make my way back to Steve.

I wrap my hand on his arm. "Certainly, Captain Rogers."

Okay. My plan got ruined. But I think it's worth it. Still, I have to stop playing with them as much with myself soon or I will hurt the both of them. And I have already hurt one.



There are less people around unlike the usual. The cars are gently but swiftly driving on the road. I lock my fingers with hers as we stroll around under the night sky.

"It's pretty great now that I've taken you out," I say. "You know, with Johnny beating me to it."

Her fingers tighten around mine. "Don't be so jealous about that."

"I'm not jealous," I scoff, pretending not to be.

"Yeah, you are," she teases and stops walking. I stop as well. She wraps her arms around my neck and stare at me with those beautiful dark brown eyes. "Let's not make this night about him and I, alright? It's our night and if you're just gonna be jealous with him, we might as well get back home."

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