S01 Chapter 18: Bruce As my Dad?

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I stare out the window to the view of the busy city with my chin on my arm which is on the back rest. The sky is dark. Therefore, it will obviously rain. I still haven't gone back home to Stark ever since Steve and Johnny's accidents. It's been two weeks since that and I never left SHIELD just to check and guard Steve and Johnny, even though I'm sitting in this waiting area most of the time.

It starts raining.

"You have to eat," says Bruce as I turn around and stare at the bowl of penne pasta he's handing me.

I inhale deeply and take it. "Thanks. You made this?"

He nods as he takes a seat beside me. I shove the fork with a piece of penne in my mouth and set the fork back on the bowl. It's great, though. It has a great blend of the sweetness and sourness of the tomato sauce. I take some more.

"You know, if you don't go home soon," says Bruce, breaking the silence, "I'll have your stuff brought here because I'm getting tired of going here back and forth just to bring you clothes."

I giggle. "Well, you don't honestly have to do that. But thank you."

"So, how do you find Bruce's pasta?"

"It's very, very great, though. Although, it could use some cheese next time."

"I knew I forgot something."

"So, what have you been doing in Stark for the past two weeks of being a loner?"

He shrugs. "The usual, been working on the lab, cooking myself meals."

"That's all?"

"That's all," he confirms.

"Aren't you going out and taking home some girls?" I tease.

He gives me a weird look. "I most definitely do not!"

I laugh as I take another bite of pasta. "Just out of curiosity... Nobody's getting friendzoned between us, is there?"

He shakes his head. "Of course not. I honestly love you only as the daughter I've never had."

"Aw," I coo sweetly. "I love you too, Bruce!" I hug him with the bowl still in my hand. "Well, in a fatherly sort of way."

He wraps one arm around me. "Speaking of which, you're mom's still single, right?"

I slap him arm playfully. "Bruce!" I let it go for a second and take another fork of my penne. "Well, it would be nice if you date mom. It's been ten years since dad died and I think he wouldn't mind."

He chuckles. "Good thing you're fine with your mom dating other guys, much more a guy like me."

I shrug. "Honestly, at first, I never wanted mom to have another boyfriend after dad died because I thought that nobody could replace my father. But as I grow up, I start to understand that my mom also needs someone to love like the way she loved dad. But still," I give Bruce a slightly sharp look, "nobody can ever take my dad's place, if you know what I mean."

"Okay, settle down, Maddy," he says. "I was just still thinking about it. I mean, there are still consequences."

"Like what?" I say as I take the last of my penne.

"What if I turn into the Other Guy and kill her off and your brothers by accident?"

"If that ever happens, which I pray it won't, I will find a way to kill you. And I still have rules if you're gonna date my mom."

"Well, don't be so excited about it. I'm still thinking if I should."

I stand up and hand him back the empty bowl. "Anyway, thanks for the meal. I really loved it. And I'd pretty much be glad to tell mom if you're interested in dating her."

He takes the bowl. "Okay. Thanks for that."

I throw back my thumb, pointing at the hallway behind me. "I better go check on them now."

He nods and I start walking.

Still, the thought of Bruce being my mom's boyfriend won't go out of my mind and I couldn't help but giggle at it. Just think; Harold and Ben playing with Bruce, him and mom happy with each other. I really don't have to think about him and me since we're already great friends. Still, as I told him, nobody can take my dad's place.


A/N: Sorry for the filler! I really had no idea what to right after the accidents. But I think this chapter might be a spoiler for the next couple of seasons.

Anyway, WE'RE ALMOST AT THE END OF SEASON ONE! Agh! I'm so excited to write the last chapters!

~Ronica ♥

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