S02 Chapter 02: When It's All Going Well

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S02 Chapter 02: When It's All Going Well






Acting casually as I sit at a table in a coffee shop with a blonde wig on my head, I observe my surroundings for any hostiles. But my main target is Anton Pravyeski, a Russian native who deals a very rare and expensive drug called 'RED 34'. He's been on SHIELD's radar for years and I'm willing to be the first agent to finally catch him.

   Per the info Agent Halt has given me, Pravyeski's drug is not something like marijuana or cocaine but something that could mutate your cells that would enable you to morph into different forms and his latest drug deal is in a hotel room at Cleveland Heights with an ex-professor from Cleveland University.

   Even though I'm just sitting, I'm surreptitiously looking for Pravyeski's vehicle on the streets.

   "Agent Alvarez," my communications specialist, Skye, addresses me through my earpiece, "Target's vehicle is coming up at your ten in five, four, three, two, one..."

   As predicted, a black Honda civic arrives makes its turn to the road in front of me and heads to the rendezvous place—the Cleveland Heights.

   "Target on sight," I mutter silently, and surreptitiously on my mic on my wrist.

   After placing a ten-dollar tip on my table, I take my caramel frappuccino and place my bag on my shoulder before getting on my feet.

   I follow the car through the open streets of Cleveland. Taking careful steps at a time, even though I'm still a couple of meters away, I watch the car carefully as it takes its turn on the next street. The car stops at the entrance and the driver comes out of the car and opens the back door. A man in a black suit, preferably a guard, comes out first from the backseat followed by a middle-aged brunette man (Pravyeski) wearing black shades and a gray trench coat. Another man comes out after Pravyeski with a suitcase in his hand. Then, the valet comes and takes the car to the parking.

   They have not been suspicious with me yet, thank God.

   "Hotel cameras are all disconnected now so you're all good to go," Skye remarks and I thank her.

   Upon arriving inside, I see one of Pravyeski's guards bribing the receptionist with a thick roll of cash and, as a cover and Skye's command, I start flirting with a bellhop named Ivan by the lounge about my bed at Room 405 being rather squeaky last night. Even though I'm talking to this cutie right here, I'm actually not paying any attention to him as I observe the front desk; the receptionist, then, gives gives them a piece of paper and they make their way to the elevator. As I can see from a distance, the elevator stops at the fifth floor.

   "So, my room at 3?" I ask with a flirty voice as I lightly dust his bow tie to end our conversation. Then, I bat my eyelashes as I take a sip from my drink. "Sure," he nods. Finally, I wink and brush stubborn strands of my blonde wig behind my ear as final touches before walking off to the front desk.

   "Good afternoon, Miss Yale," greets the receptionist. Oh, I pity them for not letting them know my real identity. "How was the trip to the spa?"

   "It was so great," is my response. "Thanks for asking." After logging in on the hotel's entry book, I say, "By the way, I'm gonna need a bottle of ice-cold champagne and two glasses at my room." I lean forward, "and I'm gonna need that cutie bellhop over there to bring them to me," I whisper, pertaining to the bellhop I just fake-flirted with, before secretly handing her a hundred-dollar bill.

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