S01 Chapter 20: Steve

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GUYS! Is anyone still reading this?

None? Okay, I understand. But if anyone's reading this, please, I want you to know that I honestly hate myself for not updating this story. I know I said in the past A/N that I'd update on that week but something came up and I just left this story hanging without even putting it on hold.

No, I'm not neglecting this story. I do not neglect any of my stories here. I'm just honestly busy with school and I don't why I couldn't update multiple stories although I keep on tying typing them.

So, I'm very very very sorry but finally, here's an update.






As I look across the window to the man who's been lying on the hospital bed for two weeks, my hands tightly clasp the metal bars attached to the wall. His body was covered with lots of bandages before, making him look like a mummy. Now, I can see his face and skin again, only his left cheek is still red. An oxygen mask is attached to him. He has tubes attached to him connected to machines, helping to keep him alive. His eyes are still closed and I'm still waiting impatiently and eagerly for them to open. Hopefully, he'll heal fast enough because of the Serum. But I'm still blaming myself because of what happened to him. To both of them.

I didn't notice I was already crushing and bending the bar in my hands until I felt I was getting lower. I let go of the bar and just cross my arms as I straighten my back without taking my eyes off him.

"You know, Agent Alvarez," I look over my shoulder and find Director Fury approaching me, "his wounds heal three times faster than an average human being. He'll be fine."

"He got burnt," I mutter. "Higher than fourth degree, I think."

"Most people who get into incidents like those don't survive. But Captain Rogers will."

I nod my head twice and look over him. "Thank you, sir."

"For what?"

"For taking in Steve and Johnny."

"Well, it's SHIELD protocol."

I give out a soft giggle.

A smile crawls up his face. That's something I see once in a blue moon. "You can get back to work on Monday." I nod and he trails off. "And I saw what you did to that metal bar," he adds, which I smile at.

I take a step towards the door on the left side of the window and hesitate to scan my thumb and eye. The door slides open in a flash and I take a step to the room. Slow beeping sounds fill my ears as I enter. The door closes behind me and I walk towards him. But my chest tightens and I'm losing my breath every time I see him like this–half alive. The sight of him, especially his face with some scabs, just shatters me. Ever since the accident, that's how I feel every time I enter this room, as well as Johnny's. I take a seat on the chair by his bed, which I always sit on, and hesitate to touch his hand that's slowly turning back to his normal fair skin. I'm afraid to touch him because I might just hurt him again. Since the past two weeks, I always get agitated to lay a finger on him, causing my eyes to glow.

But this time, I finally have the courage to touch him. I gently caress his reddish, roughly-textured arm and carefully hold his hand. Then, I look up at his closed eyes. "Steve," I mutter sweetly. "I know you probably can't hear me but I just want you to know that I love you and I'm sorry. I'm sorry for letting this happen to you." My throat starts to hurt and my chest starts to tighten. "Just please, don't give up just yet because I still need you." Tears begin to escape my eyes and I lay my head on the bed. Then, I glance at him. "Please?" I say in a soft, husky voice.

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