S01 Chapter 7: Decisions, Regrets and Arguements

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Just a warning. The 'f' word is coming.

I didn't mean for that to rhyme.



The lights are dim as I stare at the ceiling and the drapes are closed. I lie on my bed with my hands under my head.

I remember earlier when I was reading a magazine and saw photos of Storm acting wildly made my head boil.

How could I let Maddy go out with that kind of person? She might end up on a bed with him and get herself into stuff she doesn't expect to be in.

That's what I fear the most about what he might do to her after hearing Sue's ramblings on him when she was talking to him on the phone a few days ago.

I got to admit, I was pretty mad at Maddy when I showed her the magazine and she said that people change, meaning that she's not smart enough to know that Storm might be just messing with her about change.

But she is just so irressistable, I had to let her go with that delinquent. Then, when he took her hand, ugh, I could already read the evil thoughts he had on his mind, or at least I think those are what's on his mind.

It was about 10:30 when I was in the elevator and it stopped on the lobby so I could wait for her. The doors opened and I had the view of the front entrance. Storm and Maddy just arrived and Storm was carrying a stuffed toy on his one arm-I think it was a dog-and has Maddy hold him on the other. Then, he opened the front door for her.

Maddy had this huge smile on her face like what happened to them was magical. Seeing her that happy with Storm just tears my world apart. I should've been the one who made her smile like that. And I should've been the one who took her out on a date.

As the two entered, I hid in the elevator and eavesdropped.

"Take care of Cindy, okay?" I heard him say. Who the hell is Cindy?

"I sure will, Mr. Storm," she replied with that sweet voice of her. "Thanks again for a very fun night."

"Can I ask you something?" he sounded tense.

"What is it?"

"Will you be my girlfriend?"

Those five words. Because of that, I pushed the 11th floor button to head back to my floor, to abstain from hearing more. Then, I got this pain in my chest like I'm suffocating, suffocating from his statement.

Did she say 'yes'? If she said so, I hope she knows what she's doing.

I regret being stupid! I regret those moments when the two of us are alone and I couldn't say it to her. I couldn't say I've been in love with her for a long time.

And there is a possibility that she might in love with Storm even though they've only known each other for three days.

If she said 'yes' and I find out that Storm's just messing with her, I will be the one myself to put the flame out.


I wake up at the buzzing sounds of my alarm clock. I'm lying on my stomach as I wake up, my head faced on the right side and my left arm above my head. Sitting up, I turn off the alarm and rub my eyes. I look at the time again and it's only 7 a.m.

The drapes are still closed but I can see a tiny amount of sunshine beneath.

I get up and walk to my bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. Then, I head out of my room to make breakfast.

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