S01 Epilogue

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So, we have reached the end...

















of Season 01 and I would just love to say thank you thank you thank you to everyone who's been reading this since the beginning. Please never stop reading this even though my updates get postponed a lot. And I'm honestly glad and grateful for being one of the people to put a smile on your faces throughout this story... You're smiling right now, aren't you? (No? Liar xD)

Even though I've left you guys hanging on a cliff and broken-hearted for a very long time (say, more than 3 months?), I'm honestly, whole-heartedly very grateful that each one of you has never given up on this story and I'll be forever grateful.

I'd stop here now so you won't be pissed at me for giving you such long and sappy author's note..... ~(^ω^)~




S01 Epilogue





It's been an entire week since I last saw Maddy. Even though she'd been avoidant of me, I understand why she would be. I hadn't seen her since our last encounter at the hospital where she couldn't talk and answer my questions without shedding a tear. She couldn't even look at me at first but I understand. And it hurts me

Now that I've just been released and sitting comfortably on my couch, I'm thinking about calling her to have a talk. I dial the number for Stark Tower and she picks up on the second ring.

"Hey," she says, her voice sounds hoarse as if she's been crying or just woke up.

"Maddy," I reply, "I miss you, you know."

Silence fills our connection but I could hear her breathing softly. She might be having doubts about me; about Steve; about us. But if there's one thing that I'm 100% sure of is that she's stuck and choking, and I know wholeheartedly that I'm one of the reasons why. I am the biggest reason why and I deeply feel that she wants to be free.

"Johnny," she finally says before exhaling deeply. "Listen closely."

With the phone on my ear, I lean forward as if she's just talking in front of me. "What is it?"

She exhales deeply again. "We..." she chokes and I know she's holding back her tears. "We need to talk."

"I'm here."

"No." She pauses. "We-me, you and Steve." Another deep exhale emits from the phone speaker again. "I've made up my mind."




Despite the fact that Sue didn't agree with me to get out of the building because I just got out of the hospital, I still went outside with my shades and hood on. I wanted to see Maddy and have her in my arms again. Even though she betrayed me, I still can't afford to hate her. I know she's still young for this and, like I said, she's stuck but I would love to be her guide.

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