Chapter 11: Lost Then Found

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All eyes go straight to 'Anastasia' with mad eyes with confusion crawling across them.

"Your Vic. Where's the real Anastasia?" The Queen asks Vic.

"Somewhere. Somewhere you won't find her." Vic replies. 

                           BOOM!!!! BOOM!!!!!!!!!! BOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The ground vibrates slightly when Cora slowly sneaks up behind Vic and traps her between her hands. "I got her!" Cora yells with excitement.

"She's a Clockwork Fairy, so she can shape shift. Only evil magic can do that. Our kind, the Proximity Fairies, can heal, repair, and locate things. The real Anastasia, her kind can bring things back to life and make them immortal. All fairy powers tie together." The Queen explains. 

"So what!? I shape shifted! This is a free country!" Vic struggles in Cora's clutch.

We throw Vic into the holding cell, when her body breaks apart into billions of atoms, then recollect into a body to look like herself again.

"Arianibell. Find Anastasia." The Queen orders Arianaibell.

So what happened was that we did meet the real Anastasia, but only for like a second. Then, when we took our eyes off her, Vic switched herself with Anastasia. 

Arianibell lowers herself onto the ground, gets onto one knee, then pushes off and goes up about 20 meters into the air. Through the leaves, a bright yellow light streams through and covers the ground. Her eyes are gold and her hair floats like their's no gravity. She starts spinning like a top, then stops and faces east. "She's in the Oak tree. Squirrel hole. Clockwork Fairy tree. She's being guarded." Arianibell says with a voice that makes it sound like she's being controlled.

I grab a few large rocks that were scattered around the willow and head east. After walking a few meters, i find the Oak tree. So i won't be seen, I duck behind the trunk of a maple right next to the oak. Taking one of the rocks i found, i throw it like a professional baseball player at one of the guards. The rock knocks down the first guard who falls to the ground unconscious.I hit the next guard a little harder and he tumbles on top of the other guard i knocked out. Awarre of the fairies in the tree above me, i crawl over to the hole in the oak. I look and see what's inside.


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