Chapter 7-Going on tour and our first show

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George Ragan (Johnny 3 Tears) age 27

Jordon Terrell (Charlie Scene) age 23

Jorel Decker (J-Dog) age 24

Dylan Alvarez (Funny Man) age 22

Matthew Busek (Da Kurlzz) age 26

Aron Erlichman (Deuce) age 26

Catlin Wayne (Cat Voice) age 21


Jorel POV (J-Dog)

Me and Cat were writing a new song but she seams to be in a good mood "everything alright Kitty?" I asked as she snapped out of it "umm nothing" Cat said going back to writing "are you sure?" I asked again, she stops writing and lets out a sigh "do you ever think....never mind" Cat said, I placed my hand on her shoulder "Cat you can tell me anything" I said as she nods "it's not that I don't trust Dylan but I feel like he could leave me at any point" Cat said, it does make sense for Cat to be feeling like this, Dylan has been a bit distant from her but I'm sure he doesn't mean it "Cat you know Dylan loves you" I said "I know but deep know what I'm just tired forget about it" Cat said "I'll make you some coffee" I said getting up and walking to the kitchen then I heard Cat phone ringing "hello" Cat said as I slightly listen while making coffee "right.....seriously fuck....look I'm going on tour so call me if he around.....yes I know....I'll bring the meds.....jeez I cant deal with's taken eleven year to get him off my tracks.....well it doesn't make sense how he could have found me but I will escape from him.....that's a promise I made and you made the same one" then Cat started crying, I wanted to step in but she'll know I was listening "I know.....I know thanks....bye" Cat hung up and the coffee was ready and I need to walk in pretending I didn't hear anything, I poured the coffee but added some Vodka in my coffee.

I brought the mugs into the room but pulled a shock face when I saw Cat crying "Kitty what's wrong?" I asked "I know you were listening" she chuckles wiping her tears as I sat down and placed the mugs on the table, I couldn't let her cry and at this point I don't care if she with Dylan, she needs comforting so I pulled her into a hug as she hugs back "thank you...that's all I need" Cat said as I nodded "you can tell me anything" I said as Cat moved away from the hug "I think it's time one of the guys know....the truth is I'm" Cat started but then someone busts the door open and it was Dylan looking worried "babe what's wrong" Cat said standing up as Dylan walks up to her pulling her into a hug "I'm so sorry" Dylan mumbled, he hunched a bit since he was taller then her "what do you mean?" Cat said clearly confused but I had a feeling he done something "I'm been showing you no affection, I've been keeping my distant from you, I've been leaving you alone when I said I would be by your side....Cat I'm so sorry I just wanted to keep our relationship like we wanted that I just got lost, I promise I wont leave you alone when you needed me" Dylan said as I let out a sigh of relief glad nothing has happen and he just misses her "oh Dylan I've felt the same way" Cat cried with joy jumping to his level wrapping her legs around him so she could cuddle on his neck as Dylan held her closer, it was good that he came to her to know when he was missing her that Dylan could express his love this way, instead of hiding it he go for it "babe I love you" Dylan said smiling like a mad man "I love you too" Cat said but then Dylan realised I was here "oh sorry" Dylan said as Cat climbs down from her tall boyfriend "it's fine we were just working on a new song anyway" I said "can I join you both?" Dylan asks looking at me then Cat "sure" I said as Cat and Dylan walked back to the couch "so Cat have you written so far?" I asked her as Cat got her book and passed it to me "it's not my best" Cat said "no Cat this is good, it's needs more and we've got a start" I said as Cat smiles, she really is a good writer and when we added more songs for Swan Songs, Cat had written "Young" along with George and Aron but I have to say Cat takes more credit for song, she does struggle writing a whole song by her self but with a second hand she fine, she writes better with me or George, but she works a lot better with Matt, it's not her it's Matt he just has trouble talking to her without offending her, Aron never wants to work with her, Dylan I don't think those two want to because their style of writing doesn't match, Jordon and Cat agree on how a song should be written, I don't think I've seen them work on a song but that from my point of view, you know Cat only known us for three years and we've known each other for longer so I make sure I understand Cat and how she is with the others so there no problem, I still cant get Aron so stop being rude to her, good thing the rest of the guys were fine with her from the start "your really starting to write like us" I said as she smiles "I just learn from the best" Cat said "what's the new song called?" Dylan asks "were thinking about calling "Dove and Grenade" but were not sure" I said "let me see what you got" Dylan said as I passed Cat book and mine and both of ours "I think it suits the title" Dylan said.

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