Chapter 17-End of the road part 2

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George Ragan (Johnny 3 Tears) age 28

Jordon Terrell (Charlie Scene) age 24

Jorel Decker (J-Dog) age 25

Dylan Alvarez (Funny Man) age 23

Matthew Busek (Da Kurlzz) age 27

Aron Erlichman (Deuce) age 27

Catlin Wayne (Cat Voice) age 22

The next morning

Catlin (Cat Voice) POV

Someone opened the curtains letting the sunlight through, in the process was burning my eyes, I let out a groan and slowly waking up rubbing my eyes to see Matt had opened the curtains "bastard" I mumbled as he turns to look at me "well now your awake" Matt smiles as I shook my head and climbed out of bed "since you woke me up, I get the bathroom" I yelled closing the bathroom door and locking it "sure it's all yours" Matt yells back, I get into the shower and turned it on letting the water run through my hair but I notice yellow water was running through "shit" I mumbled, I turned it off and reached for my shampoo to keep my hair colour the same but it seams the colour was fading, they did tell me after years of dying it would make it difficult to return it to it's original colour, once the coloured water stopped, I cleaned myself and turned the water off, getting out of the shower grabbing a towel to dry my hair and get another one to wrap around my body catching a glimpse of my new tattoo(the picture) on my waist, I got it while I was away in Florida, I wrapped the towel but just remember I didn't bring any cloths in here and Matt was still outside, I walked over to the door opening it slightly "Matt I'm coming out could you look away" I said "sure" Matt said I poked my head to see he had covered his eyes "okay keep them closed" I said walking out but noticing Matt was lying on his bed face flat on the pillow "what are you doing?" I asked confused "I told you I wasn't going to look so I'm not looking" Matt explained lifting his head up but stares at a wall "okay I'll just be a minute" I said grabbing my cloths and going back into the bathroom "can I look now" Matt yells "yes" I said getting ready, once I was ready I walked out but stopped when I saw Matt was taking his top off, Matt notice but smirks "like what you see" Matt smirked as I rolled my eyes "just get ready, were meeting the guys for breakfast" I said turning around looking away "you liked it" Matt said "I may be single but I'm not looking to date for a while" I said "alright I'm not going to question you" Matt said.

Jorel (J-Dog) POV

All of us were sitting at a table at the hotel breakfast buffet "hey aren't we missing Matt and Cat" Jordon said but then we see Matt and Cat coming "sorry were late" Cat said "we were wondering where you two were?" Jordon said with a smirk "my hair was fading it's colour so I had to be careful not to ruin the towels" Cat said "now that I look at it, it has faded a lot" I said picking a strand of her hair taking a look "yep it looks awful" Cat said "it doesn't look that bad" George said as I let go of her hair "I guess it's not that bad" Cat mumbled "right let's enjoy some breakfast" Jordon said as all of us besides Cat get's up to the buffet "Cat aren't you going to eat?" I asked looking back at her "oh no I'm not hungry" Cat said as I gave her a confused look then turned back to get some food with the guys "isn't Cat going to eat?" George asked me "I asked her but she said she wasn't hungry" I explained "so what don't ask her just give her the fucking food" Jordon jumped in with bread roll stuff in his mouth, I'm surprise I could understand him with that stuffed in his mouth "alright hey Dylan what would Cat eat?" I asked him "well she likes fruit like an apple or orange but she likes anything" Dylan explained as I nodded and just grabbed an apple and some French toast, bring it back I placed the plate on in front of Cat "Jay why did you get me food?" Cat asked "cause your not starving yourself under our watch" I said pinching her cheek making her slap my hand "don't do that" she smiles "we're family and family look after each other" I said going back to get some food for myself but then I'm still thinking why the thought of Matt and Cat sharing a room surprises me so much, so I see Matt and walked up to him "hey Jorel what's up?" Matt asked while picking out some food "hey I've been wondering how your feeling about sharing a room with Cat?" I asked, I'am worried about Cat but that's cause Vanessa tells me that she was always on her own when she wasn't around, I forgot to mention me and Vanessa are a couple, I'm planning to tell everyone today I wanted to wait the right time cause I want all my friends here, even though Aron not here I can't wait any longer "well besides having to be careful when we're changing, she actually nice to share a room with" Matt said "really look I know it's been a while since your last girlfriend" I said "yeah, but don't worry I only see Cat as a friend like you do but not in a relationship way" Matt said "also I didn't mean to bring that up" I said as Matt looked at me "Jay it's been two years, I'm over it" Matt said as I let out a smile and got my food walking back to the table with Matt, once all of us were sitting down now was the time to tell the news "guys there something I want to say" I said as everyone looked at me "go on tell us" Jordon jumps in "me and Vanessa are titled a couple" I said and I saw Cat jaw dropped "dude congrats" George said patting my shoulder "dude I knew you two were seeing each other but this spells something else" Dylan said "just wished Aron was here to know about this" I said letting out a sigh "I'm sure you'll get to tell him" Cat said "your too nice to people even to a prick like Aron" George said looking at Cat "he may have been not the nicest person to me but he still part of this family" Cat said if she wasn't hanging out with guys like us she would have been crowned the queen of Angels but no we're the undead and she the queen of Devils "you can't change our little Angels" Jordon said messing Cat hair as she slaps his hand "enough with my hair leave it alone" Cat said I do wonder if when she does meet someone will she be more happy, it really depends on the person could make her happy.

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