Chapter 14-Ending it all

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George Ragan (Johnny 3 Tears) age 27

Jordon Terrell (Charlie Scene) age 23

Jorel Decker (J-Dog) age 24

Dylan Alvarez (Funny Man) age 22

Matthew Busek (Da Kurlzz) age 26

Aron Erlichman (Deuce) age 26

Catlin Wayne (Cat Voice) age 21

~During the party~

Jordon (Charlie Scene)

"dude this sucks, I barely feel like drinking" I moaned placing my face on the table "why you love drinking?" Jay asked we were both sitting at the bar while the others were doing what ever the fuck they want "I'm worried about Cat, she was really upset" I admitted, seeing Cat cry was so hard not to be worried about "dude stop worrying about Cat, she fine with George" Jay said trying to give me his beer "fine just give me the fucking bottle" I said taking the bottle "that what I'm talking about" Jay said as I chugged the bottle "where are the others?" I asked as Jay got me another bottle "Aron passed out in the bathroom, Matt probably fucking some random chic but Dylan I don't know" Jay said as I shook my head "how did you lose him" I said "I was here with you" Jay said "alright let's go and look for him" I said dragging myself off the stool with Jay following me, we spent hours looking for Dylan but no luck we found Aron and Matt but still no Dylan "have we tried the bathroom" Matt suggested "good point let's try there" Jay said as we walked to the bathroom but when we got there we heard moaning "you don't think" I said "only one way to find out" Jay said we opened the door to have our eyes widen, Dylan had a girl pinned a girl to the wall and was kissing her and we could tell he was using his tongue "DYLAN FUCKING ALVAREZ" I shouted and straight away Dylan pulled away from the girl and she ran away since she saw our pissed off faces "oh hey guys" Dylan said acting like nothing happened, I didn't bother saying anything, he'd gone far so I just turned around and started storming back to the bus "wait Jordon where are you going?" Dylan asked as the guys followed me, he asked again but I ignored him, until we close to the bus and Dylan caught up with me and stopped me by grabbing my shoulder "I'm telling your girlfriend what all of us just saw" I said pointing my finger on his chest " you cant tell Cat" Dylan said franticly "oh you don't want me to tell her we just saw you fucking cheating on Cat" I said turning back around "Jordon get your fucking ass back here" Dylan yelled "no you've fucking done it this time" I yelled back grabbing the door to the bus swinging it open there no going back.

"and that's what happened" I explained as Cat stared at me with tears coming out, she wiped her eyes and turned around walking away I felt like a horrible person for telling her but she had to know, I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't know Dylan got out of Matt and Jay grip and rushed past me, he grabs Cat wrist and turning her around pulled her into hug "Cat please I'm so sorry...please....please forgive me" Dylan begged crying "Dylan let go of me" Cat said pushing him but he pulled her into a tighter hug "not until you forgive me" Dylan said crying holding Cat "Dylan just please let go of me....your hurting me" Cat said wincing as if she was in pain, without noticing I didn't notice that Dylan was still holding Cat wrist....he was tighten his grip on her wrist "Cat she meant nothing to me.....I love you and only you" Dylan said "no I cant trust, you kissed someone else how could you....were over" Cat said but Dylan wasn't letting go of her "no were not....please Cat" Dylan said but our main problem was that he was hurting her, and like that George grabs Dylan but he was being stubborn I had to step in, finally we got Dylan off her and Jay pushed Dylan so he could project Cat "Cat are you okay?" Jay asked as Cat winced holding her wrist as we held Dylan back Jay saw that Cat wrist was badly bruised "you fucking bastard" Jay turned around making Dylan get out of our grip but Jay punched him straight in the face knocking him over "take her outside" I said as Jay took outside but straight away we could hear crying, "she just got over what happen now this fuck sakes" I said scratching the back of my neck "let's lock him in the private room" George suggested as I agreed and all of us grab Dylan dragging him to the private room locking him in it "wonder how Cat is?" Matt asked sounding worried "don't worry Jay got this" I said "good thing were going home tomorrow" George said "well maybe we should keep him in there until we find somewhere for Cat to be" I suggested "but who can she stay with?" Matt asked "well actually Jay deciding to move out" Aron joins in "really how come?" I asked "my girlfriend is moving in and turns out Jay wanted to move as well so it was good timing" Aron explained "is there enough space for Cat?" George asked "I'll ask Jay" Aron said "but what about Cat stuff?" I brought up "one of us will go over to Dylan house and pick up her stuff" George said "okay we should discuss the rest with Jay" I said as all of us let out a sigh.

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