Chapter 21-Meeting Danny

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George Ragan (Johnny 3 Tears) age 28

Jordon Terrell (Charlie Scene) age 24

Jorel Decker (J-Dog) age 25

Dylan Alvarez (Funny Man) age 23

Matthew Busek (Da Kurlzz) age 27

Daniel Murillo (Danny) age 27

Catlin Wayne (Cat Voice) age 22

the next day

Catlin (Cat Voice) POV

I finally got out of the hospital and we were going to meet our new member, all of us were sitting in the living room of the bus and Jorel wanted to clear the tension in the bus "now guys I know were still getting over what happen but we need to focus on tour" Jorel said "he right and we shouldn't feel awkward when Daniel gets here, we should make him feel welcome" Jordon said and I couldn't agree more with him "Cat their still that offer for you be the front women if you want it" Jorel looked at me, I could still see all the problems ahead of me if I take the roll the fans they'll think it's my fault that Deuce was kicked out, and what could be worse if I'm not careful he could find I could never let him find me......that'll put everyone I love in danger "Cat" Jordon shook my shoulder as I snapped out of my thoughts "oh right.....I still prefer to be where I am, but maybe we could team up" I admitted "mmmh I guess it's a good combo Daniel and Catlin" George said "they could be like twins" Dylan said chuckling "well that's going to confuse the fans" I said "then it settled we welcome Daniel" Jorel said "fuck yes" the rest of us said a besides Matt the rest of the guys left to do their thing "how your head" Matt asked me joining me on the couch "it's fine" I said kissing his cheek as he smiles wraps his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to him as I rested my face on his shoulder "good" Matt said as I smiled "you know you nearly gave me a heart attack" Matt whispered as I lifted my had looking at him "I'm sorry" I said as he turned his head to look at me "as long as your okay then I'm not worried" Matt said smiling then leans in pressing his lips on mine as I kissed back, Matt places his hand behind my head holding me closer to him as I placed my hand on his cheek "man you two really are a couple" both of us jumped pulling apart with both of us blushing we looked to see Jordon coming "well duh we are dating" Matt said as I giggled "I know but I still find it weird" Jordon said "your just jealous" Matt said making me roll my eyes "whatever" Jordon said then we heard knocking on the door as I lifted my head, Jorel comes out of his bunk walking over to the door and opens the door "Daniel" he said giving the guy a hug honestly I'm nervous about meeting him but I'm sure he not like Aron at all, he walks in he has brown hair and brown eyes and a well built body "everyone this is Daniel he going to be taking over for Aron" Jorel said "hi I'm Daniel but you can call me Danny and I'm really excited about being here" Daniel said "right Danny over there is Catlin aka Cat Voice, next to her is Matthew aka Da Kurlzz, across him is Jordon aka Charlie Scene over there is George and Dylan aka Johnny 3 Tears and Funny Man, I'm J-dog" Jorel pointed to each of us "so they weren't kidding when they said a girl was in this band" Daniel said looking at me as I smiled making him smile back, Jorel offers him a seat as he sat next to Jordon "so Danny were going to venue today and do some rehearsals do you know the songs?" Jorel asked "yeah when I got the call I couldn't help but listen to your music to practise" Daniel said seaming excited "we do have other songs if you'd like to learn them now" Jorel said as Daniel nodded "see I told you he perfect for the band" George said smacking Jorel back as he rolls his eyes "babe I'm going to my bunk you want to join me?" Matt asked "nah I'm good" I said as Matt nodded and got up walking to his bunk, when he was gone I got up "oh Cat would you mind throwing this out" Jordon said passing me his pack of cigarettes "yeah" I said walking out of the bus.

Daniel (Danny) POV

I was so happy to be here with some of my friends and getting to join a great band and I get to make some new friends but something was wrong with Catlin I could feel it "hey something wrong" Jordon said as I turned my attention to him "well is Catlin okay?" I asked "oh Cat she fine, she just nervous since she got out of hospital yesterday" Jordon said as my eyes widen "if you don't mind me asking why was she in hospital?" I asked as Jordon let out a sigh "well when we told Aron he fucked up, he punched her in the face and some how hit her a second time" Jordon said as my face dropped she got hit in the face just because the guys told him he was kicked out "wow" I mumbled "don't worry Cat a strong person" Jordon said after a while Catlin still hasn't come back, the guys were smoking pot in the private room so I went to look for Catlin when I got outside I caught her smoking she saw me and her eyes widen dropping the cigarette "Catlin" I said shocked since she didn't seam like a smoker, she puts her hands in her pocket stepping on the cigarette "your not going to tell Matt are you?" Catlin asked what's Matt got to with it, is he her boyfriend or something then again they do seam like a couple from when I walked in "does he know?" I asked "no.....he doesn't and I don't want him to know, although he smokes he would never want me to smoke" Catlin said "I wont tell him" I said smiling "how long have you been smoking?" I asked "about a month, I get Jordon pack which always has one left since he forgets so I smoke when ever he asks me to throw it away" Catlin explained "okay don't worry I wont tell him anything" I said "thanks" Catlin said "no problem Catlin" I said as I turned around "hey Danny" Catlin said as I looked back "its Cat you don't have to call me Catlin" Cat said "got that" I said walking back "hey where'd you go off to" Jordon said "oh I was nowhere" I said "hey have any of you guys seen Cat" Matt said I wanted to tell him she was outside in case she was still smoking "here" Cat said running over to him "where were you?" Matt asked "just getting some air" Cat said giving him a kiss as he kisses back but he pulls back "man I gotta lay off the smoking" Matt said wiping his mouth "its fine" Cat said as he wraps his arm around her kissing her cheek "I'll smoke less" Matt said.

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