Chapter 8-Day two on tour

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George Ragan (Johnny 3 Tears) age 27

Jordon Terrell (Charlie Scene) age 23

Jorel Decker (J-Dog) age 24

Dylan Alvarez (Funny Man) age 22

Matthew Busek (Da Kurlzz) age 26

Aron Erlichman (Deuce) age 26

Catlin Wayne (Cat Voice) age 21

Catlin POV (Cat Voice)

My mind was blank, I'd always thought Aron was just being himself but lately he been so rude and he really wants me out of the band now I don't know what to do, I didn't go back to the bus I just sat in an ally trying to clear my mind but it started raining but heavily, my hair was getting drenched from the rain so I pulled my hoodie over my head wrapping my arms around my self humming to myself, the rain was always a peaceful time for me, all the sounds of the world was covered by the rain then I started singing random "I don't I don't mind.....I don't mind the rain....the simple things and subtleties...they always stay the same...I don't mind...that I don't mind, no...I don't mind the a widow's heart....we fall apart....but never fade away" I sang to myself, then pulled my knees closer to my chest resting my chin on my knees "I guess I'm alone again" I mumbled listening to the rain.

Aron POV (Deuce)

I'm so fucking pissed off, I'll show them those fucking asshole not to piss me off, I speed walk back to the bus and yanked the door open "now listen here" I yelled walking in but something wasn't right "Cat" I yelled but nothing, I searched the bus and it was empty "has Cat not come back to the bus" I thought, I would have thought I'd be smiling but I'm not, I just have a straight face "why am I not happy about this, she gone" I thought, then I heard footsteps coming and I turned around to find the guys here "where is she" Dylan said "I don't know probably wondered off like she always does" I said folding my arms but this time Dylan punched me "wondered off....she didn't wondered off, you scared her off" Dylan yelled as I held my nose which started bleeding "I didn't do anything" I growled but that caused Dylan to punch me again this time knocking me to the ground, I tried getting up "oh here let me help you" Dylan said sarcastically grabbing my shirt and helping me up but only to keep on punching me in the face "you are such a fucking asshole" Dylan said as I punched him back trying to defend myself so this became a fist fight as both me and Dylan were punching each other finally George and Jorel stepped in, George was holding Dylan and Jorel was holding me but both of us were still trying to grab each other.

Jordon POV (Charlie Scene)

Dylan and Aron had finally finished their fist fight but their still glaring at each other so I decided while the guys were dealing with Dylan and Aron, I decided to go looking for Cat since it was raining, once I was outside the bus I was thinking my options, first I got my phone out and phoned Cat, she cant have gone far, then I heard a faint ringtone which sounded a lot like Cat "I knew she couldn't have gone far" I mumbled walking to where I hear the sound, when I got to an ally I could hear it much better, I hung my phone putting it back in my pocket and walking through the ally until I saw someone on the ground, I recognised the body shape and I knew it was Cat, I walked to the figure and sat down next to her "you mind telling me why your out here in the rain" I asked "I don't mind the rain" Cat mumbled not looking at me "come on, let's go back, Dylan already been in a fight" I said as Cat lifted her head finally looking at me "okay" she said with a slight smile as both of us got up but I notice she was soaking wet "shit we better get you back in" I said putting my hoodie on Cat then both of us rushed back to the bus "guys get Cat some towels" I yelled as Matt nodded and I help Cat take her soaking hoodie off her as she starts shivering a bit, then I Matt comes with a towel "here" Matt said as I placed it around Cat "thanks" Cat shutters, the door burst open and a beat up Dylan came and as soon as he saw Cat he didn't hesitate to bury her in a hug "I was worried about you" Dylan said "I'm sorry" Cat said hugging him back "just don't go anyway on your own again" Dylan said "I promise" Cat said, they broke from the hug and Dylan left then came back with a towel "your hair is soak" Dylan mutters drying her hair with the towel but what's funny is Cat blushing and just staring at him "Cat your blushing" I whispered making Cat snap out of her daze "sorry" Cat said lowering her head making Dylan smile "there no need to apologize" Dylan smiles and finished drying her hair "come on we've had a long day, let's get some sleep" I said as everyone nodded.

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